SPELLBOUND - Chapter 556 - New Friend

Chapter 556 – New Friend
"Wait a moment." The woman named Rizah stopped Zanya and Leon just as they were about to leave. "I think these two can stay back as witnesses, my lord. I'm afraid you'll change your mind later on, so…" Rizah's bright eyes twinkled as she stated her conditions to her lord and grinned cheerily at them.
The lord frowned and grunted before he pinched the skin between his brows. "Fine, young woman. Just state your price and do it quick. We have more important things to see to. These two need to catch up with their comrades quick. Hurry up and don't delay any longer."
"Make me your general." She declared quickly and Zanya widened her eyes and nearly whistled, not expecting that request from Riz at all. Zanya had befriended Rizah in the short time that she had encountered her. This lady is one gutsy girl! And Zanya could only grin in approval of her style – straightforward and firm.
This female dark fae was so outgoing and interesting. Zanya could already tell that she was dedicated to being a warrior and she was quite strong as well. Rizah had told her earlier on that she had been with Lord Cairus' army as the head healer. But it seems that this warrior lady did not want to just heal her comrades but fight alongside them as well… and she wanted to be a general at that! Zanya smiled at the sight of her beautiful eyes. It was obvious to her that this beautiful dark fae was not born to be a healer, but a warrior and she herself knew that.
However, the lord did not look at all pleased with what she had just requested. Zanya could feel the change in his aura.
"You promised me you'll grant me anything my lord," Rizah stated, obviously already sensing her lord's displeasure.
A long silence reigned as the two dark faes simply stared at each other, neither of them was backing down. It was amazing how Rizah could stand her ground against a powerful man with such strong aura. Who would win?
"You know I always desired to fight. You know I joined your army with that as my aim! But you made me a healer instead despite the fact that I'm a stronger fighter compared to most of your generals. I'm not going to back down on this. I have already showed you my end of the bargain, it's your turn to keep your promise and grant my wish." She looked so deadly serious as she uttered those words, so serious that she looked very intimidating.
Zanya observed the lord's reaction to her requests, and she was shocked that the lord was clenching his fist tight, and his jaw was gritting down on his teeth. 'Oh… interesting… I think you'll win this Rizah!' Zanya thought gleefully.
"Fine." Lord Cairus hissed out in utter displeasure. "Do whatever you want!"
And just like that, he disappeared into smoke while Rizah began jumping around in excitement. She even ran towards Zanya and hugged her.
"You heard that right? He said 'fine'!" she exclaimed, still jumping around excitedly. Her beautiful smile was plastered all over her face and she just looked so attractive when she was so happy like that. This woman looked intimidating when she was serious but when she smiles like this, she would turn into the sweetest and cutest looking goddess of the dark!
"Congratulations, Rizah!" Zanya told her, smiling back at the very first dark fae she had befriended.
"Yes, thank you! I can finally fight along with that dumbass lord of mine – opps!" she covered her mouth as she looked at Leon, giggling at her accidental blurting out of some not so appropriate words. "Purple… ah! Your lover!"
Rizah pointed at Leon with wide eyes as she enthusiastically bounced on the spot.
"Yes. I'm Zanya's lover." Leon said before Zanya could even say a word.
His introduction made both Zanya and Rizah fall speechless. Then Rizah pressed her lips tight to keep herself from bursting out into laughter. "Oh, nice to meet you, Zanya's lover." She teased but she could not hold back her laughter anymore when Leon did not even bother to correct her and just nodded saying, "thank you. Nice to meet you Zanya's… friend?"
"Oh, yes. I'm Zanya's friend." Rizah just laughed again but changed the topic all too soon, "Alright, I think I took up enough of your precious time. I'll bring you guys to the Great City then or at least until you have caught up with your comrades. It'd be quicker this way."
"Are you sure, Rizah?" Zanya asked. "Lord Cairus might look for you."
"It's fine. Didn't you hear? He said I can do whatever I want. And I'm going to be general now!" she grinned and then she grabbed Zanya and Leon's wrists without warning.
The next second, a screen of smoke swallowed them. They then materialized in a certain place and then disappeared again in the next second. Rizah did that for three more times until they finally caught up with the rest of the light faes.
"Oh, there they are." Rizah said as they caught sight of the light faes travelling through the air. "I'm going back now Zanya, or I might get scolded." Rizah chuckled and waved at them both.
"Be careful on your way back."
"Don't worry, monsters are very docile lately and most of them just disappear somewhere in the deep forest. Also, we will probably leave the camp soon and join the forces near the Abyss, so I think I'll go visit you in the Great City very soon."
And with that, Rizah disappeared, leaving Leon and Zanya standing there blinking at her sudden disappearance. Leon quickly held Zanya's hand and entwined his fingers with hers. "It's good to know you had found a new friend here." he commented as they began to walk.
"She's an interesting lady. Quite energetic too. She's actually the one who pestered me first." Zanya smiled as she remembered their first encounter. "And yes, she's really a beauty inside out and a really cool warrior too. You should've seen her fight. And now that she's going to be a general, I'm starting to imagine her being like some goddess of war. Also, she somehow just gives off a different vibe … unlike most of the other dark faes who are strong mostly because of their dark magic. Rizah is different. I could sense from within her, a raw kind of strength. That it wasn't all dark magic that she's got. It was like she has something more… You felt it too, right?" she looked at him as she paused, causing Leon to turn and face her.
"Hmm?" Leon blinked. "Par…don?"
"You're not listening…" Zanya narrowed her eyes at him.
Leon rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly. "Sorry. When you start talking about your friend, my mind just drifted away and started thinking about when we will be able to have another chance to be together like this again." he confessed to her honestly and Zanya immediately felt as though an invisible and fluffy arrow had pierced through her heart.
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