Storms and Secrets - Page 95

“Hi,” he said, lowering himself into the seat next to me. “Imagine running into you here.”
My eyes widened and I could feel the tension snapping off Preston, the waves of his anger breaking over me.
“What are you doing here?” My voice came out as an embarrassing squeak. Then I noticed what he was wearing. A suit, but there was something sparkly on the lapel, catching the light. “And what are you wearing?”
He glanced down at himself. “A suit?”
“Are those sequins?”
“Oh, yeah.” He smoothed down the lapels. “My mom dressed it up for that masquerade we all went to. I guess I haven’t worn it since.”
“But why are you here?”
His eyes flicked past me, toward Preston. I didn’t even have to look to know Preston was seething. “I could make something up about what a funny coincidence it is that my seat is right next to yours, but I won’t lie to you. I paid the couple sitting here double their ticket value to give up their seats so I could sit next to you.”
I had no idea what to say to that.
“You need to leave,” Preston said, his voice low.
“Yeah, I’m not going to do that.” Zachary leaned back in his chair with an air of casual confidence. “You’re welcome to try to make me, but Sheriff Jack is sitting right over there and somehow I don’t think you want to give the local sheriff a reason to notice you.”
I let my eyes move to Preston. His features twisted with rage. Something about his expression made my stomach turn. I wouldn’t have blamed him for being annoyed with Zachary, but this was something else. The pure hatred in his eyes was disconcerting.
It felt like I was truly seeing him for the first time.
With a dismissive glare, he turned away, as if he’d decided Zachary was beneath his notice.
Zachary just kept grinning.
The overhead lights flashed, letting people know the show was about to begin. I leaned closer to Zachary and lowered my voice to a whisper. “You shouldn’t be here.”
“I know. I’m doing it anyway.”
“Because I don’t trust him. I want to tell you why but I don’t have proof. Yet.”
“What are you talking about?”
“I’ll explain later. The show’s about to start.”
I let out an exasperated breath. Preston turned toward me, but I kept my eyes forward.
This was so awkward.
And yet, somehow I felt calmer with Zachary sitting next to me. Which made no sense whatsoever. If he hadn’t been there, Preston wouldn’t have been angry. I wouldn’t have had any reason to feel uncomfortable. If anything, this was all Zachary’s fault. How could his mere presence make me feel better?
But it did.
The curtain opened and the director came out to introduce the production. Preston put his arm around the back of my chair and kept it there, like he was marking his territory. I couldn’t ignore the way I bristled at his nearness. I tucked that away for further reflection and kept watching the show.
The tension heightened during the intermission. Preston stood but made no move to go to the lobby to use the restroom or get us drinks. He crossed his arms, alternating between casting angry glares at Zachary and pretending he didn’t exist.
Zachary made small talk with me about the show, commenting on the actors and costumes, and asking me a few questions about the story. He seemed to ignore Preston, but I could tell he was aware of him.
I was just glad neither of them decided to pick a fight.