Ruined Secrets - Page 41

“It would’ve been nice if he informed me about that himself,” I mumble.
Three days. He’s been avoiding me for three days, ever since I sneaked into his room. I barely see him. If I do, it’s usually only during breakfast. He goes out and returns well after midnight. There must be a lot to handle since he took over as Don, in addition to his own business, but still. I considered resuming with my daily visits to his office, but have decided to wait a few more days.
“He’s busy,” Damian says.
“Of course, he is.”
“And extremely agitated. Care to share what the hell is going on with you and Luca?”
“Why do you think it has anything to do with me?”
“Please. I know my brother better than he knows himself. You’re the only person who ever riles him up so much.” He starts chewing on the end of his pen. “I wonder how you do it. Luca doesn’t lose his shit that easily.”
“I told him if he doesn’t want to sleep with me, I’d find someone who will.” I shrug.
“Interesting. So, you two had sex, I take it?”
“Yes. Now he’s avoiding me.”
“I told you not to push him.”
I put the organizer on my lap and cross my arms. “I’m done being treated like a flower arrangement in this marriage, Damian.”
“You don’t seem like a delicate flower to me, Isa.”
“Because I’m not. And it’s time your brother realizes that.” I press my lips together and look back at my notes. “What about the music?”
“Anything but jazz. Luca hates it.”
“How unfortunate.” I smile.
“You’re mean.” Damian laughs. “Remind me never to get on your bad side.”
“I don’t usually have a bad side, Damian. Apparently, it only surfaces when your brother’s around.”
“You know, sometimes I don’t get you two and all this drama. Why can’t you act like mature people and have a normal relationship instead of circling around one another in this catand mouse game? There’s more than enough shit to deal with without it.”
“I couldn’t agree more. Hopefully, Luca will get the memo.” I stand up. “I’m off. If you change your mind about the wine, call me.”
I leave Damian’s office and head downstairs to look for Marco just as Luca comes through the front door. He looks me up and down as I pass the foyer, his eyes focusing on my behind. I barely managed to squeeze into these white skinny jeans. With the way my butt is straining the material, they might not be appropriate for a business meeting. I don’t give a fuck. I’ve been feeling like crap for days and wanted to doll up. They’re my favorite pair, and they go amazingly well with my beige top and nude heels. After everything that’s happened with Luca, I needed a moral boost.
“Where are you going?” he asks.
“I have a meeting with the catering company,” I say and head toward the kitchen. “Have you seen Marco and Sandro?”
Silence stretches for a few heartbeats before he barks out, “I’m taking you.”
I stop and turn around. “I thought you were busy.”
“You thought wrong. Go upstairs and change.”
“You won't be wearing those in front of people.” He saunters over until he is standing right in front of me and nods at my skinny jeans.
“Can you be more specific? People as in strangers or…”
“Anyone but me. Is that specific enough for you?”