The Rise of the Black Plain - Chapter 2771 The Origin of the Drops of Hell

Chapter 2771 The Origin of the Drops of Hell
Upon returning to the Awakening Peak, Minos came across the same area where he had taken down the necromancer of the royal family that he had used the appearance to invade Cursed Rock.
As soon as they arrived there, Abby turned her attention toward the area covered by black clouds and a dark mist, from where she felt the same magical fluctuation that had caught Minos’ attention years ago.
“The Drops of Hell are in that direction.” She pointed in that direction, while Ruth and Gloria were careful not to touch anything in the surrounding area.
As Minos and Abby had already told her, this place had many plants and negative essences that would harm those who were not prepared to deal with their special characteristics. When in doubt, the two women should wait for Minos and Abby before doing anything more dubious in this area.
Minos saw the Nautilus’ Compass, for the first time in a long time, pointing in a different direction than the one he wanted to explore.
Frowning firmly, he said, “We’re going to have problems if we go that way. Big trouble. The kind we’ve never faced before.”
The three stopped where they were to look at him and hesitate. Minos had been too emphatic about saying that trouble was on the way.
“What do you foresee happening?”
Minos had to disappoint Gloria. “I’m sorry, but I can’t foresee anything else happening if we go down this road. Something’s blocking me.”
Ruth narrowed her eyes, not liking how that looked at all. “Are you saying that our future, just in this direction, is indecipherable?”
“Exactly. If we backtrack and go in any other direction, I’ll be able to predict our fates normally. Only this way I can’t.”
Minos’ voice only seemed to get deeper and deeper as he spoke, making the three worry about whether this was the right time for them to act.
“Maybe we should come back in a few more years?” Gloria asked sincerely. “We don’t have to prove anything here. We have no superiors to please and we’re not really under pressure from enemies. Fulfilling this mission now or in 50 years won’t make much difference.”
“No, that’s the annoying part of this situation.” Minos once again disappointed his women. “Something has changed in this place since the last time I came here. Back then, I was sure that entering the area would lead to benefits. Now, however, not only can I not predict the future, but I see darkness and risks to our lives if we retreat in any direction.”
He paused for a moment before looking suggestively at Gloria. “It’s as if something is consciously watching us. The moment we got here, our destinies were locked in and it’s blocking me from going deeper into what’s going to happen to us.”
“That’s sounding worse and worse.” Abby laughed bitterly at their situation. “Then we can only move on.”
“That seems to be the case. However, it means that we will most likely face some kind of 13th stage danger. Only something like that could block me like this.” He was honest with them.
Abby then frowned after the contemplative silence of her companions and said, “I think something’s calling me.”
“Yes, something. Actually, well, it’s not that it’s calling me, it’s more that it’s attracting me? Well, if I were a compass, then the north would be calling me.” She tried to explain her feeling to her three companions.
Minos clenched his fists and reinforced the silver flames on his women’s bodies, as well as their defensive and escape seals. He stepped forward and looked confidently at them.
“Let’s move on. The danger awaiting us may be great, but the opportunities we’ll have will be even greater if we succeed.”
The three agreed, with Ruth going in the middle of the group, Gloria further back and Abby next to Ruth, a little behind Minos.
They walked more and more slowly towards the area of dense darkness until they were covered in fog and could barely see over 3 meters away.
But before they knew their surroundings and what awaited them, the darkness worsened, becoming so strong that even seeing beyond the reach of their arms became impossible.
Ruth looked down and couldn’t see half her legs. Her feet, however, were still transmitting information, and she knew she was entering a muddy area.
“We’re in some kind of lake.” Minos said, and they listened quietly, but the sound still propagated through the surroundings and reach their ears.
“How far are we from your call, Abby?” he asked her, now feeling Abby holding his right shoulder, while Ruth held his left.
Gloria was holding Ruth’s right shoulder and Abby’s left, a little further back than those two.
“I feel like we still have to move three times the distance we’ve traveled here.” Abby estimated as best she could, given the absence of visual or even Spiritual information.
As well as not being able to see much of their surroundings and it getting worse as they moved, they could barely sense each other’s energy. Scanning their surroundings became essentially impossible.
Minos thought about spreading his seraphim wings and illuminating the surroundings, but it wasn’t so simple. With so much mist around, all he could do was make the surroundings less dark, but he still wouldn’t see clearly.
He then tried something more functional in his opinion, manipulating gravity, trying to pull the particles behind the fog away from him and his wives. But that failed too, making him narrow his eyes and feel challenged.
By moving one of his hands and merging his abilities, he created a small black hole, finally getting a different reaction from the previous ones.
As if aware, the dark mist enveloping them moved away from where Minos’ black hole was, instantly increasing the visual range of the four of them.
Minos and his wives found themselves enveloped by a dome of darkness as they stood on what looked like the shores of a lake of totally black liquid.
At the sight, Minos swallowed his saliva as he thought about how they could be in direct contact with that vicious essence capable of corrupting living beings and bringing the dead back to life.
Strangely, however, this essence was not influencing his group at the moment.
“Minos…” Abby drew her husband’s attention when she saw something appear not far from them, on the edge of the dome of darkness that was avoiding the black hole of Minos.