The Return Of Rafe Mackade (The MacKade Brothers 1) - Page 5

Real upstanding citizens, huh?
They were young, and always seemed angry at something. Rafe most of all. The night he left town, Rafe and Joe got into it over something. Rafe broke Joe’s nose and knocked out a couple of his teeth.
Really? Regan decided she might like this Rafe after all.
He was always looking for a fight, Rafe was. Their father died when they were kids. I’d have been about ten, she mused. Then their mama passed on, right before Rafe left town. She’d been sick nearly a year. That’s how things at the farm got so bad around then. Most people thought the MacKades would have to sell out, but they held on.
Well, three of them did.
Mmm… Cassie savored the coffee. It was so rare to have a moment just to sit. They were barely more than boys. Jared would have been right about twenty-three, and Rafe’s just ten months behind him. Dev-in’s about four years older than me, and Shane’s a year behind him.
Sounds like Mrs. MacKade was a busy woman.
She was wonderful. Strong. She held everything together, no matter how bad it got. I always admired her.
Sometimes you need to be strong to let things go, Regan murmured. She shook her head. She’d promised herself she wouldn’t push. So, what do you think he’s come back for?
I don’t know. They say he’s rich now. Made a pile buying land and houses and selling them again. He’s supposed to have a company and everything. MacKade. That’s what he calls it. Just MacKade. My mother always said he’d end up dead or in jail, but…
Her voice trailed off as she looked through the window. Oh, my, she murmured. Sharilyn was right.
He looks better than ever.
Curious, Regan turned her head just as the door jingled open. As black sheep went, she was forced to admit, this one was a prime specimen.
He shook snow from thick hair the color of coal dust and shrugged off a black leather bomber jacket that wasn’t meant for East Coast winters. Regan thought he had a warrior’s face—the little scar, the unshaven chin, the slightly crooked nose that kept that mouth-watering face from being too pretty.
His body looked hard as granite, and his eyes, sharp green, were no softer.
In worn flannel, torn jeans and scarred boots, he didn’t look rich and successful. But he sure looked dangerous.
It amused and pleased Rafe to see Ed’s place was so much the same. Those could be the same stools at the counter that he’d warmed his seat on as a child, anticipating a sundae or a fountain drink. Surely those were the same smells—grease, frying onions, the haze from Ed’s constant cigarettes, an undertone of pine cleaner.
He was sure Ed would be back in the kitchen, flipping burgers or stirring pots. And sure as hell that was old man Tidas snoring in the back booth while his coffee went cold. Just as he’d always done.
His eyes, cool, assessing, skimmed over the painfully white counter, with its clear-plastic-topped plates of pies and cakes, over the walls, with their black-and-white photos of Civil War battles, to a booth where two women sat over coffee.
He saw a stranger. An impressive one. Honey brown hair cut in a smooth chin-length swing that framed a face of soft curves and creamy skin. Long lashes over dark and coolly curious blue eyes. And a sassy little mole right at the corner of a full and unsmiling mouth.
Picture-perfect, he thought. Just like something cut out of a glossy magazine.
They studied each other, assessed each other as a man or woman might assess a particularly attractive trinket in a shop window. Then his gaze shifted to land on the fragile little blonde with the haunted eyes and the hesitant smile.
Son of a bitch. His grin flashed and upped the temperature by twenty degree. Little Cassie Connor.
Rafe. I heard you were back. The sound of her giggle as Rafe plucked her from the booth had Regan’s brow lifting. It was rare to hear Cassie laugh so freely.
Pretty as ever, he said, and kissed her full on the lips. Tell me you kicked that idiot out and left the path clear for me.
She eased back, always fearful of wagging tongues. I’ve got two kids now.
A boy and a girl. I heard. He tugged the strap of her bib apron, and thought with some concern that she’d lost too much weight. You’re still working here?
Yeah. Ed’s in the back.
I’ll go see her in a minute. Resting a hand casually on Cassie’s shoulder, he looked back at Regan. Who’s your pal?