Reckless Truths (Lost Kings MC) - Page 174

We step outsideand the cool night air washes over me. Standing in the dark, quiet parking lot of the funeral home, I’m overwhelmed with the need to unlace my boots and touch my toes to the grass.
Later. When I’m home.
I feel nothing for the men we killed tonight. They brought it upon themselves. If they’d left Carter alone and stayed away from my club’s territory, they’d still be living their lives.
Every action has a reaction. A consequence.
They broke the simple outlaw code and paid the price.
I tip my head back. The bright stars pinpoint the inky black night sky. Not far from here, Charlotte can see the same stars.
I can’t wait to get home to her.
I’m thankful I will be going home to her.
Tonight’s events could’ve gone differently.
I glance over my shoulder at the funeral home and mentally examine each step of the night. We took plenty of precautions. I flex my fingers, my leather gloves irritating my skin. I’ll toss them in the fire with the last body. No fingerprints should’ve been left behind. Since we’re the closest MC to South of Satan’s territory, if someone complains about their disappearance, eventually law enforcement might ask us questions. But I doubt anyone will care enough to bother.
A heavy hand lands on my shoulder. I don’t have to glance over to know it’s Rock but I do. He tilts his head back and inhales a deep, cleansing breath. “You can head home, if you want.” He side-eyes me. “You need to take care of that hole in your side.”
“I’m still standing. I’ll be fine. This was my mission. I’ll see it through.”
He nods once. “Few more hours and they’ll be nothing but ash.”
“And we’ll scatter them in the dirt where they belong,” I agree.
A loud, vibrating buzz pulls me awake.
I unglue my cheek from the sticky couch cushion.
Buzz. Buzz. Buzz.
Where’s that coming from?
I reach for my phone and stare at the screen.
Ol’ Man
Thank God.“Marcel! Are you okay?” I answer.
“I am now,” he rasps. “Hearing your voice cured what’s ailing me.”
Love for him squeezes the air from my lungs. I’m almost scared to ask my next question. “Did you find Carter? Is he okay?”
“He’s surprisingly cheery, considering the night we’ve had.”
I burst into laughter and tears at the same time.
“Talk to your sister. She’s worried about your ass.” Marcel’s voice moves farther away. There’s a strange roar in the background. My heart lurches. Carter’s okay.
“Char?” Carter says. “It’s me. I’m alive.”