Silent Lies - Page 102

“Then you should hurry, before Relja eats everything.”
I watch my daughters run to the back door of the house, followed by three dogs wearing huge colorful bows around their necks, then straighten and face my wife.
“It wasn’t you, hmm?” I wrap my hand around her waist and lift her against me, crushing her to my chest.
“It’s only watercolor paint.” She smiles. “It’ll wash away.”
“And the stickers?”
“That one was all girls. I’ll try to peel them off with the nail polish remover.”
“Just leave the blasted things.” I dip my head and press my lips to hers. “How long will that pie keep them occupied?”
“Ten minutes tops. The apple filling is already done.”
“Is it?” I smile.
Keeping Sienna pressed to my body, I reach for my phone with my free hand and dial Relja.
“Go to the kitchen,” I bark. “Take the pie filling Keva had made and dump it in the trash. When she comes after you, just let her know she needs to prepare a new one and have the girls help her from start to finish.”
Relja’s hysteric babbling comes from the other side, but I just cut the connection and slip the phone into my back pocket.
“Keva is going to kill you both.” Sienna snorts.
“Then I need to make sure our impending deaths aren’t for nothing.” I carry my wife inside the garage and hit the button to close the sliding bay doors.
I wonder if her panties match her shoes and the nail polish today.
* * *