Smoky Darling - Page 116

This woman is tryingto kill me.
First, it’s those tits. Then she admits she’s in-love with me. Fucking in-love with me! And as if that wasn’t enough, watching her eat that goddamn cone was the final dagger through my heart. I haven’t figured out the details yet, and 24 hours ago I would’ve said I wasn’t certain, but I’m certain now, this woman is my future.
“I’m taking us back to your place,” I slam the car into drive the second she pops the last bite of ice cream into her sweet mouth.
Elouise doesn’t make any comments about my somewhat reckless driving, nor does she comment on my single-mindedness. But it doesn’t escape my attention that she’s pressing her legs together. And if she keeps squirming around like that, I’m not gonna make it the last two minutes it’s gonna take to reach her house.
Gripping the steering wheel in my left hand, I reach over with my right and press my palm down onto the top of her thigh.
Her leg stills, and then I feel the slide of her fingers over mine. She doesn’t try to dislodge my grip, she just laces her fingers between mine.
I slow as we approach a 4-way stop sign, but seeing no one else on the road, I drive through.
She tries to stifle her snicker, but I hear it.
“You okay?” her innocent tone is belied by her fingertips tracing over my knuckles.
I wasn’t quite sure if she realized how much of a tease she was being, but now I know. She’s absolutely fucking with me.
Her driveway appears in front of us, and I pull in – stopping a few feet from her closed garage door.
Feeling the tension growing between us, Elouise scrambles out of her seat, slamming the truck door. But her shorter legs are no match for my own so I’m right behind her by the time she reaches the front door.
I don’t give her space. We’re past that.
Bracing my hands on the doorframe, I press my front into her back. My hard arousal throbbing against the soft roundness of her ass.
Elouise arches her back, pushing into me, but keeps her head down as she digs through her tiny purse.
“Open the door, Babe.” I lean down, inhaling against the top of her head, “I need to be inside you.”
She whimpers before letting out a few quiet curses, “I don’t have my keys. I forgot to switch them over when I grabbed this bag.”
“Fuck,” I exhale the word, grinding into her.
She tries the handle, but it doesn’t give. I’m not happy about being locked out, but at least she didn’t leave her house wide open.
Reluctantly, I step back, “We need to get you a lock with a passcode.”
Elouise waves the comment off, “It’s okay, follow me.”
She turns and hurries down the stairs heading back towards the garage. I expect her to stop at the garage door and open it with a keypad, but she keeps going and I notice there’s no keypad for the garage door either. I’ll need to change that.
Staying behind her, I follow as she turns around the side of the garage. I wait for her to stop and pick up one of those fake rocks with a key hidden in it. And I’m ready to lecture her because those aren’t safe. Thieves know how to spot them. But she doesn’t do that. She keeps walking, down the side of the garage and then around to the back. It’s dark back here, and with the trees blocking out the moonlight I can hardly see where I’m stepping. Whatever her plan is, this is not safe. It’s too dark and anyone could be hiding back here.
Elouise finally stops and I see she’s standing in front of a backdoor leading into the garage.
I’m still wondering where the key for this door is, when Elouise grips the handle, leans her shoulder into the door, pulls up on the handle, and swings the door open.
She steps into the dark garage, calling “come on” over her shoulder, and a static haze starts to fuzz the edge of my vision.
Following her into the pitch-black garage, I kick the door shut behind me.
She left this door unlocked.