SPELLBOUND - Chapter 586 - Most Important

Chapter 586 – Most Important
At the veranda where the family usually gathers to take their meals, Evie and Gavriel were still having their breakfast. The King and Queen were already done and had gone on to carry out their duties as Evie and Gavriel were late again that morning.
The reason was because last night, Gav slept like a log again and did not wake up until it was late in the morning.
"Are you sure you're alright, Gav?" Evie kept asking him. She was starting to be weirded out about Gav's sleeping condition lately that she even began to worry that the constant switches between her husband's two identities might be affecting his physical condition.
"Hmm? Do I look like I'm not fine, my love?" he asked her as he fed Evie with another slice of fruit.
Evie could only chew what he had offered first before swallowing and replied. "Well, you look alright but… you're not usually such a heavy sleeper. It's strange that you suddenly sleep so deeply and heavily like this." her brows frowned a little.
Gavriel's slate grey eyes stared straight into Evie's and just as Evie thought her husband was going to say something serious, he suddenly smirked and waggled his brows instead. "My love… I'm so sorry for neglecting you for the past few nights." His mischievous smirk as he licked his spoon made Evie's jaw drop open before she caught herself and half bit down on her lower lip.
"Look here, Gav… you…" she sputtered and did not manage to finish her statement.
He rose and bent over her, wiping the non-existent smudge of fruit juice at the corners of her plump and cherry red lips, making her stop talking. "Your husband didn't want to tire you out that's why every night, I was just trying to behave. I know your daily life is getting busier with all that many things you wanted to do get done as quickly as possible. But if… you want me to misbehave tonight…" he smiled wickedly as he stared at her lips intently, causing a fire to spark low in her belly. "Just say it… and I'll willingly serve you, my queen. You know I'd always love to do you all night if you were just to ask for it."
And Evie felt her ears suddenly turn very hot and her hands would have already grabbed onto his collar if a servant had not entered through the doors of the veranda to deliver the bottle of blood Gavriel had asked for.
Clearing her throat as Gavriel sat back down on his seat, Evie gulped down a few mouthfuls of water from her glass. She could not believe he was actually seducing her right here and now, while they were still eating breakfast outside. She almost lost control and grabbed him and kissed him on the spot. This naughty of husband of hers…
However, Evie did not quite buy into his reasoning though. She just felt that Gav could never keep his hands off her and sleep like a log just because of that. He must be keeping something from her. But for now, she would trust him and not question his actions.
"Are you going to stay at the camp all day again?" he then asked as he poured himself his drink.
"I'm not sure. Mother said that Gideon and Vera might arrive today since they had not arrived yesterday. I want to meet up with Vera as soon as they arrive too."
"I see…"
"How about you? Will you be switching again?"
Gavriel smiled at Evie as if he already knew what she was thinking.
"Don't worry, my love. I don't think my dark fae self will go after Gideon foolishly right the moment he arrives here."
Evie blinked and pursed her lips. "Are you sure?"
"Very sure. Now quickly finish up your breakfast, Evie. We will not leave unless you eat enough." He smiled sweetly as he said that, and Evie could only listen to him.
For some reason, Evie felt like Gav's mind was preoccupied about something else. Since she was very busy lately from the time that she had seen the future, there had been barely any time for them to sit down and leisurely chat with each other at all. Evie had wanted to speak with him last night, but he would drop off to sleep even before she could climb on the bed. And this was something she had found very strange.
Now she was certain that Gav was really up to something. And tonight, she was not going to let him sleep. They badly needed to talk, just the two of them alone again. She needed to try to tell him or find a way to try to communicate to him about what had happened to the two of them in the future.
She had actually thought of not going to the camp today and just remain back in the castle with Gav, but the king had said that he wanted to bring her to the abyss today and she was beyond thankful the king finally agreed.
The king said, the miasma was calmer today. So he thought that this was now a good enough time than any, for her to enter the abyss and see the core of it herself.
Evie found this matter very important, so she had to postpone her planned talk with Gav again.
"It seems you've yet to find everyone you have been looking for. Am I right?" Gav commented as they were now finishing their meal.
Evie's slightly helpless expression was enough of an answer for Gav.
"I have actually already found quite a number of them. But there's this one person, the most important one that I'm looking for… who is missing. I am planning to ask King Belial again if there had been still someone strong that he didn't invite to the camp." Evie replied, still puzzled and curious about that man whom she had seen in the future.
Gavriel nodded. Then he approached her and took her hand as if it was time for them to go now. He took her cloak and gently drew it around her.
"Don't worry. You'll definitely find that important person." He said as he tied her cloak. "By the way my love… this most important person you are looking for is… it's a female, right?"
Evie: ". . ."
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