Storms and Secrets - Page 101

Annika peeked her head through the doorway. “Sorry, Z. I tried to hold them off for as long as I could.”
“That’s okay. As long as he doesn’t jump on my nuts, I’ll be fine.”
Emma gasped. “Uncle Z, you can’t say that.”
“Say what? Nuts?”
Juliet clapped a hand over her mouth and giggled.
“Nuts! Nuts! Nuts!” Will yelled. “Uncle Z has nuts!”
“Will has nuts!”
He rolled onto the floor then popped to his feet, still chanting about nuts, and ran into the other room.
Annika was definitely going to be pissed at me for that.
Oh well.
I got up and gave each of my nieces a quick kiss on top of their heads, then headed for the bathroom. When I came out, Emma had my phone in her outstretched hand.
“Someone called you,” she said.
“Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Nuts! Nuts! Nuts!” came Will’s voice from the other room. “Will has nuts!”
“Sorry, Annika,” I called, then checked my notifications.
I had a missed call from Marigold.
Oh shit.
My chest clenched. Something was wrong.
“Uncle Z has to go.” I gave Emma and Juliet another kiss on their heads. “Tell your mom and dad thanks for the couch.”
I shoved my feet in my shoes, grabbed my coat, and headed out the door. I was only a minute or two away, but I called her anyway.
“Zachary?” she answered.
She was crying. Damn it, why was she crying?
“I’m on my way. What happened?”
“Just please get here.”
A sense of panic rose. What had that asshole done to her? I’d kill him. I’d absolutely fucking kill him.
“I’m turning on your street. Thirty seconds, Mari. I’m almost there.”
“Is anyone in the driveway?”
“No, just your car.”
“Okay. I’ll come to the door.”