Shota's Isekai NTR Adventure - Chapter 1230: Not that many

Chapter 1230: Not that many
In the end, the delegates of the four empires had to accept that I was going to bring my troops where I wanted to bring them.
So they could only go back to their own countries to report this matter to their higher ups.
As for our Kite Kingdom, the prime minister and the chancellor accepted my ideas quite easily.
After all, they knew that this had to be done or else we would be known as traitors to the human race. We had to at least put in a bit of effort since we couldn’t lose the support of the human race.
And they seemed to accept the idea that we were going to a secondary battlefield instead of the main battlefield.
That would reduce the casualties that we would suffer.
But what they didn’t know was my real plan.
I was hoping that there would be a few more of those corrupted demons where we were heading.
After all, what we needed now was more of those orbs that they dropped.
Since the matter was decided and it had their support, it didn’t take long for us to set off. They prepared all of the things that we needed in just a few hours and we were ready to set off the next day.
With the increased number of wyverns that we had, it was even easier to transport everything. The wyvern breeding program really has been booming these past few months.
Unlike humans that took a long time to grow, it didn’t take that long for the wyverns to mature.
So from the original over a thousand wyverns, we had already reached three thousand wyverns.
This was more than enough to transport everything and there were many wyverns left over. Of course, it wasn’t as if we were taking all of the wyverns with us in the first place.
We still had to defend our own kingdom, so we had to keep some of the wyverns here.
With the speed of the wyverns, it took no time at all to arrive on the battlefield.
Even before arriving, we could already smell the scent of blood in the air and hear the sounds of fighting from afar. That was just how intense the battlefield was this time.
The demons had come out in full force, so the humans could only fight back with everything that they had.
Only we didn’t head right to the battlefield after arriving in the area.
Instead, I had the wyverns land in an area that was away from the main battlefield and only took a few wyverns with me to scout out the current situation on the battlefield.
The scouts wanted to keep me from following them, but I insisted on going.
That was because there was something that I had to figure out on my own. It was something that only I would have been able to figure out, so I had to go with them.
In the end, they couldn’t stop me.
Everyone already knew that it was almost impossible to stop me when I had my mind set on something, so they just knew that it was better to go along. That was why instead of the normal scouts, I got royal guards as scouts.
But I didn’t charge onto the battlefield like they thought I would.
When we got close enough, I immediately had the wyverns stop and float there while observing the situation.
The royal guards looked at me with surprised looks since they thought that I would have gone much closer than this, but I ignored them as I focused on the battlefield.
There was one thing that I was looking for, so that was all I cared about.
I wasn’t the only one that was looking carefully at the battlefield, there was also Puffer and
Ariel who were on Joan with me that seemed to be looking for the same thing.
After a long moment of silence, I said, “It seems like there aren’t that many of them.”
Puffer and Ariel nodded in agreement.
The royal guards had confused looks though.
After all, they could see the waves of demons that were currently fighting with the humans.
It didn’t seem like there were few enough demons that it was considered not that many of them.
But that wasn’t what I was referring to in the first place.
Only Puffer and Ariel were able to see what I was referring to since they had been working with this during this time. They had developed a way of recognizing the thing that I was looking
It was that there were few individuals among the demons that had corruption energy in them.
That meant that there were only a few of them that had the orb that we wanted.
The orb was the main reason why we had even come here in the first place.
But it seemed that the orb was considered quite rare among the demons.
That meant that the detached army that they sent to attack us was even more strange since it had been filled with demons that were filled with corruption energy.
It seemed that the detached army should have been their trump card other than the ones that were currently fighting the four empires.
“It’s better than nothing.” I said with a sigh.
Puffer slowly nodded in agreement as she took out a map and started making marks on it.
These marks were the locations where the ones with corruption energy in them were.
Though there were a few marks that I didn’t recognize.
After observing for a bit longer, I turned back around and said, “There’s nothing else to see, let’s head back now and get ready for a fight.”
The royal guards let out a sigh of relief before quickly following me.
As I went back, there was a look of thought on my face before I turned to Puffer to ask, “Do you think we’ll get the data that we want?”
She pointed at a few points on the map that she was holding before saying, “Send them to these places and we will.”
I gave a simple nod in response.