The Legacy System - Chapter 469 - 469: Escape & Price

Chapter 469 – 469: Escape & Price
"Hmph~! You seem like you want to run away young 'Chef'! Don't you understand that doing that will make you look even more suspicious now!"
Seeing that this was his moment, Doctor Huang couldn't let it go, especially since he even saw Colonel Cao in the audience.
"But you don't have to worry, after all brother Cao is here, and he is a Colonel of the army! I am sure that he will provide you with justice, and you don't have to run away due to the shame of losing!"
"Hahahahah~! Shame of losing? Trash, don't let your mouth run before your mind, you should check the results before announcing victory!"
What he didn't expect though, was that the damned cook would actually spout such poison from his mouth and angering him even more.
"You… Do you think that you will be able to leave this place alive today, after what you said!?"
"That doesn't matter right now, I just want to tell Li Saint that I thought he was an experienced and wise elder, but he turned to be nothing more than a foolish old man.
Endangering your own house due to the flimsy attitude, and ego of an uneducated trash! Just like some other people in here!
Just remember two things though, first tigers aren't born from cats, and second no one can stop me if I wish to leave!"
The moment that those words rang through the place, Li Saint had already jumped to attack the young Chef Chen, who just smirked at him in the face, and then ripped a piece of paper.
The next moment, a big and powerful booming sound was heard from the young Chef Chen's previous location, and a large cloud of dust and debris covered the place.
Gao Tianji, Doctor Huang, and surprisingly even Colonel Cao seemed to be extremely happy with the results, as they thought that the damn cook was dead.
The truth was that they didn't pay much attention to Eric's last words, as they didn't put him in their eyes, but the next moment they found out something strange.
There was no sight of the young Chef in the room, no sense of presence either. At first they thought that the old man had killed him, but the next one they heard him scream in anger and jump away.
Really soon they found out that there was no sign of the young Chef ever blocking the attack, or even actually hitting him.
There was no sign of the attack ever reaching him, so they couldn't help but get extremely shocked. Especially Colonel Cao who already knew the strength and power of the Li Saint.
He had attacked with the pressure and strength of a Realm 5 being, that even he as a Realm 4 one could only dream of evading.
Just how did that guy escape?
While everyone was shocked with what just happened, a kid from the Gao family seemed to have been startled awake, as he said in a lost voice,
"What a nice smell!"
The impact of that attack had actually forced open the lid of the pot that young Chef Chen had been working earlier, and a salivating aroma spread through the place.
Unconsciously everyone turned their attention towards that aroma and pot, and Doctor Huang wasn't an exception.
The moment that his gaze fell on the pot and seeing the aroma came from there, he couldn't help as a bad premonition appeared in his heart.
Unable to control his momentary curiosity, he pulled one of the servants of the house towards him, and then made a deep cut in his hand, and ordered him in a dominating tone,
"Drink this!"
The servant was too startled and shocked to even try to escape or go against that order as he drunk a bit of the potion young Chef Chen had prepared.
At this moment, even Li Saint appeared inside the room clearly enraged and pissed off with the situation.
Under the shocked eyes of the crowd, and Li Saint, the wound on the servants hand was closing and recovering in a visible rate, as Li Saint's and Doctor Huang's shocked whispers spread,
"How is this possible!?"
"40%! It's truly 40%"
Even with his secret weapon using previously bough potions, the purity of the potion he made could only reach 20-30% of the original potions.
Yet, the cook he had despised just a few moments ago, had managed to actually achieve 40% effect! How could he not be shocked, and even stupefied from this!
Forget about the bet, at that moment both of them felt extremely inferior to a young cook that was at least half their age.
As everyone was seemingly lost in whatever was happening in front of them, Cui Xie seemed to have had enough of this show as well, as he sighed aloud and said,
"Well it seems like it's impossible to talk about cooperation between each other at the moment, so I can only go for today!
I just hope that you don't regret the happenings of today Brother Jian, Madam Li, Saint Li!"
It was a bit surprising for people to hear Cui Xie direct his words specifically to the three of them, as that even managed to awaken the crowd from the stupor.
"Do you think that you can leave that easily after coming here in my Gao family, Brother Cui!?"
One didn't need to hear the voice to understand who was the man behind the words, and the crowd couldn't wait to see the reaction of Cui Xie, who seemed unconcerned in the least.
"Brother Jian surely knows how to jest! I would like to make it clear that I had nothing to do with whatever conspiracy you imagined right now, but even if I had, do you think you can stop me Brother Jian?"
Giving the guy a few minutes to get angrier and enraged, Cui Xie continued the moment he wanted to say something,
"Your family has already an enemy like the Ye family, and even the Cui's seemed to get a bit involved in this!
I am sure that you wouldn't want to add the Cao's in the mix as well, right!? After all, I think that Colonel Cao wouldn't sell me that easily, knowing my value!"
"Hahahahah~! Everything has a price in this world brother Cui! You…"
"Finally you said something intelligent for once Brother Jian, the problem with that is, my current value is way beyond what you possess, and imagine!
Am I wrong, Colonel Cao?
In fact, I think that even Doctor Huang wouldn't want to enter my bad books, knowing that I have the formula for the potion he just tried to imitate!"
The whole atmosphere changed at the venue, as even Doctor Huang couldn't help but shriek in surprise as he heard those words.
"Is that for real!?"
"Young Master Cui I think that you went a bit too far by exposing that fact!"
The information of the formulae was supposed to be a national secret, that not many people should know, so Colonel Cao couldn't help but get a bit angry at Cui Xie's play.
"A man has to do everything he can to save his own life Colonel Cao! I am sure that you understand this expression!"
Colonel Cao's face went a bit dark and gloomy but he didn't say anything, while Doctor Huang took the answer he needed.
"Young Master Cui tell me a price, I will buy those formulae from you, under any price!"
"Hahahahah~! Master Huang aren't you trying to make me put a price on my own lifeline!? I am sure that I don't look that stupid, do I!?
Furthermore, I am sure that Colonel Cao wouldn't agree to something like that! Thank you, but No thank you!"
"Don't worry I swear to provide you with full security and give 10 times the price that the country gives to you!
My Master is the medical Saint of the M country, I can assure you that no one will touch you as long as I say so!"
"The offer is certainly tempting Doctor Huang, but I still love my country, I have no intention of selling myself, and my soul to another place!"
"You… Are you sure about this!?"
"Yup, extremely so!"
"You are going to regret this!"
"Haiz~! I have heard these words too many times lately, just get in the line! Well if that is all for today, then I shall take my leave!
See you another time Brother Jian, Li Saint, Madam Li!"
It was clear that Cui Xie had no intention of giving the formula or staying longer in that place, as he just turned around to leave.
The people around him had been just extremely shocked at whatever they heard just now, they were unable to make much sense of this.
Amidst them, the one who seemed to be most shocked out of all that happened was Li Yao. Her happy mood had been totally destroyed.
How many times had she wanted to say something to defuse the situation, but the mental communication from her big sister and the Li Saint kept her down.
How many times had she wanted to testify for young Chef Chen and had been unable to, made her feel extremely down and battered inside her heart.
"Hahahaha~! You think that all that crap will stop me from crippling you today Cui Xie!? You are nothing more than a lousy fish in my chopping board!"
Saying those words Young Master Gao Jian jumped in attack towards Cui Xie, who just turned around calmly and looked at him as if he was watching an idiot.