Take - Page 101

Auclair cursed, overbalancing to the side. The grip on my neck loosened, and I gasped for air.
“You’ll be dead before Fury finds you,” Auclair gritted out.
“Fuck you!”
A loud crash echoed through the crypt, then suddenly, Auclair was yanked off me.
A flashlight hit the floor and rolled.
I sat up touching my neck. The beam of light illuminated two men rolling on the floor.
I sucked in a breath.
Reath pinned Auclair and jabbed a punch into his gut. Auclair twisted and rammed an elbow into Reath’s chest. They rolled again, arms jabbing too fast for me to see what was going on.
“You should never have touched her,” Reath clipped out.
With a lithe roll, Reath pinned Auclair to the floor and punched him in the face. He followed with more blows. Hard, relentless punches.
“You don’t get to take her, you don’t get to hurt her.” Reath growled.
Auclair’s face was covered in blood.
I crawled closer. Reath’s face looked savage in the dim light.
“Reath,” I said.
His head jerked up.
“Enough,” I murmured.
His hand clenched on Auclair’s shirt for a second, then he dropped the man and moved toward me.
Then I was in his arms.
“Thank God.” He pulled me closer, his arms tight.
I clung to him and buried my face in his neck.
“Frankie.” His voice cracked. He dropped to the floor, holding me close. Then he rocked me, one hand pushing my tangled hair off my face.
“I’m okay,” I said shakily.
“I was afraid I’d be too late.”
“I knew you’d be searching for me. I held on.” I glanced at the groaning man nearby. “And I got a few of my own hits in.”
“I found your pin.”
I smiled. “I tried to leave you some clues.”
Suddenly, I saw movement behind Reath in the darkness. Auclair reared up and staggered to his feet.
Reath swiveled, snapped an arm out. I didn’t see where the gun had come from.