The Rise of the Black Plain - Chapter 2762 Ambushes and Bounty Hunters

Chapter 2762 Ambushes and Bounty Hunters
From the middle to the end of the journey to the Eastern Mountain Range, the group had traveled smoothly under Abby’s leadership and Minos’ occasional advice. Now they were gradually approaching the area where they could already see mountains getting higher and higher, as was the terrain in this region of Uzira.
Given the conditions in the area, traveling by air was too dangerous, because of ambush points. Consequently, the group was traveling by land at the moment, traveling at a moderate speed, attentive to their surroundings.
“We have enemies ahead of us,” Minos alerted the group when he sensed an ambush about a kilometer from where they were now.
Everyone stopped at their leader’s warning before he instructed them on how to proceed. “Leger, you’ll be in charge of dealing with the two coming from the north. You’ll be able to deal with them. Abby, Gloria, and Ruth should attack the two coming from the south. The rest of you will deal with the rear and I’ll deal with the front.”
Minos took the lead, already knowing which way they should go.
The group moved, following his formation, and soon they crossed the space he had sensed enemies ahead.
When they saw Minos’ signal for the imminent movement of enemies, each of them prepared themselves when the first to attack, two men of level 116, attacked from the north.
Leger immediately moved, while the other opponents there to surround them missed the best moment to attack, being attacked instead of surprising their targets.
Minos paid no attention to his companions’ struggles, confident that they could deal with adversity. The most important thing for him was to deal with the enemy leader, who was out to get the heads of aliens like them.
The Uzira native with level 120 cultivation attacked toward the strongest of his target group that afternoon, that guy over 2 meters tall with six wings on his back.
But Minos surprised the enemy by attacking him, moving so fast that even this mid-level Supreme couldn’t keep up with his movements.
“What?” the man shouted in surprise as he appeared from past the last tree in his path.
After overcoming that tree, he saw the scene he hadn’t expected to witness that afternoon. His companions had all been put in check by having their attacks decisively countered by their targets.
But this man had no chance to grieve for his companions. Minos appeared in front of him and, with seraphim wings, cut him down, even though the man raised his defenses a moment before he was reached.
Something strange consumed the shield over his skin, weakening him against the terrible golden-eyed man staring at him with a smile.
“Shit…” This man realized he had chosen his opponents badly today.
He had always boasted of his ability to choose the right enemies on his journey. But today he found something beyond his reach.
Minos moved one of his hands and slashed at the man’s neck, cutting him so quickly that the shock of the enemy was still drawn on the man’s face as he slumped to the ground.
By then, Minos’ women had finished murdering the enemies they had been responsible for dealing with, while Leger had already finished his work. The Armhands Generals only had to deal with one opponent and won their fight even before Leger.
By then, Minos’ women had finished murdering the enemies they had been responsible for dealing with, while Leger had already finished his work. The Armhands Generals only had to deal with one opponent and won their fight even before Leger.
“Collect their belongings and let’s move on.” Minos said as he did the same as his companions would do in the next few seconds.
They moved on without hesitation after this slaughter, something that could happen again at any time.
Later, the group would stop to rest for a few minutes and eat amid the daily conversation they had been having during these days of travel.
But as they talked about the belongings of the enemies from earlier, exchanging resources and items with information from that group, Minos’ eyes lit up with a certain foreboding.
“Our first Recruits in Uzira are just ahead.” He pointed to the west with a stick, drawing the gazes of his companions in that direction.
“Ruth and Gloria, you two are going to rescue this trio for us. We’ll assist you from the shadows.” He stood up before setting off with the group, with only the two women visible to potential adversaries in the vicinity.
The two women dressed in high-ranking female armor moved in the direction Minos had indicated, soon hearing sounds of nearby combat. This time they hadn’t been ambushed, but a group of three alien men just outside the area.
At the sight of the three level 113 Sovereigns, now under attack from a group led by a level 117 Supreme, the two women quickly looked at each other and decided what to do.
Both were born warriors. Ruth had become an important support cultivator because of her regeneration abilities, but she had grown up a fighter. As for Gloria, she had showed just how strong she was during the tournament against the Stuarts siblings for the Hydra Amulet.
The two advanced as if they wanted nothing, not hiding their cultivations as they made their way through the vegetation and rocks in their path, arriving at a sloping area where the three aliens were in the last moments that their defenses would keep them safe.
The group of five Sovereigns and two Supremes, who were acting against those invaders from Uzira, sensed the two women from Minos.
The strongest of those men, level 116, looked at Ruth, the stronger of the two women, and his eyes grew larger. His interest shifted from the three Sovereigns to these women, who could yield him 30 times more resources than those three combined.
“Well, well, well, I didn’t expect that two beautiful ladies from outside the area would pass us by today…” this man said as he walked through the area as if he had no negative pretensions. “These ladies, are you lost? I can help you get to your destinations.” He smiled as he prepared something.
As soon as the man stopped talking, silver arrows of mercury formed from Gloria’s back, while Ruth disappeared, quickly appearing at the man’s left side, attacking him with a kick aimed at one of his flanks.
When the man tried to surprise Ruth with a well-prepared counter-attack, he was the one who was surprised.
He felt and saw his attack pass through Ruth’s body without reaching her!
Through the use of her ability capable of temporarily rendering her immaterial, Ruth passed through the man, appearing on his back.
At that moment, she solidified her body again and made her actual attack!