The Hero She Deserves - Page 86

“A team attacked the apartment. They cut off power to the building and jammed the phones. We just made it out.”
Vander cursed.
“We’re okay. They’re Russian, Vander. It has to be Reuben.”
“He’s still in the wind and the FBI is pissed.” Vander cursed again. “How the fuck did he find you?”
“No idea.”
“We’ll work that out later. Okay, I’m on my way. Stay where you are.”
Hollis tugged on Sawyer’s shirt. “Sawyer.”
Her tone made him look up.
At the end of the block, several men rounded the corner of the building. They spotted them and started in their direction. They were just dark shadows, but they were big and moved like they had military training.
“Fuck, Vander, we have company. Track the location of my phone. We’ll be on the move.”
“I’m coming.” There was a promise in his voice.
Vander had never once let Sawyer down.
He grabbed Hollis’s hand, and broke into a jog. “Park, ideas?”
“No good ones.”
Sawyer spotted an alley ahead. “There.”
They sprinted down the narrow alley, and into the darkness. They passed a dumpster that reeked of rotting food. Sawyer towed Hollis behind him.
“They’re coming.” Park’s voice was cool. He was in full battle mode.
“Oh, God.” There was no missing the fear in her voice.
“It’s okay, gorgeous. I’m not letting anyone touch you.”
“Here?” Park asked.
A nearby security light on one of the buildings offered a little bit of illumination. “Yeah. Like we did in Kamdesh?”
Park nodded.
Sawyer turned.
Hollis grabbed his arm. “Sawyer, we need to run?—”
A gunshot rang out, and Hollis muffled a scream.
He put his body in front of hers. Four armed thugs were heading toward them. A shorter, rotund man stood in the center of them. They stopped, then the man stepped forward.
Sawyer recognized Michael Reuben.
Hollis sucked in a breath.
“Be brave,” Sawyer whispered. “Trust me.”
She swallowed and nodded.