The Return Of Rafe Mackade (The MacKade Brothers 1) - Page 3

On the edge of town, where the land began to climb and the trees to thicken, he saw a house. The old Barlow place. Dark, deserted and haunted, so it was said. It stood alone, unwanted, with a reputation that caused most of the townspeople to ignore it or eye it warily.
Just as they did Rafe MacKade.
Hell, Rafe, you going to be sick? Not concerned so much as apprehensive, Shane gripped his own door handle.
No. Pull over, damn it, Jared.
The minute the car stopped, Rafe was out and climbing the rocky slope. Brambles thick with thorns and summer growth tore at his jeans. He didn’t need to look behind or hear the curses and mutters to know that his brothers were following him.
He stood, looking up at three stories of local stone. Mined, he supposed, from the quarry a few miles out of town. Some of the windows were broken and boarded, and the double porches sagged like an old woman’s back. What had once been a lawn was overgrown with wild blackberries, thistles and witchgrass. A dead oak rose from it, gnarled and leafless.
But as the moon wheeled overhead and the breeze sang chants through the trees and tall grass, there was something compelling about the place. The way it stood two hundred years after its foundation had been laid. The way it continued to stand against time, weather and neglect. And most of all, he thought, the way it stood against the distrust and gossip of the town it overlooked.
Going to look for ghosts, Rafe? Shane stood beside him, eyes gleaming against the dark.
Remember when we spent the night there, on a dare? Absently Devin plucked a blade of grass, rolled it between bis fingers. Ten years ago, I guess it was. Jared snuck upstairs and started creaking doors. Shane wet his pants.
Hell I did.
Hell you didn’t.
This incited the predictable shoving match, which the older brothers ignored.
When are you leaving? Jared said quietly. He’d known it, saw it now in the way Rafe looked at the house, into it, beyond it.
Tonight. I’ve got to get away from here, Jare. Do something away from here. If I don’t, I’m going to be like Dolin. Maybe worse. Mom’s gone. She doesn’t need me anymore. Hell, she never needed anybody.
Got any idea where you’re going?
No. South, maybe. To start. He couldn’t take his eyes off the house. He would have sworn it was watching him, judging him. Waiting. I’ll send money when I can.
Though he felt as though someone were wrenching off one of his limbs, Jared merely shrugged. We’ll get by.
You have to finish law school. Mom wanted that. Rafe glanced behind, to where the shoving match had progressed to wrestling in the weeds. They’ll handle themselves okay once they figure out what they want.
Shane knows what he wants. The farm.
Yeah. With a thin smile, Rafe took out a cigarette. Go figure. Sell off some of the land, if you have to, but don’t let them take it. We have to keep what’s ours. Before it’s over, this town’s going to remember the MacKades meant something.
Rafe’s smile widened. For the first time in weeks, the gnawing ache inside him eased. His brothers were sitting on the ground, covered with dirt and scratches and laughing like loons.
He was going to remember them that way, he promised himself, just that way. The MacKades, holding together on rocky ground no one wanted.
Chapter 1
The bad boy was back. The town of Antietam was buzzing over it, passing fact, rumor and innuendo from one to another, the way the guests at a boardinghouse passed bowls of steaming stew.
It was a rich broth, spiced with scandal, sex and secrets. Rafe MacKade had come back after ten years.
Some said there would be trouble. Bound to be. Trouble hung around Rafe MacKade like a bell around a bull’s neck. Wasn’t it Rafe MacKade who’d decked the high school principal one spring morning and gotten himself expelled? Wasn’t it Rafe MacKade who’d wrecked his dead daddy’s Ford pickup before he was old enough to drive?
And surely it was Rafe MacKade who’d tossed a table—and that fool Manny Johnson—through the plate-glass window of Duff’s Tavern one hot summer night.
Now he’d come back, a-riding into town in some fancy sports car and parking, bold as you please, right in front of the sheriff’s office.