Realm of Monsters - Chapter 556: A Dangerous Ally

The smell of blood and berries wafted into Stryg’s nostrils. He inhaled deeply and caught another familiar scent carried on the wind.
“What’s the matter?” asked Feli.
He glanced at his wife standing next to him, arm locked with his. The morning rays filtered through her purple locks and cast a warm shadow over her face.
Her chestnut brown eyes stared at him curiously, “What is it?”
“You’re beautiful,” he said without thinking.
Her lips curled in a small smile. “Who are you and what have you done to my husband?”
Stryg blinked. “What?”
She leaned into him playfully. “You don’t compliment others often, but you haven’t stopped saying nice things ever since this morning.”
“Maybe I’m just happy to have you with me.”
“Hmm… It’s nice to go on a walk, just the two of us.” Feli glanced at the pair of Gale warriors following twenty paces away. “Well, almost.”“It’s a bit strange, isn’t it?” he noted.
“I know, right!” she exclaimed, then furtively glanced around before whispering, “There is always one of them close by. The other day I went to the bathroom and I thought I was alone, but when I came out a vampire was waiting right by the door!”
“The Gales take their guard duties very seriously.” Especially after he had somewhat ditched them last night, though he left out that last part.
“I know that. The Shields of Veres are legendary, but that’s just it. I grew up hearing stories about them, about their dangerous battles and famous escapades. But back then it was just stories, now it’s real, and I feel like I really shouldn’t be here.”
“Where else would you like to be?” Stryg stopped by one of the countless bushes planted across the gardens and plucked a pink flower.
Autumn would soon be upon them, most of these flowers should have wilted by now, but he knew one of the Gales infused their Green flora magic into these plants. Clypeus had told him as such. The gardens were vast and connected both the Veres and Gale manors. Even from here, he could see the dark imposing mansion of the Veres in the distance.
Stryg hadn’t stepped into the Veres manor ever since Clypeus’ passing. Callum would invite Stryg and their friends to his home and sometimes they’d spend their entire afternoons there. Not anymore.
The mansion was now Stryg’s home. His scarlet and ebon throne sat in its hall. Someday he would have to set foot in that place once more, but he knew it wouldn’t be the same, it would never be the same.
“You’re doing it again. Off somewhere else. Are you sure you’re alright?” Feli asked.
Stryg nodded and slipped the pink flower into her violet hair. “I’m fine. Don’t worry, really. I think for the first time in a long time I’m alright.”
“If you say so…”
“I do.” He grabbed her hand and led her through the gardens. He didn’t stop until they found themselves in front of the stables.
Though Rhian had her own rooms next to their own, she had been spending plenty of her time at the stables, chatting with the other centaurs. Stryg had given them their freedom, but the centaurs had nowhere to go. No land or home would welcome them in the Ebon Realm. They were more than welcome to stay in the Gale Manor if they wished and with nowhere else to go, they did, for now.
Carpenters had been hired to build a proper set of homes for the centaurs on the grounds, but with the ruined state of the Commoner and Trade Districts, their homes would have to wait until the reconstruction was complete, or at least habitable. Until then, servants had done their best to make the stables more accommodating.
Rhian couldn’t have been more excited to be able to talk to other centaurs, especially the warrior mounts of House Gale. Even now she was immersed in one of their stories as a male centaur demonstrated a combat maneuver he had used against a troll. For a moment, Stryg half-smiled at the glimmer of enthusiasm in her eyes, before he turned to the real reason he had come here.
A large clearing had been set aside next to the stables. Though the centaurs had been told of the beast it did little to calm their nerves from the giant frost wolf crunching bone in his maw.
The clearing was covered in red, some of it was crushed berries and other fruits, most of it was blood. The giant wolf’s black paws and lips were stained red. Not that he noticed. He was too busy gorging himself with another cart full of food when Stryg and Feli arrived.
“This is your pet…?” Feli asked dubiously.
“He isn’t a pet. He’s my friend. His name is Blueberry.”
At his name, Blueberry looked up and he barked happily before trotting up to Stryg. The goblin laughed as the wolf nudged his massive head into Stryg’s chest playfully. ř𝐀NОꞖЕS
“It’s good to see you.”
