Picture Perfect - Page 178

“They need to pay for everything they’ve done, not just to me, but to everyone they’ve hurt.” My voice doesn’t waver; it’s lined with steel, a testament to the strength I’ve had to forge in fire.
Mason’s jaw sets, and I see the same resolve that has always made him an adversary no one wishes upon themselves. “And they will. You have my word.”
His word is a vow, a sacred oath spoken within these walls that have seen us through our darkest times. We’re not just a family by blood or name; we’re bound by the battles we’ve fought together, and this is one we won’t concede.
I feel Dre’s arm tighten around me. Chess’ hand finds the back of my neck as Saint leans over and presses his forehead to my temple. His voice is a low rumble, vibrating through his chest and into my ear, grounding me. “It’s going to be over soon, Princess.”
“Over?” The word tastes like a fantasy, too sweet to be real.
“Completely,” he insists. His dark eyes lock onto mine, a solemn vow reflected in their depths. “And when it is, we’re taking a long honeymoon. Just us, away from all… this.” His gesture encompasses the room, the house—our complicated lives.
“Sounds perfect,” I breathe out, allowing myself a moment to bask in the image of turquoise waters and unbroken horizons with Saint, Dre, and Chess, my chosen family.
“Perfect doesn’t even begin to cover it,” Saint replies, pressing a kiss to my forehead before turning towards Mason, who’s just re-entered the room with a stack of documents that seems to never end.
Mason sets them down on the nearest surface with a sigh, the papers cascading across the table like a waterfall of potential clues. “We’ve gathered as much information as we can. Presented any evidence we found, but…” He trails off, frowning at the mountain of paper as if it personally offended him. “We might be missing something. Can you look through it, see if anything stands out?”
I nod, unsure I’ll be much help.
There’s too much to shuffle through here, so I grab the stack and head toward the war room.
It’s chilly, a stark contrast to the warmth of Dre’s arms I left behind. Mason flicks on the overhead lights, and they hum to life, casting a clinical glow over the conference table at the back that’s soon littered with papers.
I start sifting through the papers, each one a story, a secret, a potential key to our freedom. Financial statements, legal briefs, email correspondences—they slip through my fingers one by one. Most of it makes little sense to me. I was so far removed from the Winthrop’s business, I’m not sure I’ll be able to offer anything of value. But, there’s something here, hidden in the ink and paper, and I’m determined to unearth it.
“Anything?” Saint asks after a while, his presence a solid warmth at my back.
“Still looking,” I mutter. My gut tells me there’s a thread here we haven’t pulled yet, something crucial that’s evading our grasp. I’ve been under the Winthrops’ thumbs for so long, but no more. The thought of unraveling their empire of lies and cruelty fills me with a fierce determination.
“Take your time,” Mason encourages. “We’ll get to the bottom of this, Addy. Together.”
My eyes scan the text, numbers, and signatures, but it’s like chasing shadows—until one entry stops me cold.
“Primal Meats,” I read aloud, the words leaving my tongue with an acidic taste. The memory surges forward unbidden: Wesley, with his sneer and cruel jibe about me being a prime cut of beef. Then William, his voice oily with satisfaction, saying the deal was done and he wanted his cut. Disgust crawls along my spine. “I don’t… I don’t think this is actually a meat company.”
Mason leans in, his expression darkening as he peruses the transaction details. “If you think this is it,” he presses, his tone low.
I tap the paper, feeling a chill despite the closeness of the room. “It… might be nothing, but Wesley and William… they said things. And none of it felt like it was really about meat.”
“Like what?” Chess’s voice is a low growl, protective instinct lacing every syllable.
“Comments, offhand remarks that didn’t add up unless… unless there’s more to this company than what’s on the surface.” I can’t help the shudder that courses through me. “It’s not just a meat company; I’m sure of it.”
“We’ll dig into this. If there’s dirt to be found, we’ll find it.”
I nod, feeling the leaden weight of dread in my stomach. But it’s not enough; I know it like I know the scars I’ve hidden under layers of clothing and smiles. There’s a tempest within me, secrets colliding, ready to spill over.
But, nothing is resolved. Not really.
Their search might turn up nothing. Or, it might take too long to find what we need. The room feels like it’s closing in on us as the weight of our situation bears down. My fingertips are numb, my heart is a drumbeat in my chest, and there’s a sense of urgency that I can’t shake.
“Listen,” I start, hesitating only for a heartbeat before the resolve hardens within me. “There’s… something else. Evidence.”
The trio of eyes snap to me, each reflecting a cocktail of concern and wariness.
“Look,” I start, swallowing hard against the knot in my throat. “I always knew this might happen. That’s why I prepared for it.”
“Prepared how?” Chess stops pacing and stares at me, hazel eyes sharp.