Take - Page 99

In the beam from the flashlight, I saw something glint on the ground.
Crouching, I snatched the object up.
My lungs locked. It was Frankie’s lucky pin. The winking monkey looked back at me.
My fingers curled around it. She’d left me another clue.
“That’s my girl.” I touched my earpiece. “Guys, I found Frankie’s pin. Noah, Linc, focus in on my current location. Search for any possible crypts in this area.”
I heard tapping keys. “Looking now,” Noah said.
“Nothing’s coming up with Auclair’s name,” Linc said.
“Check his wife’s name.”
“Okay.” Noah cursed. “Nothing comes up for Maurelle.”
“Wait,” I said. “Check her maiden name.”
“There’s one!” Excitement cut through Noah’s voice. “A crypt for a Deschamps family.”
My instincts flared to life. I had no rational reason to believe it was the spot, but I knew.
“That’s it. Where?”
“Fifty feet from your location,” Noah replied. “Head west.”
I spun and ran.
The darkness thickened. The crypts blurred as I picked up speed.
I had to get to Frankie.
I couldn’t imagine my life without her now.
“You’re getting close, Reath,” Noah said.
That’s when I heard a muffled shout.
I spun.
My flashlight fell on the engraved name on a large crypt. Deschamps.
I charged forward and wrenched the door open.
“You’ll be dead before Fury finds you.” Auclair’s voice echoed from deeper in the tomb.
“Fuck you!” Frankie cried, her voice hoarse.
I raced inside.
Itried to grab Auclair and throw him off balance, but in the dark, it was too hard.
He rammed into me again, and we hit the wall. I felt a sharp pain as something dug into my side.