Storms and Secrets - Page 94

I’d get Marigold away from him. Even if it ruined any chance I had left of being with her. She might hate me when this was over, but it would be worth it to protect her.
Zachary the troublemaker was back in business. And he was going to be relentless.
The darkness outside seemed ominous as Preston and I drove through town. I’d thought about canceling. Give myself time to think things through. But I’d decided to keep our date. Audrey had said to trust my instincts, and she was right. I felt like I needed to see him again to cut through all the mental clutter and confused feelings.
If tonight felt right, I’d know. And if not, I could go from there.
He looked impeccable, as always. Full suit, well groomed. He glanced at me, a subtle smile playing on his lips. There was heat in that look. Desire.
It made my heartbeat quicken. Was that anticipation, or something else?
He’d gotten tickets to a musical adaptation of my favorite book of all time, Pride and Prejudice. The helicopter ride and luxurious dinner in Seattle had been extravagant and exciting, but this was close to perfection. He knew I loved to read and how much this story meant to me. I didn’t know if this was something he’d enjoy himself, so it showed a willingness to do things I liked. That was certainly a mark in his favor.
I’d been to shows at the theater at Tilikum College before, usually with Annika and Isabelle. It was charming and intimate, with rows of plush seating, a good-sized stage, and not a bad seat in the house. Preston led me in with his hand on the small of my back. Nights were getting chillier, so I’d chosen a sweater dress and tall boots. Clouds blotted out the stars but cheerful lights leading to the front of the building welcomed theatergoers in out of the cold.
The lobby was crowded with people. I waved to Mrs. Leary, who’d been my client since I’d first opened my salon. Mayor Bill was there along with his wife, as were Sheriff Jack Cordero and his wife, Naomi.
Preston slipped his hand around my waist and pulled me closer. His touch almost made me flinch. I glanced at him but he wasn’t looking at me. His dispassionate gaze was on the crowd around us, but it was impossible to tell what he was thinking.
The doors to the theater opened and people lined up to take their seats. Preston didn’t seem to notice the line. Or maybe he didn’t care. He pressed forward, leading me toward the usher taking tickets. No one complained, but I felt my cheeks warm with mild embarrassment. We could have waited an extra minute or two. It wasn’t as if we were late.
It was such an odd contrast to his usual manners. But when I thought about it, his gentlemanly gestures were always directed at me, not other people. I’d never seen him be overtly rude, but he didn’t go out of his way to be gracious to others either.
Our seats were several rows back from the stage, roughly in the middle. We sat and people began filling in the spaces around us.
Preston took out his phone and his brow furrowed, as if something was bothering him.
“Is everything all right?” I asked.
He nodded. “Just work issues.”
I folded my hands in my lap and let my attention wander. Naturally the stage curtains were closed, but I could see the shadows of the crew’s feet as they walked around, prepping things for the opening act. The hum of conversation grew as people took their seats and I wondered if the show was sold out.
I was about to try to make conversation with Preston while we waited for the show to begin, but someone at the entrance to our row caught my eye. I’d only seen him for a second, in my peripheral vision, but it had looked like Zachary.
No, it couldn’t have been.
I turned, but all I could see was a couple with their backs to me. They seemed to be talking to someone, but it couldn’t have been Zachary. Why would he be at the theater?
The man shook hands with whoever he was talking to, then he and the woman he was with headed toward the exit.
Zachary Haven stood at the entrance to our row, a triumphant smile on his face.
He was here.
My eyes widened as he sauntered toward me. If Preston was polished, Zachary was raw manliness. He’d combed his thick hair so it was off his forehead and the stubble on his square jaw was somehow both neat and rugged.
A few people stood so he could move past them. He smiled and thanked them, then turned his attention back to me. I could have sworn I saw an actual twinkle in his blue eyes.
A thrill ran through me and I had to press my lips together to keep from smiling. My stomach did a belly flop, my cheeks flushed, and my heart raced.
This was terrible. I was on a date with another man. But I couldn’t help it.
Zachary Haven had always left me breathless.