SPELLBOUND - Chapter 588 - Priority

Chapter 588 – Priority
Back at the camp, Evie and Queen Beatrice could only help around in the camp while waiting for their husbands to return.
Since the day the dark faes accepted Evie's proposal, the camp had turned into one really busy place. The dark faes, light faes and vampires had already begun to share information with each other and teach each other as well.
Despite all the things that Evie had shared, Evie still could not see much change. Even the dragon riders were having quite a hard time. And the atmosphere of the army was still way too far from the kind of atmosphere Evie had wanted to see. In fact, it was like they were still at the very first level of a ten stage scale.
Evie had been a little anxious. But she kept telling herself that it was because it was still at a very early stage. She should not be expecting an instant progress when it had been just literally a couple of days that they had started this merging between the different races. She should try to be more patient because there was still time.
However, Evie also could not help but want to rush things along. She wanted to teach them everything that she knew and then make then turn into that formidable army she had seen in her vision as soon as possible. She could not help but want to hasten everything because there was still the matter about the arrow that she needed to find. She felt that it was another very important matter in determining the victory of this war.
There were just too many things that she needed to accomplish, and she honestly did not know which was the most important thing she must prioritize first.
At first, Evie thought that she must find the arrow first and foremost. But she already realized that the arrow could not be found here in the Under Lands. She was certain that she can only find the arrow on the surface where there was light.
When she saw herself drawing the power of the sun and created the arrow out of it, Evie had that sudden thought that the arrow must be a non-existent item and it was something that needed to be created. If that were the case, she needed to learn how to draw power from the sun and then make an arrow of light out of it. And she could only do that if she was at the surface where the sun is present, was it not?
She must be there at the surface where she could see the sun to even try to draw power from it. This was also one of the things that Evie wanted to discuss with Gav, if she could find the time and opportunity to do so.
But then, there was also this thing about what her future-self had said in her vision. Where she said that she should have listened to Gav when he had told her to leave the Under Lands. She thought that perhaps, she needed to wait for Gav to send her away and just listen to his instructions obediently? But when would he be doing that? When would he send her away? Would it be too late already by the time he asked her to go?
There were just too many things spinning about in Evie's head right now. Too many things she wanted to do and all at the same time.
Thankfully, her mind was able to withstand all this stimulation. She was surprised at herself on how she was still not mentally overwhelmed at this point. But she quickly reasoned out that it must have been because of how her will was just so much stronger now. And because of the fact that Gav and everyone else being around her who were supporting her the best they could, she was beyond thankful for that.
Right now, Evie wanted to just do everything that she could to make the army stronger and find all the men who she was looking for. And then she needed to deal with the matter about Vera and her ice dragons next.
After that, she and Gav could maybe go back to the surface and start dealing with the matter of the arrow and also both the human and vampires to be united in this war.
That was her plan for now. But that was if, her calculations were on point. That is only provided IF the war will not break out just yet.
"Do you have any more tips? Please give us more tricks, Queen Evielyn." Azrael was excitedly talking to Evie about the dragons. Lord Cadmus was also there because they were reporting to Evie about their progress in trying to tame the dragons by themselves.
And while Evie was busy with the dragon riders, Queen Beatrice on the other hand was talking to the other lords and generals about some other important matters.
"Your Majesty," a lord spoke to Queen Beatrice. "Do you know when will the Light Fae Queen reveal to us the identity of the ice dragon keeper that she was talking about? I am honestly bothered on why she could not already tell us who it is." The lord complained to the queen.
Queen Beatrice smiled graciously at the lord. "Do not worry, Lord Argus, Queen Evielyn will certainly reveal the identity of that person at the right time. Just be patient and wait."
The lord nodded reluctantly, and the disappointment was evident in his eyes once the queen was gone. Some of the lords were still a bit doubtful about the light fae queen, so they were still not giving their full trust and cooperation despite agreeing with the proposal. When the king had brought this up last night, the lords had promised that they will trust the light fae queen and cooperate without any question only when she finally revealed to them the identity of the ice dragon keeper she was talking about.
Of course, Evie was already aware of this issue and that was why she really could not wait for Vera to arrive now. She was honestly also looking forward to what will happen next once Vera finds out about this. Because she knew that Vera only thought of herself as a normal human being and there was nothing special about herself. Evie was excited just thinking about it.
And just as she was thinking about Vera, Queen Beatrice came up to her in a fast-paced walk and happily told her that Vera and Gideon had just arrived at the camp.
A/N: Hope this chapter isn't a mess, cause my mind is a mess right now. T^T
P..s thank you so much @Patty_PM for the magic castle.