SPELLBOUND - Chapter 570 - That Man

Chapter 570 – That Man
"I must not delay any longer to tell you about this. I… I saw the –"
Evie's eyes widened. She closed her lips then opened again to talk but no matter how hard she tried, no words seem to be able to proceed from her mouth. She tried again and when there was still no sound coming out, Evie gasped out in horror and shock.
"Evie –" Gav narrowed his eyes and was worried at Evie's increasing panic.
"Oh god! I can't… oh my god, I can't say it Gav!" Evie's was breathing hard, and her eyes were wide with alarm.
"The things you saw… you can't say them out loud even if you wanted to?" Gavriel was frowning, worrying again because Evie's starting to panic once again just after she had calmed down not too long ago.
"Yes. I'm trying to say something, but my voice is just not coming out. My mouth… I can't say it, Gav –"
"Shh… don't panic, love. It's alright. We'll think through this. Breathe love…" he coaxed her again and Evie listened to him.
She shut her eyes and took in a long deep breath. What was going on? Could it be that she was not allowed to say anything about what she had seen?
Suddenly, she opened her eyes. Magic appeared at the tip of her forefinger when she pointed it to a space. She started to move her hand to write what she wanted to say but then again, after just writing one letter, her hand stopped, and she could no longer move it. She tried it again and again, but the results were always the same.
Her eyes were wide and filled with utter disbelief now. There was only one explanation to this, all the memories she had seen was only for her eyes only and that she was not allowed to share it with anyone. No, she could not even tell no matter how much she wanted to and no matter what she did.
"I can't… Gav… what should we do now?" fat drops of tears started to flow from her eyes again and Gavriel hugged her tight. She could not help it. She was truly too upset, too frustrated and too scared now. Why? Why could she not say it?
She sobbed hard just calling out his name.
"Evie… listen… Evie!" Gavriel held her shoulders firmly and squeezed on it a little. "Look at me, love. Look at me."
When Evie was forced to look at him, he held her face. "Don't cry, please. Even if you can't say any of the information you saw… right now, the most important thing is we have one person here who knew everything that had happened and that is you… we will find a way to understand the things you can't say, Evie. Do you understand what I'm trying to say?"
Evie blinked and her sobbing slowly stopped.
"I don't need to hear everything to understand you, Evie. So please do not worry, I will try my best to help you with this." He said with reassurance. "Like right now… whatever you saw …" Gavriel's gaze became intent. "I know it has something to do with me. Am I right?"
Her eyes stretched a little as she brushed away her tears. "H-how…"
Gavriel smiled helplessly as he gently wiped her tears. "I told you, love. You don't need to tell me everything for me to understand. I can read you like a book as long as you don't try hard to mask your emotions from me. Because sometimes, you're such a good actor too especially when you're so quiet."
It was as if Gavriel's words were all that Evie needed to hear in order to make everything alright again. She eventually calmed down and stopped crying, causing Gavriel to sigh in relief. It truly has been a roller coaster of a ride with Evie's emotions after she awoke from her vision.
"I need to find… something… Gav." Evie uttered as she rested her head on his chest.
"Do you plan to look for the arrow?"
She pulled away instantly and looked at him in shock. How…?!
He smiled, "It's the bow that made you see whatever you saw so I guess it must be the arrow that you might be wanting now. And I am right." He did not even bother to state it in a question form, as if he was beyond certain about it.
Again, his words made Evie felt reassured and her worries and fears were now disappearing.
"I also want to find… people… a number of people." Evie said again. The dark faes she saw in her vision, especially the ones who were able to ride on her her dragons were dark faes she had never met before. Evie was also curious about that man. That dark fae who had stood next to her during that war. She had seen how powerful he was. She saw how he controlled Silver and the other dragons to clear the path for 'herself' to reach that inner most wall of darkness that enveloped Gav.
Evie just felt that finding and meeting these strong warriors could be the very first step that she needed to take. Because before she woke up, she had seen 'herself' saying thank you to that man and his warriors as they left after that war. Then she heard 'her' whisper as soon as he disappeared into a flurry of dark smoke, "I wished we knew back then that you weren't the real enemy. If only you became our ally sooner."
"Dark faes?" Gavriel brought Evie's focus back to reality.
"Yes. I want to meet all the strongest in the land." Her eyes shone with clear intent.
Gavriel leaned back, staring deeply at her. "Alright, love. We can ask the king to gather all the strongest dark faes so your search will be easier. Anything else?"
"What will you do if… if you know that a… a long, drawn-out war is coming?"