Rust or Ride - Page 202

He laughs. “Yeah, probably. Where were you?”
“I had to take Emily home, not that it’s your business.”
He pats my cheek. “Everything is my business.”
Whatever. “Are we ready to go?”
“Just waiting on Rock.”
“What’s new.”
He chuckles, then turns and raises his hand, signaling to Murphy that he should join us.
Murphy ambles over. “I couldn’t find out anything about what Loco wants. Were you able to talk to Malik?”
Shit, I completely forgot. “No, I haven’t seen him since the other night.”
Murphy shrugs. “Probably doesn’t matter. He enjoys yanking Rock’s chain, so he woulda called a meeting no matter what.”
“It’s enough to make you wish we could go back to the old days of dropping off shipments to his minions down by the river,” Wrath says, holding his arms out wide. He glances at me. “Where’s your girl?”
I narrow my eyes. “I had to bring her home. Why?”
He slides a look at Z, then shrugs. “Barely got to see her, that’s all.”
“Barely got toterrorizeher, you mean,” Murphy says.
Wrath nods once. “That too.”
“You willnotbe terrorizing Emily for any reason,” I warn. “I’m not fucking around.”
A blank expression settles over Wrath’s face. Should I be antagonizing our enforcer right now? Probably not.
Jigsaw joins us, resting his arm on my shoulder, like he’s leaning on a post.
“When did we all get so touchy-feely around here?” I grumble, shrugging Jigsaw off of me.
“Let’s move out,” Grinder yells as he moves toward the front door, pointing like a flight attendant showing us where the exit is.
“About time,” I mutter.
Jigsaw hangs back with me. “You want to ride at the front of the line or bring up the rear?” he asks.
“Rear is fine.” That way I can easily watch my brothers and hopefully park somewhere I won’t get hemmed in at Loco’s.
Rock pats my back as he passes by.
Corralling both clubs goes quicker than I expected. Fifteen minutes later our entire pack thunders down the clubhouse driveway. We go slow easing onto the main road. These back roads are too narrow for all of us to ride side by side, so we end up in one long chain until we hit Route 155 and can change it up. Pride flows through me at the way my brothers seamlessly roll up next to each other. Jigsaw and I are the only ones riding without a partner. He’s all the way at the front of the line and I’m by myself at the back.
An evil glee prickles through me as we reach Loco’s place. Teller was right, Loco’s going to shit himself when all of us ride into his diner’s parking lot.
After Dex leaves, I wander into the kitchen and pour a bowl of cereal. I need to keep my strength up to handle Dex.
I reach for my phone but it’s not in my pocket. Where the heck did I leave it? I hope it’s not at the clubhouse.
I finish my cereal and set the bowl in the sink, then search for my phone.