Take - Page 100

I grabbed his hair and yanked hard. He cursed in French.
I brought my knee up, but he deflected it, and we whirled.
“It’s no use,” he said. “I’m stronger, and you will die here.”
Arrogant asshole. Judo had taught me that getting the right leverage allowed a smaller, weaker person to overcome a bigger, stronger opponent.
This time, I managed to get a decent grip on his sleeve. I yanked and got him off balance.
We whirled again, and I shoved. He fell back on the floor, and I heard him grunt.
The door. I needed to find the door. I ran my hands along the wall as I hurried toward the front of the tomb.
Come on, come on.
There was no light anywhere. I knew if I didn’t get out, Auclair wouldn’t stop until he’d killed me.
A hand clenched on the back of my shirt. With a cry, I was yanked back.
He threw me to the floor, and I rolled. I hit my head against something hard and bit my lip. I felt blood in my hair, but I ignored it.
“You can’t escape me.” Auclair’s footsteps echoed in the darkness. “I’m going to choke the life out of you.”
No. My throat closed. I didn’t want to die.
I was going to tell Reath I was falling in love with him.
And that he did have a heart, and I wanted it.
I wanted to cook bad food for him, and sing in the shower as he smiled at me, and I wanted to wake up snuggled beside him every day.
I scrambled forward.
A heavy weight hit me on my back, and the air rushed out of me.
“There you are.” Auclair flipped me over.
His weight came down on top of me, and hands closed around my throat.
I bucked and clawed at his hands.
Dammit, it was so unfair that men were stronger than women.
He laughed. A creepy sound that echoed through the crypt.
It hurt. I felt the pressure on my throat and I couldn’t breathe.
Hell, no. A huge burst of energy fueled by fear, rage, and love hit me.
I was seeing Reath again. Whatever it took.
I tried to find some calm. Think, Frankie. My judo training came back to me.
I had to break his hold.
With one of my legs, I shoved at one of his, curling mine around it. I pushed until I could slide my arm around his to get a decent grip.
Then I shoved.