Smoky Darling - Page 111

Maddie’s reactionstartles me so much I jerk back, thumping my head against the cupboard.
Her hands fly over her mouth, “Oh my god, I’m sorry! Are you okay? I’m so sorry?”
I rub my fingers over the throbbing spot on the back of my head, “I think you just scared five years off my life.”
“I’m sorry.” Maddie keeps her mouth covered, but I can tell she’s smiling. “But, I mean, come on!” she’s back to shouting. “You can’t just tell me you’re in love and expect me not to react!”
She has a point. Maddie’s the biggest hopeless romantic out of everyone I know. Crying her way through every single romance movie ever created.
Just as she starts to ask a question, a throat clears from the other side of the counter, scaring us both. Her recent outburst must’ve covered up the sound of someone entering the coffee shop.
Collecting herself, Maddie brushes off her pants as she hurries to stand, greeting the customers as though they didn’t catch her sitting on the floor.
Her easy tone and cadence are soothing to listen to, so I close my eyes and let the familiarity of the space calm my soul.
I know what I want to do. Hell, I know what I’m going to do. I’m going to see where this goes. I’m going to date Beckett Stoleman.
I just want to take at least a few minutes to think it over. Make sure I’m not being some blinded-by-love fool. Because as completely unlikely and ridiculous as it might seem, I am in love with him. And it’s not the same infatuation I had with him when I was growing up. That was… hero-worship, hormones, and innocence. It felt like love, but what teenaged Elouise felt doesn’t hold a candle to the feelings I have for Beckett now. This love is built on his kindness and willingness to help. His protective nature. Honesty. And the way he fucks me, like he’s trying to leave his mark on me for days to come.
The love I feel now is far from innocent, and so much more fun.
Before Maddie can hand off the drinks she’s currently making, the rain stick at the front door alerts us to another customer entering.
I feel guilty about not helping, since she’s clearly working alone today, but it’s been a long time since I’ve made a real latte and I’m sure I’d just slow her down, so I stay put. Listening as Maddie hands off the drinks and greets the next customer.
I start to think about Beckett showing up here, asking Maddie for my whereabouts, and how awkward that probably was for both of them.
My lips pull into a smile at the thought, and I listen to the newcomer order a black coffee to go.
The male voice sounds somewhat familiar, but I can’t focus on it, my mind too distracted by sudden thoughts of Beckett. Beckett sitting in this very building with me drinking his own black coffee. Beckett following me up to my bedroom. Beckett watching me undress. Beckett burying his face in my pussy.
Heat blooms between my legs.
Maddie shuffles around me, moving back to the counter, handing over the coffee.
I don’t even know what was hotter, Beckett eating me out and taking me for the first time. Or Beckett throat fucking me on the forest floor.
The heat turns to molten lava.
Good god, that man is talented.
Maddie asks the customer if there’s anything else he needs – in a tone that really means why are you still here – but I don’t listen to his response, because I’m done thinking.
Taking my phone out, I pull up Beckett’s contact and tap out a text. Before I can overthink it, I hit send.
Me: I think we should date.
Those three little dots dance on the screen seconds later.
Then his answer appears.
Beckett: Good. I’ll pick you up at 7:00.