Realm of Monsters - Chapter 551: Aleirune

Holo closed her eyes in reminiscence, “Father tried, many times, but Aleirune never answered. One day, he just stopped. That’s when he founded the Mortem Order.”
“When the Mother of Gods is silent, the Calamity will rain ruin on the land,” Melantha recited quietly.
Stryg cocked his head to the side, “Um, so is it weird if I spoke to her a few days back?”
Melantha and Holo stared at him wide-eyed. “What?”
Melantha shook her head. “That’s not possible.”
Stryg shrugged uncomfortably. “It was only for a moment, but she told me her name was Aleirune.”
Holo narrowed her eyes curiously. “Tell us exactly what happened.”
“Well, I uh, I was walking through the trees in Vulture Woods and I sat down to meditate. I closed my eyes and then I heard the music.”
“Music? What music?” asked Holo.“I’m not sure, a song, I guess.”
Melantha furrowed her brow. “A song in the middle of the forest?”
“The song of the forest. You know, the notes whispered in the air, spoken through the roots of the trees.” Stryg ran his fingers across the grassy hill underneath him, “I can barely hear it here and only when I focus.”
Melantha and Holo glanced at each other and shared a pensive look.
Holo cleared her throat, “Tell me, Stryg, what else did you hear?”
He closed his eyes and lay down on the grass, arms stretched wide. “Everything. The river. The earth. The wind. It all felt natural, like it belonged, except for the people.”
“The people?” Holo asked.
“Yeah. Their notes are different, they don’t belong in the melody. They’re all dissonant. Except for hers. Her melody was there before the rest; the base of the song, as if all the other notes were built upon it. Her voice was beautiful, but it felt…” ꞦΆŊȯβËS
“Felt like what?”
“It felt like she was in pain. And when I realized that I saw her. She was hiding behind a veil, like a window shattered into a thousand colorful shards. She told me I wasn’t ready, that I shouldn’t go to Hollow Shade.”
“She warned you not to come here?” Melantha whispered. “She actually spoke to you…”
“I barely spoke to her, her song faded away quickly,” he sighed. “She told me I’d find her again, then she was gone…”
“You’ve heard this song before?” asked Holo.
“Yeah. It felt so familiar. It’s harder to hear within the city, but when I’m here, it’s a little easier.”
“And in Vulture Woods?”
“I can close my eyes and it’s right there. Can’t you hear it?”
Holo smiled bittersweetly, “No, I can’t.”
Melantha cocked her eyebrow. “You never thought to question the fact that you can hear a song that others cannot?”
Stryg shrugged, “I dunno, it just felt like I wasn’t supposed to?”
“What do you mean?” Melantha asked suspiciously.
“I’m not sure,” he said slowly. “I think someone told me not to, but I can’t remember. It’s like a dream, where you have a feeling but you just can’t picture it.”
Holo sighed deeply, “What you heard is the Song of the World Soul. It is the voice of Aleirune, the song she sang when she brought life into the land. Its notes still echo throughout nature to this day. Or so the legends say.”
“There have been few beings in existence who could hear the song,” said Melantha. “It’s not a skill you learn, it’s a blessing you’re born with.”
“A blessing from whom?” asked Stryg.
“Aleirune herself,” replied Holo. “She hasn’t bestowed such a blessing on anyone in over a thousand years. There are none left who can hear her song, save you. I wonder… Perhaps your twin hearts aren’t a fluke after all.”
“You’re saying Aleirune had something to do with his hearts?”
“You think it’s a coincidence that the one being who has managed to possess not only chaotic elemental energy and a full range of chromatic colors happens to also be blessed by Aleirune?” asked Holo.
“But if that’s true, then the implications alone… hm, I have a lot to think about,” muttered Melantha.
“Agreed. In the meanwhile,” Holo smiled, “I think it’s time you properly meet our family.”
“Your family?” asked Stryg uncertainly.
“No, our family.” Holo grabbed his arm and pulled him to his feet.
…Hollow Shade, Central District, Katag Manor…
“Lady Veres. A word, if you please,” said Evelyn Katag.
Elise stepped out from behind Lynette Gale and broke into a confident smile. “Gladly.”
Evelyn whispered a few words to her husband before leading Elise and Lynette out of the main hall. Lord Krall turned his attention to calming down his guests and ordering the guards to stand down. Lucas carried Tauri to the infirmary, Niko trailing behind.
Elise found herself in Evelyn’s private chambers, the walls lined with enchantments to prevent eavesdropping. She took a seat at a small table and watched calmly as Evelyn paced across the room. Lynette stood in the corner, silently watching their exchange.
“Something on your mind, old friend?” asked Elise with a languid posture.
“Friend?” Evelyn turned on her with a snarl. “What was that out there!? You told me you were going to tear Stryg down. But instead, you have your hound point her sword at my son! What’s worse, you did publicly it in front of dozens of nobles. You may have just caused a war between both our houses, all for the sake of ‘protecting’ Stryg. You escalated a situation that we could have resolved peacefully. What were you thinking!?” She threw her hands up in frustration, “What happened to the woman who said she would stop at nothing to regain her place on the Veres Throne.”
“Did I?” she asked innocently.
Evelyn stopped in her steps. “What?”
“Do you remember what you called me earlier tonight?”
“…I said you are a spider queen.” Her amber eyes widened, “I asked you if I was a part of your web tonight… you never gave me an answer.”
“Well, it seems now you have it.”
“This was your plan all along…?” Evelyn muttered shakily. “You lied to me. You manipulated me. You wanted me to be on my guard, no, you wanted me to be against you. Why?”
“Not everything is a lie, old friend. Was I angry when I discovered that an outsider had taken my place as head of my family? Did I feel betrayed by the ones I held close? Of course, I did. Who wouldn’t?” Elise leaned her head back and stared at the ceiling, “But then I had some time to myself to think this afternoon. It allowed me to set aside my emotions, and see things with a different perspective.”
