Storms and Secrets - Page 103

“In a minute.”
I tightened my arms around her. “Take your time.”
Her body relaxed against me and I closed my eyes for a moment, savoring the feel of her. I hated that this had happened, but I was so glad she’d called me. Warmth spread through my chest as I thought about that. When she’d needed someone, she’d called me.
That felt good.
After a while, she shifted and I let go so she could sit up. She dabbed beneath her eyes and her cheek didn’t look quite as red.
“I can just call the police,” she said. “We don’t have to bother Garrett specifically.”
“No, I’ll call him. He’d want me to.” I grabbed my phone and brought up his number. I didn’t always get along with my brother, but I trusted him.
“Yeah,” he answered.
“Can you come to Marigold’s house? She was assaulted this morning.”
“Oh, shit,” he said. “Does she need medical attention?”
“No, she’s okay. She’s at home and I’m with her.”
“Got it. Stay with her. I’m on my way.”
“I’m not going anywhere. See you when you get here.”
I ended the call.
She sniffed again. “Thank you.”
“Yeah, of course.”
I gently drew her close again and let her rest her head on my chest while we waited. Thankfully my ill-fated piercing site was healing well, but I was still glad she was on my right side.
It didn’t take long for Garrett to arrive. We saw him pull up in his police cruiser and come to the door. Marigold got up and let him in.
“Hey, Mari,” he said. “Z said you’re not injured, but can you confirm that?”
“I’m not injured. It was just a slap.” She pointed to her cheek.
“I see. Go ahead and walk me through it.”
She sat down next to me and I took her hand while she told Garrett the entire story. How she’d decided to end things with Preston and planned to do it in public, but he’d come over unannounced. I clenched my teeth as she described the tone of the conversation, how he’d refused to take no for an answer.
“And then he slapped me,” she said.
“What happened after that?” Garrett asked.
“He started apologizing. I told him to get out. I think I had to repeat it two or maybe three times. I don’t remember exactly. But he did leave.”
“You did the right thing in calling me,” he said. “I’m so glad he didn’t injure you seriously, but it’s still assault.”
“What’s going to happen now?” she asked.
“Please tell me you’re going to arrest that fucker,” I said. “Can I come when you do?”
“No,” he said, but there was amusement in his voice. Or maybe he just understood. “But yes, I’m going to arrest him. Any idea where he might be?”
Marigold shook her head. “I’m not sure. He’s building a house outside of town and he has a room at the Grand Peak.”