SPELLBOUND - Chapter 558 - Bow

Chapter 558 – Bow
Seeing that the space next to him was already empty, a long sigh escaped his mouth before he pulled himself up and sat on the bed. "I can't even kiss her," he complained sullenly but he rose and immediately left the room as well.
He had been with Gavriel the entire time he was 'asleep'. They were both busy going through the books, trying to find the answers about Evie's pregnancy and then talking about the bow that the queen had given to Evie yesterday.
With the help of the books, Gavriel had confidently concluded that Evie would not suffer the same fate as Queen Ellia. He managed to come to that conclusion because Evie did not get pregnant with the help of her partner's dark magic. She was able to conceive because of the power of the light magic that was present in that lake and most likely also due to the light magic that was being suppressed within herself.
The fact that none of the recorded symptoms happened to Evie proved that their conclusion was right. And their findings had made the both of them finally release that long sigh of great relief and grinned widely at each other, both looking proud that Evie was such a strong and powerful woman to defy the rules of dark magic and carve her very own fate without her even realizing that she was doing it.
Now they can finally relax about this matter and move on to the next problem. The golden bow and also about Evie's ever increasing powers.
When Gavriel brought this up to Gavrael, Gavrael remembered that he had found the bow accidentally after clearing up a spot that was once filled with monsters. After getting rid of many of those vicious creatures, he had found the golden bow half buried in the ground. It looked as though the bow had been there for countless of years and for some reason, Gavrael could not leave it alone. So he had taken it back with him and had tried to look for the matching arrows while fighting monsters to grow stronger. But he had failed to find any arrows until he left the Under Lands.
"Evie had a point. The bow might be trying to tell her something. Perhaps an answer on how to stop the tragedy she keeps seeing in her dreams," Gavriel had told him, "that's why I won't disagree anymore. It's not like she'll listen to me if I keep telling her no. However, I want you to be the one who's present when she holds the bow. Just in case something does happen."
And thus, here he was. Though Gavrael felt like Gavriel was sending him away so he could continue thinking, Gavrael did not bother to ask anymore, despite the curiosity and a tinge of suspicion that crossed his eyes. Whatever it was that Gavriel would need to think about, he was perfectly certain that it was for the better and that was enough for him.
Gavrael materialized in the hall where the bow was kept. As per Gavriel's instruction, he needed to check on the bow again before Evie touches it. He wanted to ensure that nothing bad will happen to Evie and Gavrael could not agree more with this plan.
So he approached the bow and picked it up. Seeing it up close made him remember the past and a small smile flashed across his handsome face. It felt like it had been hundreds of years since then, since he was just a boy aiming to kill more monsters and become stronger – stronger than anyone else in the Under Lands, so no one would ever look down on him anymore for being a halfling.
His magic swirled, like a snake made of pitch black smoke, crawling and circling the slim but intricate body of the bow up to its string.
When Gavrael felt that the bow was completely safe, he let out a soft sigh of relief and let go of it.
Meanwhile, after finally seeing Zanya and the rest of the light faes, Evie was so relieved that all of her people were here now and none of them were missing. After checking in on them, it seemed that everyone was alright. She had addressed everyone in the camp that the dark fae king had allocated to them and discussed with them about the troubles they may face soon.
Evie also informed them about her dream and explained to them the reason why they, the light faes, were not exempted from this war and why they had to take an active stance in this. This war that might break out very soon and it was not the just the war of the dark faes but theirs as well. She made the light faes understand why they were a part of this war as well and that they needed to work closely with the dark faes and the vampires to save not just the Under Lands but the entire continent of Lirea.
The light faes were stunned at everything they had heard but their queen's words made them immediately force aside whatever lingering resentment they still felt towards the dark faes. The idea that they were fighting one common enemy and that they have no choice right now made the acceptance easier. They were going to fight alongside them and work with them to save this entire land.
Seeing the positive reaction from the light faes, Evie smiled. She knew that her people would be able to understand so long as she explained properly and give them some time to take it all in. She wanted to remove all unnecessary resentment and doubts in their hearts so they could all focus themselves and fight with all that they have, and her plan worked.
"Well done, my queen. Terrific as always." Zanya praised Evie.
"Thank you." Evie replied then she spoke to Zirrus before she and Zanya left the camp to head into the palace.
The dark fae king and queen were already waiting for her and they all headed towards the hall where the bow was kept in. Evie had planned to wake her husband, but Queen Beatrice had informed her that Gav's already waiting in the hall. So all of them headed there without further delay.
Once everyone was gathered around the bow, Evie had Zanya take a look at it. Everyone stared at Zanya as she held the bow and her expression alone made them realise that she recognised and knew it.
"You've seen this bow before?" Evie asked and Zanya nodded, her green eyes wide with both wonder and disbelief.