The frost wolf barked.
“I know, I told you, didn’t I? All the food you’d want. Leave some for me.”
Blueberry growled in a pout.
“I’m just joking, I have my own food.”
He barked in a low pitch.
“Hey! That’s my food, you can’t have any.”
Blueberry grumbled in a voice that sounded more like gravel.
“No, she’s not food. She’s my mate.” Stryg laughed and patted the wolf’s snout, “No you can’t eat her. Or the centaurs. What did I just say? No. …Fine, I’ll bring you a few casks of wine later, but don’t eat the servants. It’s already bad enough that you ate one of them.”
Feli glanced between the two with a mixture of fear and curiosity. “Can you… understand him?”
Stryg looked at her as if it was obvious. “Yeah.”
“Oh. Is that like a mage-thing?” she asked hesitantly.
“Mage-thing? What? No. It’s just a normal-thing.”
“Oh, sorry, I didn’t know talking to giant wolves was normal among goblins,” she said dryly.
Stryg furrowed his brow. “It’s not…” When had he learned to talk with Blueberry? He remembered the first time they met and the shock he felt when he realized the wolf cub could understand him. After that, he wasn’t sure.
“Good morning, cousin.”
Stryg whirled around and saw Elise walking over, Lynette in tow. He instinctively stepped in front of Feli. “What are you doing here?”
“I came to make sure you were alright, of course,” Elise smiled. She glanced at the black frost wolf, his icy blue eyes staring right back at her. Lynette silently moved closer to her side, hand hovering over her pommel.
Stryg hissed at the warrior’s action. Elise touched Lynette’s shoulder and the Gale reluctantly shifted her hand away from her sword. Blueberry ignored the entire interaction and stepped closer to Elise. She took a trembling step back, but only one. The frost wolf leaned close until his cold breath was on her skin, then he opened his jaw, fangs glistening with blood, and ran his tongue across her body in one giant lick. Satisfied with how she tasted, he turned back and continued devouring his food.
“My lady, are you alright?” Lynette asked urgently.
Elise looked herself over, her black dress now covered in bloody slime. She pulled out a handkerchief and wiped her face, “I’m… fine.”
Stryg had never seen Elise as anything but pristine, she had always taken care of appearing as a regal noble befitting her station, until now. He thought she’d be furious, but her eyes were filled with admiration as she stared at Blueberry. “The rumors don’t do them justice. He is magnificent.”
“He is a glutton,” said Stryg.
“He is amazing.”
“Blueberry?” Stryg furrowed his brow. Lunae was amazing. Her white fur glowed in the moonlight like burnished silver and her looming presence inspired anyone who saw her. In comparison, Blueberry was a bumbling idiot.
“Blueberry? Is that his name?” Elise whispered. “It seems underwhelming for a creature so great.”
“Yeah, well, I was only a kid,” Stryg huffed.
“You named him? Apologies, I meant no disrespect.”
“Like last night at the banquet?”
Elise broke into a smirk, “Last night was different. I meant disrespect. The Katags were overstepping their boundaries, I was protecting our interests.”
“Our interests?” Stryg cocked an eyebrow.
“Ahem, I’m gonna go talk with Rhian.” Feli bowed to Elise and Lynette, before squeezing Stryg’s hand and walking off.
“She’s a pretty one, even for a human,” Elise noted.
“Don’t touch her,” Stryg growled. He knew what most vampires thought of humans. Their blood was particularly tasty to them. In the eyes of a vampire, humans were just food or playthings, nothing more.
As if Elise could read his mind she smiled reassuringly and raised her hands, “Please, I’d never dream of it. I am not averse to your relationship with her. My father took a secondary wife who was human as well. How do you think Callum was born?”
Elise walked over to a nearby stone bench, sat down, and gestured for him to join her. With some reluctance, he did.
Elise kept her scarlet eyes on Blueberry, admiring the giant beast. “Many vampire Houses that have sworn fealty to us will disapprove of your relationship with ‘Feli’ as they did with my father and Callum’s mother. But I am not one of them.”
“And why is that?”
