Realm of Monsters - Chapter 560: The Ward & Shadow Part 3

Stryg opened his hand wide. There were no cuts or scrapes. His blue flesh was untouched. He took a deep breath and looked her in the eyes. “I am Stryg Veres, son of the Traveler, Stjerne, the Calamity of Death. And I could really use some help.”
Gale gulped loudly. With shaky steps, she slowly walked to him and inspected his arm carefully. “There’s nothing, not even a scratch,” she marveled in quiet wonder.
“The bodies of titans are tough, or so I’m told,” Stryg added with a trace of uncertainty.
Gale recalled her dream and Lunae’s words. Suddenly, the idea that Stryg was the child of a god did not seem so far-fetched. “It’s really true, isn’t it…?”
“I noticed I was becoming stronger and more durable the last few years, but after the siege the difference was obvious.”
“What happened?”
“I’m not sure how to explain it. It’s like something inside me woke up. Everything feels different since then. Are you alright?” He seemed tense, almost as if was worried he’d scare her away.
Gale shook her head, “I’m fine. It’s just— A lot to process. I have questions.”
“So do I,” he said wryly. “I still don’t really know who I am. If I’m being honest, I’m a little scared.”
She looked up at him and saw his troubled expression. It was difficult for him to admit his fears. Gale grabbed his hand and knelt, placing her forehead atop his fingers. “I swore to protect you and stay by your side, this changes nothing. If anything it only serves to strengthen my loyalty.”“How?” he whispered.
She looked up at him, scarlet eyes filled with determination. “I knew there was a reason you survived when Clypeus did not. I knew there was a reason why I survived when Carmilla did not. Fate placed me by your side for a reason. And now I finally see it.”
The weight of her weights hung over Stryg’s shoulders and his expression grew solemn with her words. “I will try to live up to the Veres and Gale legacy.”
“I know you will.” Gale bowed once more before standing to her feet. She bit her lip in consternation, “I do have a few questions if you’ll indulge me.”
“Of course.”
“What happened after I was unconscious… Was that really the goddess of the moon at the tavern?”
“It was,” he nodded without an ounce of guile.
“Then…” Gale grabbed the silver lock of hair hanging in front of her. “She said something to me. She did something to me.”
“She favoured you with her blessing.”
“What? What does that mean?”
“It’s one of the greatest honors among my people, but as to the specifics, I’m not really sure. The Mother Moon has set you aside from others and blessed you with her power.”
“What sort of power?” she asked skeptically.
“I don’t really know. My mother is a favoured as well. If anyone would know, it’s her.”
“But Lady Veres has yet to awaken… Are you favoured?”
“No.” Stryg scratched his cheek, “I’m the Mother Moon’s Chosen, or so I’m told.”
“Her Chosen?”
“Trust me, I don’t know what it means either.”
“You must be special to her,” Gale pressed.
“Maybe. I think more than anything it has to do with the fact that I am a demigod.” Stryg stopped and blinked. “Huh, it feels weird saying that out loud.” ṝἈΝó𐌱Ěṧ
“What exactly is your relationship with the ebon goddess?”
Stryg shrugged. “She talks to me, sometimes. She’s the Mother Moon of my people. What more is there to say?”
He was holding back, Gale could tell. “Is she… Is she your mother?”
“I just told you she’s the Mother Moon.”
“Yes, I understand, but is she your actual mother?”
Stryg furrowed his brow. “What? My birth mother is Aurelia Veres. You know, the woman who you saved a few days ago. She’s lying in bed in the house right behind us.”
“Yes, I know, but, I don’t know,” she grumbled in frustration. “Could Lunae somehow be your step-mother or something? Like, is Lunae married to Stjerne?”
“Not to my knowledge,” he chuckled. “Lunae isn’t my mother—” Stryg grimaced and held his head between his hands.
“My lord!” Gale grabbed his shoulders, “What’s happening? Are you hurt?”
“I’m… fine,” he muttered with a wince. “It’s just a headache, I think I’m still recovering from whatever happened last night.” He stared at his hand and clenched his fingers, opened and closed repeatedly. “It hurts… Maybe I punched the floor too hard,” he chuckled weakly.
Gale remembered the scar that was on his palm in her dream. There was not a blemish on his pale blue skin now.
Something was wrong. She was certain of it. Whatever it was, it was hurting her ward. Gale decided to not push him any further. There was only one being who would truly have the answers for her. She needed to find Lunae.
A knock banged on the steel grate of the gate. Gale glanced back, the red arcane sigils engraved into the steel prevented anyone from looking into or out of the training courtyard, but she could still make out the blurred red silhouette of a woman.
“Are you going to be alright?” Gale asked Stryg.
“I’ll be fine,” he nodded.
She let him go and walked over to the gate. “Who is it?”
“It’s Tauri of House Katag, now open the fucking door.”
Gale glanced at her lord, a question on her lips. He nodded awkwardly. Why was he hesitating? Last she checked, Stryg and Tauri were on decent enough terms, she was one of his professors back at the academy and now Elena Katag was marrying House Veres. Then again, from the story Stryg had half-heartedly told her about last night’s incident, it sounded as if their engagement was in danger. As to why, Stryg had skirted on the details of that particular interaction. Gale suspected something was missing from the story, but at the moment she didn’t think it best to push him on the matter.
The steel gate shook loudly with another knock. “Oi! Vampire! Open the damn gate!”
Stryg sighed, “Open it.”
