SPELLBOUND - Chapter 571 - Determination

Chapter 571 – Determination
Gavriel could not answer Evie's question because the King and Queen had come back with Zanya in tow. When Gav explained that Evie could not reveal any of the things that she had seen in her vision, everyone was shocked.
Evie had tried to tell it to them too. She even went to the extent of sending Gav out of the room for a while before trying to say something in the case where he was the reason why Evie could not say anything about her vision. However, no matter what she tried, all her attempts failed.
They could only conclude that the vision was meant to be known by Evie alone and no one else. Gavriel discussed the matter with the king on behalf of Evie and told him about Evie's wish. That she would like to gather all the strongest of the dark faes in the Under Lands.
The king looked at Evie with an intriguing glint in his eyes. It seemed as though he could understand where she was heading towards with this request.
"This must have something to do with her vision, father. So even though she can't explain to us in detail about the reason why, we need to do as she wishes. I believe if we go along with her plans like this, we'll eventually understand her message." Gavriel explained and the king immediately agreed, having guessed as much along the same lines of thought as his son had.
"Alright, I can do that. However, my dear daughter," the king looked at Evie again. "We can't be summoning them all here into the castle. Most of them are out there at the frontlines right now, carrying out the duties that had been assigned to them."
"That is not a problem. I will be going there instead, Father." Evie's quick response made Gavriel looked at her sideways. But he did not say anything to object to her statement. "It's alright… I… I think nothing will be happening any time soon. At least, not for now."
Everyone looked at each other while Gavriel just fixed his gaze on Evie.
King Belial's gaze then fell to his son and Gavriel, sensing his father's gaze, turned and nodded at him in agreement. The lack of hesitation in Gavriel's eyes made the king give in and told them that he would go to the front line first. He told them that he will be sending a go signal once he had made sure that everything is safe.
Without wasting a moment longer, Evie already began preparing herself. She knew that from now on, every second counted.
After a while, everyone was gathered on the veranda, looking down and waiting for the king's signal. Evie, Queen Beatrice, and Zanya were all dressed in their battle garments. Evie was draped with her protective white cloak.
The vampires were also with them now, including a few light faes that had joined them earlier.
Gavriel who was right next to Evie decided to switch over with Gavrael. Though he knew that approaching the Abyss was dangerous, for some reason, Gavriel could not feel the usual worry he always felt as soon as Evie had mentioned about her going near to the Abyss.
The feeling was somewhat strange, but when Evie reassured them that nothing will happen any time soon, he just strongly believed her and let go of his doubts and fears. Gavriel thought that it was maybe because of the look that he had seen reflected within Evie's eyes when she was stating her requests and when she said that seemingly simple opinion of hers. Something changed in Evie in that very short period of time. Her eyes had become incredibly focused now, as if there was only one thing that she was aiming for right now. That firm and determined glow that blazed in her amber orbs was the one that had convinced him without her further giving him any more verbal guarantees.
The intense determination she was exuding even right now as she was already preparing for a something great, was nearly overwhelming. Gavriel knew that the king and everyone had felt the same powerful determination it as well. It had swept through them as though strong wave had literally crashed over them. Most of all, Gav could feel that Evie had seen something unimaginable… the way that she had cried after waking from the vision, the agony and pain that he saw literally pouring out of her eyes when she woke up… she would not be crying, trembling and be in that much pain, if what she saw was the past like they had assumed. There must have been something else that she had seen in that vision. Something earth shattering.
When she had held onto him like she was afraid to let go of him even for a moment… as though she had just lost everything that was of meaning to her, and then the sheer determination and intensity her eyes exuded in the next moment as if she was now ready to fight against the world no matter what happens, Gavriel had swiftly concluded that she must have seen something that was to happen in the future. Her reactions had all pointed to that. And he also deduced all these things she wanted to do right now, would probably be her way of changing something or trying to stop whatever she had seen from happening.
He was not surprised at all because he knew about Evie's precognitive dreams, and he also knew that all her dreams would come true – only sooner or later. Though this might be different, Gavriel was confident that his conclusion was right. He could not deny that he was a bit uneasy for her, but for now, he was calmed by her words… that nothing would happen yet. He trusted that she would not try to hide or cover something when it concerns things so important in their future.
And by her saying that was a great news, at least they would be able to relax for a little for now. And thus, he decided to switch with Gavrael again. He would be more useful to Evie now since they were headed for the abyss.
And Gav wanted to analyse all his thoughts about what had been happening more. Especially on the matter of Evie's questions. He immediately thought that she was trying to tell him that this war would probably go on for years. If that was really the meaning behind her questions, then that would be something big. A long and drawn-out war… that was the worst kind of all wars.. Especially if it was against their current enemy.