Elise tore her eyes away from Blueberry and met Stryg’s gaze. “I know you are sleeping with my cousin, Maeve.”
“How did you—?”
“I have my ways. I think in time you’ll find I am quite the advantageous ally. It’s good, by the way, your relationship with Maeve. Noble Houses often marry with one another to strengthen alliances and the power of the magic within their bloodline. Maeve is not only the head of House Mora, she is also the daughter of a Veres but distantly enough related that you two don’t have to worry about inbreeding, while still ensuring the loyalty of family. A good match.”
“As opposed to Feli who wasn’t born from a noble House whatsoever,” Stryg guessed.
Elise chuckled, “Many vampire nobles would see it that way. But unlike them, I understand.”
“Understand what?”
She raised her thumb, middle, and index fingers. “They say the Ashen queens marry three husbands. One out of duty. One out of love. And one out of lust. Only then will a queen’s mind not wander and fall into dangerous predicaments.”
Dangerous predicaments? “I don’t understand.”
“My point is that the pressures of ruling are greater than most realize. Everyone wants power, few know what it takes to wield it. Having those whom you can trust close to you can help ease that burden.”
“You mean someone like you?”
“I meant your lovers,” she chuckled. “But yes, having me by your side will also help.”
“Why would I want someone who insulted Clypeus’ memory by my side?” he growled.
“I am sorry for that, truly. I did not know your relationship with him,” she admitted.
“Not good enough.”
“I was never great at apologies,” she said wryly. “Though, neither it seems are you.”
“You stole my throne and had practically the entire Gale family betray me.”
“I didn’t… It wasn’t like that.”
Elise smiled smugly, “Fortunately for both of us, we don’t need each other for our abilities to apologize. You want to know why you want someone like me by your side? What do you know of the fate of Callum’s mother?”
“She died in childbirth. It’s common among hybrids,” he said slowly.
“That’s the common story. The truth is she was murdered in childbirth, by a Gale no less.”
Stryg narrowed his eyes. How much did she know?
“I know what you’re thinking, I do,” said Elise. “Gales would never betray a Veres, but you’d be surprised what someone might do under the right circumstances. Marcus Gale was loyal to my father, but he despised humans. Regina née Lilith, my father’s principal wife, and mother of his firstborn, was in agreement. She convinced Marcus to assassinate Callum’s mother to ‘help’ my father. You see, there were many who opposed my father’s marriage to a human. Marcus worried about what might happen to my father, so he did what Regina asked. After the deed was done, Regina had Marcus assassinated to cover up her crimes. That is what happens when you surround yourself with the wrong kind of people.”
“Why are you telling me this…?”
“For the same reason I told Callum. You see, when I discovered Regina’s treachery I took care of it.”
“You killed her?” he muttered.
“No, even better,” Elise smiled in satisfaction. “She is in my dungeon, waiting for her punishment. Just give the word and I’ll have her executed, or tortured, or her blood drawn for all days so that you can feed on her, I hear you enjoy drinking vampire blood. Whatever you prefer, really.”
“And how did you manage that?” he asked suspiciously. If she was the daughter of House Lilith and the wife of Lord Eldrin Veres, then she must have had power, moreso than any other Veres besides Eldrin.
“You’d be surprised at what I can manage. As I said, you’re going to want someone like me by your side. Someone willing to do anything to protect you and your own, and I do mean anything.”
“And why should I trust you?”
“Because whether you and I like it or not, our fates are now intertwined. Your mere existence as an Ebon Aspirant creates a threat to the power of others. Your enemies will stop at nothing to see House Veres destroyed. Your failure means the fall of House Veres, our House. In simplest of terms, if you’re fucked then so am I.” She grabbed his forearm, “I need you to succeed. And I won’t stop at anything to ensure that you do, cousin.”
“Lord Veres.”
Stryg looked up and saw a blonde vampire in her red cloak standing at the edge of the clearing. A long silver lock of hair ran across her face. “Gale?”
The last time he had seen her Lunae had knocked her unconscious. Now Gale seemed— different? Somehow. He wasn’t sure.
Gale bowed to him and stepped aside, “You have visitors.” Behind her stood Nora and in her arms, a toddler, Kamilo.
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