Smoky Darling - Page 105

Watching Elouise walk away,I stuff my hands into my pockets trying to conserve her heat that I still feel on my palm.
Tonight seemed to go well. Obviously, I haven’t fixed everything. That can’t be done with one apology. But I think she believes me, which is only step one. Because I need her to forgive me. For several things, but mostly for being an idiot.
I let a deep inhale fill my lungs.
Being able to put my hands on her tonight brought a calm over me that I haven’t felt all week.
My eyes follow her movements as Elouise weaves between bodies streaming for the exit. She steps behind a tall body and disappears from my view.
A second passes, then another, and when I don’t see her reappear, I take a step to the side. Finally, I catch sight of her soft brown hair. Except she’s changed direction.
Is she…?
Her pace picks up, and I watch, stupefied, as she walks out the front doors.
I shake my head, as the urge to shout her name wars with the urge to laugh. I swear this minx is a surprise every damn day.
It takes me too long to push my way through the crowd, so by the time I make it outside, I’ve lost her.
If I was a smart man, and I’m clearly not, I would’ve found her car right when I got here and parked next to it.
Not ready to give up, I weave my way through the rows of cars. But the lot goes in both directions, and the scattered lights don’t do enough to illuminate and identify all the people milling about.
I wander for a few minutes but seeing no sign of her I accept defeat.
Letting out an audible sigh, I turn back and head toward my truck. Cutting across the dark parking lot, I let my mind replay the events of the evening and I find myself feeling proud of Elouise. My girl might have given me the slip just now, but she also listened. I came here thinking there was a good chance she’d throw something at me and tell me to go fuck myself. But that’s not her. She’s smart and kind and more mature than I’ll ever be.
Then I think about the look on her face when she swiped my card that first time for someone else’s tickets and a grin forms on my lips.
Clever little brat.
If I’d still been a broke college kid, that would’ve had the desired effect. But instead of coming off devious, she just came off as cute.
I’m still grinning when I step out into the last lane between me and my truck, and the sound of an engine revving is the only warning I have.
My brain registers the noise and my body reacts on instinct, jumping backwards, landing me on my back between two vehicles.
The adrenaline rush is instant, and I have a split second to feel like I overacted before the crunch of metal on metal reverberates through the air.
I’m already scrambling back on my hands and heels when the car to my left starts to slide towards me. The menacing sound of the revving of the engine gets louder.
“What the fuck?!” I yell even as I keep moving, the car on my side still getting closer.
Shouts are sounding from somewhere nearby, but the noise in front of me has my full attention.
The engine gives one last loud rev and the front corner of the car to my left slams into the car on my right.
I’ve made it to the rear bumpers, the V created between the cars just wide enough for my shoulders.
There’s a loud scraping sound, followed by squealing tires as the car that caused the wreck speeds away. But with the front of the cars pressed together in front of me, I don’t catch even a glimpse of the vehicle.
Thudding footsteps alert me to the approaching witnesses, and as they get closer, I notice the bouncing beams of light coming off of multiple phone flashlights. This makes me realize just how dark it is in this part of the lot. Pushing up to my feet, I look around and see that three of the closest parking lot lights aren’t working.
Someone calls out to me, asking if I’m okay. I raise a hand, letting them know I’m fine as I step forward and look at the damage on the cars that nearly crushed me.
If I hadn’t heard the revving, or if I’d moved any slower…
The darkness feels heavier when I realize the car that almost hit me never turned their lights on. I definitely would’ve noticed the beams before stepping out from between the cars.
Seriously, what the fuck?