Ruined Secrets - Page 60

Chapter 17
There’s a squeak of the closet door, followed by some rustling. I open my eyes just a crack, squinting at the sunlight coming through the window. Luca is standing by the bed, putting on his pants.
“What time is it?” I ask.
“Half past seven. I’m taking Rosa to buy some things for school. I don’t want to wait until later. It will be madness the closer it gets to the end of summer. After that I’m driving her to Clara’s. They’ll be camping in the backyard.”
“Have her take a jacket. It may rain today.” I turn over so I’m on my stomach, fold the pillow, and prop my chin on it so I can still watch Luca. “I’m seeing my sister later. Are you coming back for lunch?”
“Probably not. I have a meeting with Franco Conti at noon, and after that, another sit down with the real estate agent.”
“I’ll have lunch with Andrea, then.”
“You’ll wear the blue dress today. The one that ties around the neck,” he says and pins me with his gaze. There’s a challenge in his dark eyes.
I tilt my head to the side, watching him. What an odd way to say it. Not “Will you wear the blue dress for me?” or something similar, and he knows I’ve noticed.
“Okay,” I say and watch as his eyes flare. “Can I wear the nude heels with it?”
A look of satisfaction crosses his face, but it lasts just for a second before he hides it. Interesting.
“Yes.” He nods and starts buttoning his shirt.
I regard him, and a realization slowly forms in my head. My, oh my… if I’m right, and I’m pretty certain I am, my husband has been hiding some rather interesting things about his preferences. I decide to test my theory.
“I’d like to put my hair in a bun today,” I say, choosing my words very carefully, and regard him closely for his reaction. “Will you allow it?”
His fingers on the button still. Slowly, he turns toward me, and our eyes lock.
“No. You will leave it down,” he says, his eyes daring me.
“Okay. Will you allow it tomorrow? Please?”
“I’ll think about it.” He takes his jacket off the chair, grabs his keys and wallet, and heads toward the door, but then he stops at the threshold. I see his hand form a fist like he’s warring with himself about something, then turns to face me. For a few seconds, he just watches me, the knuckles on his fisted hand going white. “Starting today,” he says, “I will be approving all your outfits. When I’m not here and you need to go somewhere, if you plan to change, you’ll call me to approve it first,” he says at last and keeps his gaze on mine, waiting for my reaction.
“Of course, Luca.” I nod.
He unfolds his fist, a tiny, satisfied smile forming on his face. I wouldn’t have noticed it if he wasn’t facing me, but his pants tightened across his crotch upon hearing my answer. This is turning him on. As soon as he leaves, I grin and roll onto myback. I knew Luca was holding back with me, but up until this moment, I didn’t grasp how much. But I do now, and I’m ready to play.
* * *
“I hear you and Luca made quite an impression at Lombardi’s,” Andrea says over the rim of her cup.
“How would you know when you weren’t there?”
“Milene called and gave me a full report. With all the sizzling details.”
“It was just a kiss.” I shrug. “Nothing particularly saucy about it.”
“Luca Rossi caught kissing in public? The man no one has ever seen so much as touch his previous wife? I’m amazed it wasn’t covered in the morning news.”
“People tend to exaggerate things,” I say. “Why weren’t you there? You said you were coming with Mom and Dad.”
“I was grounded.” She scrunches her nose. “Dad caught me sneaking out the night before.”
“What?” I slam my cup down. “Alone?”
“I wouldn’t have been alone. I was going out with Catalina.”