The Hero She Deserves - Page 78

She thought she’d feel better, safer, being away from Maui, but she still had a low-level churn in her belly.
This wasn’t over. It wouldn’t be until Michael Reuben was arrested, and assassins weren’t trying to kill her anymore.
Parker came awake the same way Sawyer did. Asleep one minute, alert the next. “Anyone hungry?”
“Not me,” Sawyer said.
Hollis shook her head. Her stomach was too full of knots for her to be able to eat anything.
Soon, the plane started its descent. The sun was well and truly up now, and she had a clear view of the Bay and the city. As they came in to land, she caught a glimpse of the iconic red-orange metal of the Golden Gate Bridge.
Parker was eating the food he’d made in the galley. The smell of the breakfast wrap made her feel queasy.
They landed and taxied toward a small private terminal, right on the water’s edge. It was on the other side of the runway to the main terminal. Sawyer unbuckled his belt, and she followed him off the jet.
When they came down the steps, she saw two black BMW X6 SUVs waiting for them, and several men and one woman standing beside them.
They all had the look of people who could take care of themselves.
Hollis picked out Vander straight away. He wore a blue suit and white shirt, with sunglasses hiding his eyes. That dangerous, intense vibe of his was even stronger in person.
She definitely didn’t ever want to be on Vander Norcross’ bad side.
“Vander.” Sawyer greeted the other man, and they shared a hug, slapping each other on the back.
“Parker,” Vander said.
Park gave Vander a chin lift, then they hugged as well.
Vander slid his sunglasses off and his dark eyes—that she now realized were actually dark blue—zeroed in on her.
“Hi,” she said.
“Nice to meet you in person, Hollis. My wife wants an autograph, by the way.”
A small laugh escaped her. “She can have as many autographs as she wants. I don’t know how to thank you for everything you’ve done.”
Vander cocked his head. “No thanks required. Now, our first priority is getting you back to Norcross Security.”
That’s when she turned her attention to the rest of his team. She realized that they were alert, and scanning around the area. Protecting them.
Protecting her.
She swallowed. “I’m safe here, right? No one knows I’m here?”
“I’m not a man who takes chances,” Vander said.
Both Sawyer and Park made a sound.
Vander shook his head. “Fine, I only take chances when I know I can win.” He turned and looked at his team. “Hollis, this is my second in command, Saxon Buchanan.”
The blond man smiled at her. “A pleasure, Hollis.”
“And this is my brother, Rhys,” Vander said.
The dark-haired man shot her a charming smile. With his handsome face and tousled dark hair, he looked like a rockstar. “Love your movies.”