Smoky Darling - Page 96

His head whips in my direction, but his features are a blur, large sunglasses blocking most of his face from view anyway. But whatever glimpse he got of me must’ve been enough. Turning back the way he came; the man breaks into a run.
Do I go after Elouise, or do I go after the man?
Torn, my fists clench and I take one more stride forward.
Elouise. It’s always gonna be Elouise.
Once more, I change direction towards my girl. But a moment later a small white car slows down as it pulls up to the curb next to Elouise. I have one heartbeat to worry that it’s someone else trying to take her, but then Elouise darts towards the vehicle, climbing in willingly.
“Elouise!” I call again.
But her only response is the slamming of the car door. Then she’s gone.
I spin in the direction the man went, but he’s already out of sight.