Summer Love - Page 56

“I don’t want you to say what isn’t real, what you’re not sure of.”
“Didn’t you feel it, the first time I kissed you?” When he saw the acknowledgment in her eyes, his grip tightened. He could feel her heart thundering, racing to match the rhythm of his own. “Somehow you’ve come back to me, and I to you. No more questions,” he said, before she could speak. “I need you tonight.”
It was real. She felt the truth and the knowledge when his mouth found hers. If it was wrong to go blindly into need, then she would pay whatever price was asked. She could no longer deny him… or herself.
There was no gentleness in the embrace. It was as it had been the first time, lovers reunited, a hunger finally quenched. All heat and light. She gave more than she’d known she had. Her mouth was as avid as his, as seeking. Her murmurs were as desperate. Her hands didn’t shake as they moved over him. They pressed, gripped, demanded. Greedy, she tugged the jacket from his shoulders.
Yes, he’d come back to her. If it was madness to believe it, then for tonight she’d be mad.
The taste of her, just the taste of her, was making his head swim and his blood boil. He nipped at her lip, then sucked until he heard her helpless whimper. He wanted her helpless. Something fierce and uncivilized inside him wanted her weak and pliant and defenseless. When she went limp in his arms he dived into her mouth and plundered. Her response tore at him, so sweet, so vulnerable, then suddenly so ardent.
Her hands, which had fluttered helplessly to her side, rose up again to pull at his shirt, to race under it to warmed flesh. She could only think of how right it felt to touch him, to press against him and wait for him to light new fires inside her.
With an oath, he swept her up into his arms and carried her to the bedroom.
The moon was waning and offered only the most delicate light. It fell in slants and shadows on the bed, dreamlike. But the vibrating of Rebecca’s pulse told her this was no dream. There was the scent of jasmine from the sprigs in the vase beside the bed. It was a scent she would always remember, just as she would remember how dark and deep were the color of his eyes.
Needful, desperate, they tumbled onto the bed.
He wanted to take care with her. She seemed so small, so fragile. He wanted to show her how completely she filled his heart. But his body was on fire, and she was already moving like a whirlwind beneath him.
His mouth was everywhere, making her shudder and arch and ache. Desires she’d never known sprang to life inside her and took control. Delirious, she obeyed them, reveled in them, then searched for more.
They rolled across the bed in a passionate war that would have two victors, touching, taking, discovering. Impatient, he peeled the dress from her, moaning as he found her breasts with his hands, his lips, his teeth. Unreasoning desire catapulted through him when he felt her soar.
Her body felt like a furnace, impossibly hot, impossibly strong. Sensations rammed into her, stealing her breath. Mindless and moaning, she writhed under him, open for any demand he might make, pulsing for any new knowledge he might offer.
Finally, finally, she knew what it was to love, to be loved, to be wanted beyond reason. Naked, she clung to him, awash in the power and the weakness, the glory and the terror.
He raced over her as if he already knew what would make her tremble, what would make her yearn. Never before had she been so aware, so in tune with another.
She made him feel like a god. He touched, and her skin vibrated under his hand. He tasted, and her flavor was like no other. She was moist, heated, and utterly willing. She seemed to explode beneath him, lost in pleasure, drugged by passion. No other woman had ever driven him so close to madness. Her head was thrown back, and one hand was flung out as her fingers dug into the sheets. Wanton, waiting, wild.
With her name on his lips, he drove into her. His breath caught. His mind spun. Her cry of pain and release echoed in his head, bringing him both triumph and guilt. His body went rigid as he fought to claw his way back. Then she seemed to close around him, body, heart, soul. As helpless as she, he crossed the line into madness and took her with him.
Chapter 9
Aftershocks of passion racked her. Stunned and confused, she lay in the shadowed light. Nothing had prepared her for this. No one had ever warned her that pleasure could be so huge or that need could be so jagged. If she had known… Rebecca closed her eyes and nearly laughed out loud. If she had known, she would have left everything behind years ago and searched the world for him.
Only him. She let out a quiet, calming sigh. Only him.
He was cursing himself, slowly, steadily, viciously. Innocent. Dear God. She’d been innocent, as fresh and untouched as spring, and he’d used her, hurt her, taken her.
Disgusted with himself, he sat up and reached for a cigar. He needed more than tobacco. He needed a drink, but he didn’t trust his legs to carry him.
The flick of his lighter sounded like a gunshot. For an instant his face, hardened by anger and self-loathing, was illuminated.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
Still floating on an ocean of pleasure, she blinked her eyes open. “What?”
“Damn it, Rebecca, why didn’t you tell me you hadn’t been with a man before? That this—that I was your first?”
There was an edge of accusation in his voice. For the first time, she realized she was naked. Her cheeks grew hot as she fumbled for the sheet. One moment there was glory; the next, shame. “I didn’t think of it.”
“Didn’t think of it?” His head whipped around. “Don’t you think I had a right to know? Do you think this would have happened if I had known?”
She shook her head. It was true that she hadn’t thought of it. It hadn’t mattered. He was the first, the last, the only. But now it occurred to her that a man like him might not want to make love with an inexperienced woman. “I’m sorry.” Her heart seemed to shrivel in her breast. “You said that you loved me, that you wanted me. The rest didn’t seem to matter.”