“And what perspective was that?”
“That to survive in our world, women like us must be willing and able to adapt.” Elise chuckled to herself, “It’s funny, years ago Callum came to me talking about a blue goblin he had met at the academy. I told my brother to befriend the talented blossoming mage, he’d serve as a powerful ally in the future. But Callum is too soft you see, he didn’t have the steel in his heart to ‘use’ his friend. I am not my brother.”
“You plan to use Stryg? And then what? You’ll strike him down like you did your family?”
“My family? I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she replied casually. “As for Stryg, no. Why would I want to hurt him?”
Evelyn narrowed her eyes. “So you’re content to let him just take the Veres Throne; all your power and glory, all of it?”
Elise’s expression grew cold. “I have no interest in something as self-damning as glory. Did you really think I grew tired of the obscurity of shadows? I have lived my entire life in the shadows, why would I want to leave now? The shadows have always served me well.”
“You seemed eager enough to take the position of Lady of your House,” she noted skeptically.
“You think I wanted to be Lady Veres so I could have a target painted on my back? What sort of imbecile would want that? It was simply a necessary risk that comes with the power, but now thanks to Stryg I don’t have to take that risk. He can take it for me.”
“You plan to use him then? He’ll find out soon enough and then he’ll kill you. It’s common practice among your family, isn’t it?” Evelyn taunted.
Elise laughed. “Only sometimes. But Stryg won’t ‘find out’ I plan to use him. I intend to tell him myself.”
“Why?” she asked warily.
“I believe you have a very gross misunderstanding of me. You think I am Stryg’s enemy, where in fact I am his most loyal ally. I want him to succeed, he must succeed.”
“Then why sabotage the dinner?”
Elise leaned back in her chair with a sly grin. “Like you, I have spies in many places, except mine are far better.”
She smirked wryly. “Is that right…?”
“Your House is young, whereas House Veres has stood for a thousand years and some. Our shadows stretch deeper in these lands than you know. Ever since Undergrowth, there were whispers of Tauri’s ‘closeness’ with Stryg. When I saw the way Elena looked at the pair at dinner I had confirmed it, as had Elena it seemed. At which point it was easy enough to prod at their insecurities with innocent questions. Honestly, I thought I would have to do so much more, but Elena made it easy.”
“You used my daughter.”
“Says the mother who forced her daughter into her engagement.”
“Why did you do all of this? You wanted Elena to oust Stryg in front of everyone? Embarrass him? Break up their betrothal?”
Elise smiled. “Nonsense. The engagement will continue, I will make sure of it. As for your House, I’m certain you and Krall will do the same.”
Evelyn crossed her arms. “Why would we?”
“Because you just announced your public support to the ‘Ebon Prince’ in front of an army of nobles. With only a few words, you’ve made enemies with so many other powers that be, that now you need our House as much as we need yours.”
“If you need us, then why antagonize Stryg and my daughters at all?”
“I didn’t, not really. I just couldn’t have you as Stryg’s confidante,” she answered calmly. “You see, perception is key. The way we perceive our allies and especially our— ‘enemies.’ Don’t you agree?”
“What are you saying?” Evelyn frowned. “Our Houses are allies now. We are his confidantes—” Evelyn’s eyes widened slowly in dawning realization. “That’s why you spoke to me before dinner. You wanted me to have my guard up… because if I did, then you would seem like my enemy… And if you came to Stryg’s aid then I would seem like his enemy.”
Elise rose to her feet, “Of course, we’re not truly enemies, my dear friend. Our families will soon be joined by marriage. But whereas before, Stryg may have relied on you and left himself open to your manipulations, now he will be more wary.”
“I was never going to manipulate him,” Evelyn frowned.
Elise rolled her scarlet eyes. “Oh, really? So you just happened to offer your most loyal daughter, Elena, to be his wife? It couldn’t have been because you wanted to have Elena whisper your plans into Stryg’s ear.”
Evelyn clenched her jaw, “You are wrong…”
“Then you won’t have any problem arranging for Tauri to marry Stryg instead then, hm? It’s not like Tauri loves Stryg enough to stand up against her own family and that she would put his well-being before your will and machinations.” Elise chuckled, “I mean, clearly Tauri and you haven’t had a difficult relationship over the years, right?”
“You think this is all so simple, huh?” Evelyn growled. “You think now that you have pushed my plans aside that you’ll be able to manipulate Stryg in whatever way you want?”
Elise shook her head. “There is no need to manipulate Stryg. We are family. I am of his blood. I will give him full support and in turn, he will do the same. I will guide his rise to power and help him take the royal throne of this city. And when he wields power over every House in Hollow Shade, who will he have to thank? Me.” Elise stretched her arms wide, “I will have the ear of the Ebon King, while still ruling as Lady of House Veres. No need for subterfuge.”
“You really thought this through. And here I thought we were friends,” Evelyn said dryly.
“Oh come now, of course we are friends. In the end, your family benefits from this as well. Your daughter will be the queen consort. I’m sure you and I will work well together in the coming days.”
Elise walked to the door.
“What do you want? What are you really after?” asked Evelyn.
“I have only ever wanted one thing. The power for Callum and I to live our lives in peace, without the threat of others hanging over me. Stryg will allow us to do that.”
“I don’t believe you.”
“Believe what you will.”
“Why are you telling me all of this? Why tell me your plans?”
“Because you asked me, of course.”
“…Am I still on your web? Are you only telling me these things to manipulate how I react in the future?”
Elise smiled warmly, “I’ll leave that up to you to decide.” She opened the door and walked out. Lynette gave a curt nod to Evelyn and followed after her mistress.
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