She Was Sent by God - Chapter 110

Chapter 110
“Hmm. What nonsense is that? No way. Rather, my barracks is filthy, so let’s go to your barracks.”
“What do you mean filthy? What the hell, let me go, sir!”
When Emmerich showed no sign of backing down easily, Laslo dragged him down by force. The Count was also an adult male, but he could not withstand Laslo’s strength.
‘I hope when I come back, she has already returned to the territory.’
* * *
“Are you awake?”
But sadly, or joyfully, his wife was still in bed when Laslo returned to the barracks after the meeting.
“Is there a reason why you didn’t go back? Whatever it is, it’s dangerous here. How about going back now?”
“That’s actually…”
Agnes bit her lips. She called Eugene’s name dozens or hundreds of times over the past few hours, but it has been useless.
“Magic, um. The magic to return doesn’t work.”
“There is a method that the wizard taught me, but I can’t go back because it’s not perfect….”
Agnes’ voice got smaller and smaller. On the other hand, Laslo’s expression hardened seriously.
“Is that true? Oh no, it takes more than 15 days from here to Sutmar.”
“Give me a horse and some food, and I will go by myself.”
“The Devon Army is all over this area, how can you manage to do it alone?”
Anxiety and worry were written on his face. Agnes, noticing this, hurriedly grabbed Laslo’s hand.
“I can be accompanied by a knight or hide in a wagon. We just need to find a way. Don’t worry too much.”
“…but! Ha, yes. That’s right. I will get you back safely somehow.”
Only then did Laslo sit on the bed. Agnes stuck close to him. The situation is serious, but the fact that she could still see his face made her subtly happy.
“By the way, what’s the story of Sir Milan? Where did he get hurt?”
“Well. He fell out of battle a while ago, and the doctors said his left leg was crushed and he won’t be able to move it again.”
Agnes’ eyes slowly sank at the unexpected misfortune. It was subtly similar to the past. However, the target changed from Marquis Kiske to his son.
“The Marquis must be very worried.”
‘He needs a new successor.’
Contrary to her worried words, her hands were itching to send a letter to Erica right away.
“I’m sure he is. He lost a lot of troops, and his eldest son seriously injured his leg.”
The couple forgot their worries for a while and had a lively conversation. In a way, it was only natural that the spy hiding in the castle became the subject.
“Did Matron say anything before he died?”
“Well. All he said was that he couldn’t betray the grace that raised him.”
“Raise him? Isn’t it Bushke?”
“No way. It must mean the person behind him.”
The two’s eyes met. Agnes slowly licked the tip of her lips and opened her mouth first.
Her kind and friendly face came to her mind.
“You said Matron came to the territory when he was 10 years old, right? When you think about it carefully, something is weird.”
“What about it?”
“Didn’t Bushke pick him up and raise him like her own child? What if Bushke raised him as a spy?”
“But Bushke has been an adviser to the castle since my predecessors. Why would she betray us?”
“If you dig, there’s no tomb without a story.”
Agnes said coldly. Laslo still didn’t seem to believe it. She doesn’t think he wants to believe it.
“It’s not certain yet, so let’s wait and see, we’ll find out soon when we get back to the castle.”
As she was about to get out of bed after finishing the story, her stomach growled faintly. Her forgotten hunger came suddenly.
“Is there anything else to eat? I’m hungry because I haven’t eaten all day.”
“Oh, my. Of course, you wouldn’t have been able to eat if you had been inside the whole time. I should have paid attention. I’ll hurry up and prepare it.”
Laslo jumped up and went out of the barracks and quickly returned with a lot of food. Dry bread, ham, old cheese, and cold soup were all there was, but Agnes put them in her mouth without complaining.
“I think it would be better to hide in a wagon. What do you think?”
“Let’s do that.”
“Just in case, I’ll send knights with you.”
Nodding her head quietly, she took a bite of the bread, and Laslo’s hand reached over her head. He sighed and lightly stroked her hair.
“I wish you could leave the barracks as soon as possible. Devon is going to raid this place in three days, and there seems to be some serious illness in the army.”
“Um? Is it the diarrhea disease that you mentioned in the letter?”
“Listening to Count Cellon today, I don’t think it’s just a diarrhea disease.”
The disease Laslo recited was very similar to the plague. Agnes listened carefully to it and spoke.
“Could you have a doctor write down the course of the symptoms in detail? I want to go back to Sutmar and have a discussion with other doctors.”
“I’ll tell the doctors.”
It is not as good as seeing the actual patient in person and finding a cure, but it will be of some help. The meal ended quickly because of the small amount of food. Agnes borrowed a pen from Laslo and wrote a letter to Erica.
{Milan’s leg is injured. I will do everything I can to support you, so please solidify your position as a successor.}
Agnes, who had written up to that point, hesitated for a moment, and then he added a line.
