Smoky Darling - Page 114

With a shocked cry,I shove Beckett away. He laughs before stepping back and shutting my door, giving me precious few seconds to get myself under control before he gets back in the truck, again, and finally backs us out of the driveway.
Beckett leaves the radio off as he navigates out of my neighborhood. He’d texted me earlier to tell me he was on nephew duty and that I should eat dinner before our date, but that we’d go out for a nightcap. He didn’t tell me where we were going and I’m tempted to ask, but instead I let the silence settle around us comfortably.
The sun has already set but looking out the window I catch glimpses of the moon reflecting off the lake. The final bits of ice on the surface have finally melted, giving way to spring.
He turns onto the one main street that runs through town, but he heads away from where most of the bars are located. My curiosity builds, but the answer comes quickly when Beckett flips on his blinker and steers us into the Dairy Queen parking lot.
As is typical, there are a few cars lined up at the drive-thru so Beckett pulls up behind the last car.
When he turns to see my reaction, I don’t even try to hide my grin.
His own lips tug into a smile, “I take it you approve?”
“I approve.”
I mean, who needs a cocktail when you can have ice cream.
The line of cars shift forward, and Beckett lowers his window in anticipation of being next. The scent of chocolate drifts in and my mouth begins to water.
“Know what you want?”
I nod, “Chocolate dipped cone, please.”
He makes a sound of approval, then surprises me when it’s our turn to order and he gets the same thing for himself.
As we once again wait our turn, the sounds of the night filter in through the open window. Neither of us says anything. This feels like a settling period, like we need the quiet to bring us back to some sort of equilibrium.
So much has happened in the last 24 hours. Beckett coming to the high school and our conversation there. My slipping away. Him showing up at my house and laying everything out this morning. Admitting things I’d never even dreamed to hope for. And now… this. This simple outing to the local DQ that should feel silly, but actually feels perfect.
Beckett pulls up to the window, hands over cash, and hands me one of the chocolate coated ice cream cones. The perfect swirl on top just begging to be eaten.
It’s a strictly drive-thru establishment, so when Beckett pulls away from the window he maneuvers one-handed into an open parking spot in the little lot. Some cars just drive off, but we’re not the only vehicle over here doing the park-and-eat.
The car a few spots down from us has a group of teenagers in it and seeing them is when it hits me – why this feels so perfect. This is the exact sort of date I dreamed of going on with Beckett when I was young. I can even remember sitting in this very lot, my family in the car eating our treats, and me pretending it was Beckett I was with instead.
“I need to tell you something,” I say the words before I can chicken out.
Hearing him turn in his seat, I look away from the teenagers and face Beckett. “I-” My cheeks fill with air, and I blow the breath out slowly, closing my eyes. “I was in love with you for… so long. That kickball game, the one you brought up this morning, that started my, um, infatuation with you. I remember telling Maddie about it the next day. And probably every next day for several weeks.” I squeeze my eyes shut even tighter. “And I wasn’t just obsessed with you for the summer. It was, oh my god, it was years. Like all the way up to that damn Christmas party, when I finally swore off my feelings for you. But even that didn’t stop my stupid heart. Because when I saw you at BeanBag that time when I was working there in high school and I spilled hot coffee all over myself, I fell all over again. And so this… it just all feels a little surreal.”
I slowly crack my lids open, expecting the worst since Beckett didn’t make a sound during my admission. But instead of judgment, I find Beckett staring at me with a big dopey grin on his face.
When he still doesn’t say anything, I widen my eyes, “Well?”
His grin stays in place as he shrugs, “What can I say? I’m fucking irresistible.”
“Oh my god,” I shake my head, “I’m in love with an idiot.”
The words are out before I even realize what I’m saying.
But instead of freaking out at my accidental declaration, Beckett’s grin turns into a smirk, “Like I said, I’m irresistible.”
Fighting the blush that’s trying to consume my whole body, I roll my eyes, “Uh huh.”
Keeping his eyes on mine, Beckett opens his mouth and bites off the top half of his ice cream. Teeth sliding through the freezing cold dessert.