SPELLBOUND - Chapter 582 - Quite Sure

Chapter 582 – Quite Sure
"When… when this is over… uhm… what the queen said," Vera was obviously struggling to express what she wanted to say so Gideon offered his hand to her across the table.
"Come here." he called to her fondly and Vera quickly took his hand and got up.
He watched her walk around the table without letting go of his hand. Then he pulled on her and made her sit on his lap.
Gideon wrapped his arms around her waist before allowing his chin to rest on her shoulders. "You don't need to hold back when talking about my family, Vera. It's alright. Just take a deep breath and say what you want." He lovingly whispered, encouraging her to speak her mind.
Vera calmed down a little. She had also thought about this matter in the past few days that they have been here. Gideon was a prince. She was not that ignorant to the point that she could not understand that the dark faes definitely also have their own politically related problems.
When she heard Queen Beatrice mentioning about the word 'wedding', she could not help but continue thinking about it. The queen had said it like there would not be any problems at all. But… will it really go smoothly if the dark faes finds out that their prince was not only going to marry a human but also one which is not of royal blood?
"I'm just thinking about what the Queen had told me earlier on before our mating ceremony." Vera managed to speak calmly this time.
"About the wedding?" Gideon hazarded a guess. He knew his queen mother.
When she nodded, Gideon craned his head and looked at her.
"What's there to worry about it? Are you nervous?"
"Well… of course… I… and your people. I'm worried what if they will not be able to accept you marrying a human." Vera muttered in a small voice.
He smiled and Vera almost forgot what she was about to say next.
"We're already bound Vera. No one can separate us anymore. We're basically already wedded but the wedding ceremony is the formality to our mating ceremony. Once they hear that you are my mate, no one would dare talk anymore. The dark faes are aware that no one can go against the mating bond as they know very well of the consequences of rejecting it. So don't worry about it. And there is even less to worry about the other dark faes… I will not allow anyone to bully you. Never. I promise you that."
Vera smiled back at him, and Gideon was relieved that she looked relieved as well. Gideon could not tell Vera about her past life as of yet. That morning he had actually planned to tell her. But for some reason, Gideon just could not make himself say it out. Because a thought had come to him that perhaps telling her about it might confuse her and he was worried that she might not react positively to it. Therefore, Gideon did not want to ruin this moment between them, and he ended up not saying anything for now.
He thought that maybe this was still not the right time yet for her to know or perhaps, she just was not meant to learn about it anymore. After all, it is all in the past. Gideon was actually alright about just keeping it to himself. Whether she knows about it or not does not and will not change anything anyway. The last thing he wanted to do was to confuse her of who she was. Worse is, she might even get the idea that he only wanted her because of who she was in her past life and not for her as herself now.
Even though he badly wanted her to accept his offer already, he also ended up postponing that matter as well. He decided to make her finalise on this once this sexual frenzy was over. When she was no longer distracted by their sexual desire, she would be more level-headed to think and finally make a decision.
Gideon also planned to tell her more about the danger looming in their land and make her understand more about the power that he wields. He planned to show her literally, even the Abyss of Darkness, once they were able to leave this house. Their sweet moments in this place had made him calm down a little and not push her too much.
And he felt that his decision was right. Because these past few days were truly heaven to them both. The kind of heaven he wanted to stay in maybe forever, if possible. Unfortunately, this will not last much longer and just once in his lifetime. So he was right not to speak of anything that could ruin the atmosphere.
Those things could wait until later. The world could wait. Besides, Gideon felt that this was about to end.
In fact, he could tell that tonight might be the last already. They were already a day longer than the average mating frenzy, but Gideon already had a hunch that tomorrow, the frenzy would be leaving them for good.
"Don't worry… the dark faes don't have the luxury of gossiping and doing silly things like poking their noses to the matters of the prince's bride right now. They're way too occupied about something else. Something more important." He continued.
"Something else?" Vera asked.
"Mmhmm… I will talk to you more about that tomorrow, Vera." Gideon said and then he suddenly lifted her up and made her face him. Straddling his lap now. "It's time for me to eat my dinner. I'm hungry."
"You just ate –"
"That was just an appetizer." He said then suddenly, he rose, carrying her in his strong arms. Then Vera felt him use his magic.
The next moment he put her down. On top of the table.
Vera blinked and her eyes flew wide open when he made her lie on the tabletop that was now emptied of their meal earlier.
"We didn't do it here yet, right my mate?" he said in a hoarse voice as his clothes disappeared while staring down at her. "Yes, I'm quite sure I have not eaten you here, yet. On this table." And his eyes blazed hungrily.
Congrats to the giveaway winners!
1. Toya Bravo
2. Kim_KL
3. Queen180026
4. Carolyn Tinneny
5. Angel Baldwin
Please send me your details through my email or through instagram.