Storms and Secrets - Page 100

“Yes, it does, and if you don’t leave now—”
His palm struck my face with a sharp sting. Shock reverberated through me as I clutched my cheek and staggered away.
He hit me. Preston had actually hit me.
I’d never been slapped before, by anyone. I didn’t know what to do, how to react. I just stood there in shocked silence, my heart hammering in my chest, one hand covering the side of my face.
“Get out.” It was so monotone, it didn’t even sound like my voice.
“Marigold, no. I’m so sorry. I overreacted.”
“Get. Out.”
“You don’t understand, I didn’t mean to.” His voice had lost all its edge. “I would never hurt you. I’m sorry.”
I lowered my hand enough to look at him. My cheek blazed with the heat of where he’d struck me and my stomach roiled with nausea. I didn’t want to cry in front of him, but tears gathered in my eyes. I couldn’t stop them.
“Get out of my house. Now.”
He pressed his lips together and, for a second, I thought he was going to keep arguing with me. My phone was in my purse and I’d have to get past him to reach it. Would he let me make a call? Certainly not.
If he didn’t leave, I was going to have to run out the back door. I’d go to a neighbor. Call the police.
In the time it took me to formulate my loose plan, he made his choice. His face was strangely pained as he took a few steps backward toward my front door.
“I’m so sorry,” he said, his voice soft. “I lost control for a second but it won’t happen again. I’ll make it up to you.”
He had part of that right. It wouldn’t happen again. I wouldn’t give him the chance, no matter how much of a sweet-talker he tried to be.
So I didn’t reply. Just stared at him, still holding my stinging cheek.
With another forlorn look at me, he turned and left, shutting the door behind him.
Tears streamed down my cheeks and my whole body started to shake. I darted to the door and locked it, grabbed my purse, and ran to my bedroom.
Then I did the only thing I could think to do. I called Zachary.
I woke to a weight on my chest, making it hard to breathe, and a face just inches from mine.
My nephew, Will, leaned harder into my chest, grinning at me.
“Hi kiddo,” I said, my voice strained. “I guess it’s morning.”
Annika and Levi lived around the corner from Marigold, so I’d crashed on their couch for the night, just to be closer to her. I’d stayed in my truck for hours after Preston left, watching over her well into the night before deciding I might as well get some sleep. It didn’t seem like he’d come back. And if he did, I wouldn’t be far.
Will giggled and dropped his weight on top of me. Thankfully, his foot missed my junk, but only just. And the force on my full bladder was not comfortable.
“Okay, my dude, time to get off Uncle Z.” I picked him up and turned him so I could pretend to bench press him a few times. “There we go, time for a morning workout.”
He laughed hysterically and his twin sisters came running into the living room.
“Mom said not to wake him up,” Emma scolded.
Juliet seemed to take her little brother’s side. She jumped up and down with her arms overhead. “He’s awake! Now we can play!”