Seduce & Destroy - Page 87

With drenched clothes she stood in front of me. Speech slightly slurred but her words came out decisive and strong. What the fuck is she doing here looking like that?
“I walked.” She was far too nonchalant for a girl that just walked three miles in a dark forest.
“How did you get past the gates?”
Tilting her head, she gave me a dumbfounded look as if to say duh.
I blinked repeatedly. Honestly, that left me more bewildered than I cared to understand. She was at my bedroom door, the very same bedroom I’d been staying in this whole time. Some of my family has moved into the barracks, many of them old enough to remember this house from before the fissure. It held memories that I couldn’t even imagine. Only the younger people were willing to stay in the house.
Regardless of the history this house held, the last few days had been slow.
It felt like the victory was so great that we remained stuck in the smoke of the fireworks. Like this plan had been so long in the making that I’m not sure Daddy or Mama thought beyond the takeover.
Guards walked in circles trying to outline the many acres of land. My brothers were transferring operations from our underground base in Bilham to the Ravencroft Estate, now renamed and reclaimed as the Karstle. Well, that was Malachi’s idea. I voted for the Karstein estate. Simples.
Too many thoughts swirled in my mind to even anticipate Laney showing up at my door. No less drunk. And…forgiving?
“How much have you had to drink?”
“One or two.” She gave a firm nod.
A smile graced her lips. “Bottles.”
Oh shit. “How much of this are you going to remember?”
“Don’t patronise me. I’m only a little tipsy.” Her brows furrowed. “Not even. Less than drunk. The wind should be advertised as a hangover cure the way it woke me up.” Then, she dropped her shoulders and leaned into the door frame. “…I’m so tired.”
“I bet.”
She rolled from the doorway forward, almost kissing the floor if I hadn’t caught her. I held her in my arms, her rosy cheeks were cold to the touch, I tried not to flinch when she wrapped her cool skin around me. The bullet graze made it difficult for me to bend, the pressure of her in my arms cauterising the wound anew, but the heat that entered my heart soothed the burn.
Selfishly, I nuzzled my face between her head and shoulder. A slot perfectly made for my face to sit. She smelled as I remembered lavender and lemongrass. My knees sank to the floor as I held her.
“Thank you,” she whispered into my hair.
“For what, princess?”
“For listening to me.”
A piece of me was warmed, and another piece was saddened by that thought. It seemed to me that Laney was stuck between two worlds, the one where she could freely expose her innermost feelings and the one where she could ruthlessly cut a man’s balls from his body. Did it ever occur to her that she could be both? My poor, misunderstood girl. Wait, no–
“This,” I had to proceed with caution. “…doesn’t change anything.”
Her breathing had finally evened, but she held tight to me. “Shhhh.”
“I’m serious. You were right. I…” Words were difficult, especially when they fought against the wills of my heart. “Please, just…” I didn’t complete the thought. We should rest first, it was the wee hours of the morning. My brain lagged. “Never mind.”
“Spit it out.” Her tone remained soft despite the stern words. “Don’t baby me, I can handle it.”
I was taken aback. “I know you can, princess. You’re much stronger than me.” I said, stroking her hair gently down her back. “It’s just that my eyes are fighting for their lives to stay open right now. Let’s leave it for tomorrow.”
She didn’t move from our embrace. “Okay. And Father?”
“He’s okay.” For now. “We should sleep.”
Still, she remained still, but in the quietest voice, said, “We?”