Storms and Secrets - Page 96

At the flash of lights, people began returning to the theater and Preston took his seat. When he put his arm around my shoulders and drew me closer, I shifted, giving myself a little more space.
The show continued and, despite the absurdity of the situation, I was able to enjoy the production. The musical adaptation was unique and charming and I found myself sighing and swooning in all the right places. The actors were so talented and the man playing Mr. Darcy was perfect.
At the end, the cast came out to a standing ovation. Preston stood and clapped with the rest of the audience, but he looked mildly disinterested. Or maybe he was just distracted. I wondered if he’d spent most of the show seething at Zachary.
Zachary, on the other hand, clapped with enthusiasm and whistled through his fingers.
A sense of dread stole over me as the curtain closed and the lights came on. Somehow I had to navigate my way through the lobby and outside with two men who might very well try to kill each other as soon as they had the chance.
Preston’s face was stony and he gripped my elbow as we made our way out of the theater. Zachary walked slightly ahead of us, his posture casual, hands in his pockets, as if he wasn’t the least bit concerned about anything.
Typical Zachary Haven.
Once we made it to the parking lot, Zachary stopped and turned to face me. “Mari, can I talk to you for a second?”
Preston’s grip tightened painfully around my arm. I snapped my gaze to his, making no attempt to hide the shock filling my expression.
Without a word, he loosened his hold, then turned a glare on Zachary.
I stepped away, the feel of his fingers pressed into my arm still lingering. Zachary moved back and, to my surprise, Preston didn’t close the distance as I followed him. I cast a glance over my shoulder and, although he looked like he was ready to explode with rage, he didn’t stop me.
“What are you doing?” I whispered. “Other than making my date absolutely furious.”
“I’m sorry about that. I really am.” He kept his voice low so Preston couldn’t hear. “But you need to know he’s dangerous.”
“Just because you don’t like him, that doesn’t make him dangerous.”
“I overheard some things he said and they weren’t good. I can explain more later.” His eyes flicked to Preston, then back to me. “This isn’t about me, Mari, I swear. This is about you. I haven’t given you any reason to trust me, but I know I’m right about this. He’s dangerous. Please be careful.”
I stared at him for a moment. The sincerity in his voice was disarming, validating something I already felt deep inside.
“Marigold, we need to go,” Preston said.
“Be careful,” Zachary said again. “And call me if you need anything.”
My back and shoulders tensed when I heard Preston’s footsteps behind me.
“We’re done.” He took my elbow in his hand again. “You need to get the fuck away from her.”
I braced myself for Zachary to charge in. If this was going to turn into a fight in the parking lot, I needed to get out of the way.
But Zachary didn’t lose his temper. No clenched jaw or balled fists. He regarded Preston calmly, no trace of his usual bravado.
“She’s smarter than you think,” he said. “And she’s going to figure you out.”
With one last glance at me, he turned and walked away.
Preston took a long breath and his grip on my arm tightened again.
I wrenched it away and swung around to face him. “Don’t grab me like that.”
For a second, his expression darkened with anger and a hint of fear swirled through me. But just as quickly, his features softened.
“I’m sorry.” He gently touched my arm where he’d held it. “I didn’t mean to hurt you.”
I nodded in acknowledgment of his apology. “I need you to take me home now.”
Did I imagine the flash of anger that once again darkened his features? It was gone so fast, I couldn’t be sure.