Gale unlatched the lock and went to open the door, but Tauri kicked it in first and strode into the courtyard.
He smiled weakly. “Hey, Tauri.”
The beautiful orc ignored him, brought her arm back, and swung her fist in a right hook. Stryg cocked his head to the side in a flash without taking a step.
His lilac eyes widened in surprise, “Wait a sec!”
Tauri curled her fist but before she could strike again she froze. Gale’s sword hovered below her jaw. “Take one more step towards my lord and I will sever your head and parade it through the streets all the way to the Katag manor.”
“Gale, stop.”
Tauri glanced at the vampire, careful not to move, and bared her teeth in a snarl. “You were always a cold bitch, even back when we were students, glad you haven’t changed.”
“And you were always friendly with the Noir kids. I wonder if that’s going to be a problem now.” Gale pushed the tip of her sword into Tauri’s neck, drawing a pinprick of blood.
“You’d really kill the daughter of House Katag and start a war between our Houses?” Tauri glared at her defiantly. “Have you no honor or brains behind that pretty face?”
“I don’t expect you to understand my devotion to my family or the lengths I’d go to protect House Veres, but if you keep talking I’m sure you’ll find out.”
“Gale, put the sword down!” Stryg growled.
“…As you wish, my lord.” She stared a moment longer at Tauri before she sheathed the blade and took a step back, though her hand never wandered far from her sword’s hilt. She sent Stryg a questioning glance and he silently mouthed, ‘Talk later.’
Tauri rubbed her neck and came away with a trickle of blood. She frowned.
“So, I can see that you’re mad,” Stryg began.
Tauri glared at him, “Oh, really? Why would I be mad?”
He looked at her uncertainly, “Am I supposed to answer that or—?”
“Maybe it’s because you tried to kidnap me in front of my entire family!”
“Yeah, I thought that might be it,” he admitted quietly.
“Maybe it’s because I told you not to and just let me go! Or I dunno, maybe it’s because you fucking knocked me unconscious with magic!”
Gale made an ‘o’ with her lips and looked at Stryg with a hint of shame and disappointment.
He sighed and nodded. “I get it, you want payback. If you need to take your anger out on me, so be it.” He put his hands behind his back, “I won’t move.”
“Angry?” Tauri laughed, “You think I’m angry? I’m furious!” She kicked him between his legs. Her foot scraped against something hard and she yelped in pain and hopped backwards on one leg.
Yellow translucent scales peeked out from underneath Stryg’s shirt.
“Motherfucker, you used magic again!?” Tauri roared.
Stryg winced, “Sorry, it was reflex. Self-preservation. Ahem,” he coughed loudly, “I promise I won’t use magic this time.” He closed his eyes and stood still.
Gale crossed her arms and only watched, the corners of her lips faintly curling in anticipation.
Tauri scowled and channeled brown mana. A bronze sheen wrapped around her fish. She pulled back her arm and punched him in his dainty face. Her fist landed on his cheek in a satisfying crunch as his head snapped back. Pain suddenly shot up her arm and she cried out.
Gale smiled smugly. “Brown magic strengthens your muscles, it doesn’t do much to toughen your bones though.”
Stryg opened his eyes, blinking repeatedly and working his jaw open and closed for a few moments, before turning to Tauri, concern in his voice. “Are you alright?”
She groaned as she gingerly held her broken hand. “Since when did your body become a damn anvil!?”
“My body’s natural abilities may have grown quite a bit these last few days,” he said hesitantly.
“Wait, you knew this was going to happen?” Tauri hissed and showed him her broken fingers.
“Why do I even bother?” She sighed and tried to hop away.
“Wait, please.”
Stryg picked her up into his arms as she yelled at him angrily. “Let go of me!”
With a flick of Green magic, he molded a stone bench from the ground and plopped her down on it. “Just hold still for a moment so I can heal you. I promise you can stab me with Krikolm all you like after I’m done.”
“You little shit. We both know I can’t pick up that sword and it’d never hurt you even if I could,” she growled with a small laugh.
Stryg smiled at her words but said nothing as he channeled White mana and ran his glowing fingers over her injuries.
“Oh.” Gale’s eyes widened in realization. The final piece of the dinner party’s puzzle suddenly fell into place. “Oooooh. You fucked up. You both fucked up royally.”
Stryg and Tauri looked away sheepishly.
Gale laughed at their embarrassment. “I guess it’s more like you fucked up each other. Gods, Lord and Lady Katag must be outraged right about now.”
Tauri glared at the vampire. “Since when were you a jokester?”
“Sorry,” she wiped an imaginary tear from her eye. “It’s just surprising to imagine the ‘perfect’ and ‘honorable’ daughter of the Great House of Katag sleeping with her sister’s fiancé. So much for all that family honor, huh?”
“It wasn’t like that.” Tauri tensed at her words.
“Gale,” Stryg said tiredly.
“Yes, of course. Apologies, my lord.” Gale bowed to him, “I’ll leave you and your— mistress alone for some ‘private time.’ In the meantime, I’ll speak with Uncle Gian on how we can salvage this mess.” She winked at Tauri, “Enjoy betraying your family’s honor.”
“I didn’t betray my family!” she snapped.
“Why don’t you try saying that while you’re—” Gale made an obscene oral gesture with her hand and mouth before she walked out the gate.
“Fucking asshole,” Tauri grumbled.
“I take it you’re not friends,” Stryg guessed.
“We have history.”
“…Sooo, can we talk?”
“Keep healing.”
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