The Golden Line (Knotted 1) - Page 18

Sexual excitement faded into hopelessness, the change in her scent obvious to them both.
Wretched, Morgaine muttered, “I bet she’s sitting on my cot, right now, crying into my pillow. And unlike myself, I doubt she has eaten anything today. What has been done will destroy her, and there is nothing I can do but sit here and obey.”
“The Beta female was well compensated for her beautiful Omega offspring. She will never have to work again… might even have enough to tempt a settler of standing into taking her as wife. She could have more children, Beta children she could keep.”
Morgaine scoffed outright. “Alphas ruined her future long ago. No settler would have her. It was bad enough that one of you put me in her body, only for another Alpha to take me away. I was her everything… and you burned her face for protecting me from the same fate you forced on her.”
Narrowing his eyes, measuring her words, body language, and anger, Uriel grew unnervingly silent.
Angry over what had been done to her, what had been done to her mother, and that she had no way to fix any of it, Morgaine threw in his face, “You didn’t know? Is it against your code to use Beta women when you come to rob us?” Slinging the newest word in her vocabulary with spite, Morgaine grew mean. “You only mount Omegas?”
A measured answer was offered despite her outright rudeness. “If what you say is confirmed, the Alpha in question will face great penalties. Betas are protected—we assure they never suffer disease, hunger, or war. Alphas design, supply, and protect their Eden, and in exchange we take what’s owed.”
“Protect from what?” She pointed at him, all the unspent lust twisting into spite. “The only thing we have to fear is you.”
Her words set off the musk of Alpha anger. Gritting his teeth, Sergeant Uriel growled, “You have no idea the dangers in this universe. I cannot count the Alphas who have sacrificed their lives so you might flourish in peace. There is war even now, always war, that you, your mother, your people have all been shielded from. Be grateful, and consider why we take Omegas while they are still young. The love you feel for your mother was stolen. It was stolen from your future mate. It belongs to him alone, and he will help you learn that.”
“Then I hate him already.” Turning her head to dismiss the intruder, Morgaine made herself look at the lovers’ continued ecstasy, and ignored the feeling of more slick trickling down her leg.
Chapter 6
Wrinkling her nose, Morgaine went back to her silent rebellion. A night had passed in that unnatural room. There had been clear instructions on where and how to sleep. Any rest outside the nest would be considered insubordination.
They had left her little choice in the matter.
After supper, Sergeant Uriel had wrestled her out of her garment and left her naked in a shrieking pile on the floor.
“There is no shame in nudity, girl.” He stood over her, stern, huge, and less than impressed to see more tears. “You are beautiful. Your mate will take great joy in seeing you this way.”
Shins to the ground, forehead tucked to her knees, Morgaine kept her arms wrapped around her skull. She wouldn’t be moved, refused to let another male see her unclothed. Tucked into a ball of rage, phrases so unseemly she would have earned a slap even from her sweet mother vomited into the air.
“I cannot allow you to keep the dress and foster a misrepresentation of what to expect once bonded. You are here to learn.” He sounded so calm, so collected, that it enraged her all the more. “Neither Omega or Alpha sleep clothed when in their den. It’s unnatural.”
There was no getting through to the exhausted woman. “I hate you all! GET OUT!”
The lecture continued as if she were sitting prim before him, not in the midst of a meltdown at his feet. “Many Omegas find it more comfortable to remain unclothed the first few years once mated. Not only is it practical, it is considered an act of affection to preen for their Alpha.”
Her screams turned to silent seething.
“You will sleep now. In the nest. You will burrow and use the furs for warmth.” When she refused to move, the grainy nature of his words rolled ominously, and the sergeant’s purr dried up. “If you refuse the comfort of your nest, the consequences will be severe and painful. I will not have you abuse yourself in an effort to be difficult.”
Sensing that he was reaching down, Morgaine used the last of her raw voice to hiss, “If you so much as lay a finger on me, I will bite you!”
“That is an unwise threat to level at an Alpha.” His hand settled between her shoulder blades, firmly planted when she flinched. “A bite from an Omega is something we enjoy. Though my mate would be jealous should I return to her with the marks of your teeth on my flesh.”
That was all it took, that small hint of mockery to bat aside the last of her slipping sanity.
Not even her teeth could threaten them. She had nothing. No possible way off their ship. No idea where in the universe she might be. She didn’t even grasp how the wall became a door.
It sank in slowly while she lay draped over her knees on the floor.
They could do whatever they wanted to her… and they were going to.
They were going to give her clothes only to take them away. They were going to use her hands for their pleasure. They were going to rape her.
No sudden rampage came with cold acceptance, no quickly flung out hand to claw his face. Morgaine only grew silent and still, staring forward and seeing nothing.
“Now, go to bed, Morgaine.”