Storms and Secrets - Page 107

“He’s just worried about me since they haven’t found Preston yet.”
Her eyebrows lifted. “Just your best friend’s brother suddenly developing a chivalric streak?”
“It’s possible he also gave me the most brain-melting kiss I’ve ever experienced.”
“I knew it!”
Zachary lowered his magazine for a second, then seemed to decide we were fine and went back to reading.
“I knew it,” she said again, this time in a whisper. “I knew there was something going on between the two of you.”
“I’m still not entirely sure what’s happening.”
“What are you worried about? He’s obviously crazy about you.”
“I just feel like everything has been such a roller coaster lately.”
“Isn’t that the truth. Speaking of Preston, I need to tell my husband to dump that job. No way is my man working for a guy who’ll hit a woman.” She took out her phone and started typing with a wicked grin. “I bet a day or two from now, Preston won’t be able to find a subcontractor in a fifty-mile radius. Good luck building your mansion, now, asshole.”
“Don’t feel like he has to quit on my account. I wouldn’t want you guys to struggle because of me.”
“Not at all. Jason is a smart guy and a good businessman. People like Preston might scoff at guys in the trades, but we do just fine.”
A walk-in arrived and I got up to take care of her. Zachary dozed off with his magazine on his chest. It was so endearing, I wanted to dart over there and kiss him all over his face.
I was grateful for the busy day, but by my last client, I felt the weight of not only my full schedule, but my awful morning. It wasn’t the typical tired feet at the end of a day feeling. I wanted to collapse into a little ball and possibly cry.
I held myself together while Zachary helped Stacey and I clean up for the day, but I could feel the knot of emotion growing in my chest. By the time we left the salon and got to my house, I thought I might crumble.
Zachary walked me in and I felt a twinge of panic. Despite how I’d felt earlier about him coming to work with me, now I didn’t want him to go.
“Are you okay?” he asked, brushing my hair back from my face.
I nodded but tears welled up in my eyes. “It’s just been a very long day.”
He drew me against him and wrapped his arms around me. Although my emotions still threatened to overwhelm me, his steady presence kept me calm.
I felt safe and secure in a way I’d never experienced before.
“Will you stay?” I whispered.
His arms tightened around me. “I’ll only leave if you make me.”
My body relaxed and the knot of chaotic feelings eased.
We were both hungry, so we ordered from one of the few places in Tilikum that delivered, Home Slice Pizza. After dinner, we curled up on the couch together. Garrett texted with a final update for the day—Preston was definitely not in town and they hadn’t yet located him. But I didn’t let it get to me. They’d find him. And in the meantime, Zachary was here and he wasn’t going anywhere.
My eyes grew heavy and I found myself almost falling asleep against his chest.
“Do you want to go to bed?” he asked.
“I probably should. I can barely stay awake.”
He kissed my head and we got up off the couch. I showed him the extra toiletries I kept in the guest room, in case he wanted to shower or brush his teeth, and went to my bathroom to get ready for bed. When I came out, he was waiting in the doorway to my bedroom, leaning casually against the door frame.
“Do you want me in the guest room, or…”
The way he trailed off made it clear where he wanted to sleep. And who was I kidding? I wanted him close.