Temptation Trails - Page 136

“We’re talking about the same person, right? Matt?” My head spun and Garrett nodded. “I don’t know. On the one hand, it kind of fits. The way he looked at me today made me wonder if he’s more than just a true crime enthusiast. But on the other hand, unless he’s hiding some serious thief skills, he doesn’t seem like the type who could break into someone’s house without getting caught.”
“I agree, that’s hard to imagine. But you never know.”
“Maybe his awkward exterior is just a ruse.”
“Honestly, it’s possible. I’ve seen stranger things.”
I put my hands on my churning stomach. “I don’t like any of this.”
He stood and gathered me in his arms. “I’m not going to let anything happen to you. I swear.”
I took a deep breath, breathing him in. I believed him. But he couldn’t stand guard over me all the time—couldn’t always be there. And if this was someone’s idea of a practical joke, it certainly wasn’t funny.
But the alternatives were so much worse.
Harper shifted in her sleep and made a soft noise in her throat. I’d been staring at the ceiling for who knows how long, a million things running through my head. It felt like answers were just out of reach, veiled by the haze of time. If I could put all the pieces together, I could not only catch a killer, I could keep my woman safe.
And nothing mattered more than that.
I’d pored over what we had on Jasmine, looking for any similarities to Harper. Nothing stood out. Jasmine had been shorter, with different skin tone and darker hair. She’d been a massage therapist, not a baker. She’d been younger, too. Only twenty-four when she was killed.
But did that mean anything?
I needed to convince the judge to grant a warrant for that root cellar. It might not lead anywhere, but the need to act—to make some kind of progress—consumed me.
Harper moved again and her brow furrowed slightly. She seemed restless. I shifted closer so I could kiss her forehead—soothe whatever was troubling her as she slept.
I could do this forever.
The thought came out of nowhere. But it was simply the truth. I didn’t want to lose her—couldn’t stand the thought. I wanted her next to me like this for the rest of my life.
No one was going to take her from me. No one.
I slid an arm around her waist and gently nudged her closer. She stirred, but didn’t wake, settling against me. Her body was warm and soft, her closeness easing the tension in my muscles.
She was mine.
My eyes started to drift closed. Maybe I was finally going to get some rest. I took a slow, deep breath, inhaling her scent.
A slight creak caught my attention and my eyes shot open. Had that been the floor? Or was it just the house settling?
So much for sleep. My senses were alert, the hit of adrenaline chasing away my fatigue. Maybe it was Owen, getting up to use the bathroom or get some water. I needed to check. I wouldn’t be able to relax until I was sure.
Reluctantly, I eased myself away from Harper’s warm body, slipped out of bed, and tugged on a pair of boxer briefs. If Owen was up, I didn’t want to traumatize him by walking out naked.
Then again, if someone was in the house, there was nothing like coming face to face with a big, naked cop who came from lumberjack stock.
Harper was still asleep, so I grabbed my firearm, crept out of the bedroom, and quietly shut the door behind me. My eyes were already adjusted to the darkness and there was a small nightlight in the hall, a holdover from when Owen was younger and had frequently found his way into my room at night.
Owen’s door was closed, so I carefully turned the knob and peeked inside. He was in bed, sound asleep.
I shut the door and paused, listening. Nothing.
But I was still going to walk every inch of the house to make sure.