{If necessary, military support is possible.}
Erica must definitely take control of Kiske so that she can be inserted into the usurpation plan later. Sandor and Songrad alone are not enough to turn the situation around. She sealed it with wax and handed it to Laslo.
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“Can you send this to Kiske through the fastest way?”
“Just in time, this evening I will be sending all the letters to the west. I’ll send this too.”
As it got dark, the couple lay in bed, hugged tightly, and shared their body temperature. The two looked at each other and said.
“I’ve prepared a carriage and a knight so that you can leave tomorrow morning. I didn’t say it was you, I said it was to escort an important person, so reveal your identity after you get out of here.”
“Well. I will do that.”
“I want to go with you all the way out of the border, but then it’s too conspicuous.”
“I know.”
Unlike Laslo, who was so worried that she couldn’t help himself, she was in his comfortable arms, so she naturally fell asleep. When she was in the castle, she only slept for four hours a day, so she’s wondering why she feels so sleepy here.
“I can sleep comfortably because you are by my side again.”
“Now close your eyes. You will have to sleep uncomfortably in a wagon for a while.”
Laslo’s whisper sounded as soft as a lullaby. Agnes fell asleep with just a few pats.
* * *
“Come over there……!”
Shouts and the sound of horns pierced her both ears. Agnes jumped up from her position the moment she realized it.
When she reached out, the bed was empty. The darkness fell deeply and she couldn’t see an inch ahead.
Before she could grasp the situation, the entrance to the tent was suddenly opened.
“Your grace, there’s a surprise attack! Unit 3 is in the east right now. Who is it?”
As the person found Agnes, his voice suddenly became cold. He came closer to her with a sword drawn. Agnes pulled the blanket down and opened her mouth as calmly as possible.
“Reveal your identity first.”
“A female voice? No, wait.”
The man who entered the barracks fumbled his hand and turned on the light. When he confirmed her identity with the dim light, his mouth widened. Agnes was relieved too.
“Oh, that’s a relief. It was Count Cellon.”
“Why did the duchess come here? Are you crazy?”
“Your words are a bit too much.”
“Where is the duke? Ha! Of course, he knew. That’s why he wrapped up the barracks so tightly.”
Emmerich, who had been feverish for a while, understood the situation and smiled as if exasperated.
“What’s going on outside?”
“Devon made a surprise attack. They haven’t reached the center yet; they’re fighting at the eastern border….”
“Shouldn’t the surprise attack be in three days later?”
“You know this? Where in the world did your Excellency go, leaving the duchess unprotected!”
He burst into anger. Fortunately, the one they were looking for soon appeared.
“Agnes! Come here, Count Cellon. Why are you here?”
“I can’t believe you brought the duchess here. No matter how deeply you miss her, you should distinguish between public and private matters.”
His tone of voice was sharp and narrowly crossed the boundaries of rudeness.
“Count. He didn’t call me here.”
“Count Cellon, let’s talk about that later. Agnes, cover yourself and follow me right away. I prepared a wagon.”
Agnes wrapped herself tightly with a prepared cape. Emmerich intervened as she tried to go outside holding Laslo’s hand.
“The eastern border is completely blocked. The north is a mountain, and going back to the south will take a long time. What do you plan to do?”
“Then go west.”
“The west is guarded by Devonian forces.”
In response to Agnes’ words, Emmerich spoke clearly. Laslo said with a heavy sigh.
“Even if it takes a long time, she will go south.”
“How many knights did you post? Do you think they won’t notice a wagon with tight security?”
“Count Cellon, I understand your concern, but I believe in Laslo. Leave your worries behind.”
Agnes spoke firmly and grabbed Laslo’s wrist. Emmerich bit the back of his lips hard.
“Come on. It’s a surprise attack, so there’s no time to hesitate here.”
Laslo led her out of the barracks. Because it was a surprise attack, she was expecting a riot, but except for a bit of a fuss, it was calm.
There were five knights standing around an ordinary wagon. Before getting on the wagon, Laslo made a request to Agnes.
“Never go out until you come out of the border. “
She nodded lightly. They couldn’t share hugs or kisses because of the eyes around them. Instead, the couple shared a deep farewell with their eyes. Agnes was about to get on the wagon. Emmerich, who had been watching the situation from behind, suddenly stepped out.
“I will escort you.”
“Count Cellon”.
“There are a lot of my troops in the South, so It wouldn’t be suspicious even if I moved a wagon myself.”
“But there is no need for the Count to do that… ….”
“Can I trust you?”
Agnes said vaguely, but Laslo asked Emmerich seriously.
“Yes. I’m more anxious to send her like this.”
Emmerich’s gaze fell on Agnes, then faded away. The two men exchanged glances she couldn’t understand.