The Rise of the Black Plain - Chapter 2783 The Fourth Challenger, Time to Expand the Domains
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- Chapter 2783 The Fourth Challenger, Time to Expand the Domains

Chapter 2783 The Fourth Challenger, Time to Expand the Domains
A month after settling into the territory he had conquered after Astrirun’s death, Minos was reading in the palace library when he suddenly felt something enter his territory.
He looked south from where he was, feeling the strength of a level 122 Supreme.
‘Another one, huh?’ Minos asked himself as he closed the book he was holding, one of several he was currently studying.
Hell had its peculiarities. One of them was the information available almost as a natural right to domain owners like Minos.
Conquering the Throne of Hell was not just a contest that demanded power on the part of the cultivator. One needed understanding, understanding about the reality of Hell and its respective functions.
But this information was not passed down from master to disciple, as it would be anywhere in Minos’ universe. One had to conquer their domains and then study the books of their respective posts to understand the truth of Hell. Only after accomplishing this in at least 50% +1 of the ranks of this dimension could one achieve what was necessary to say actually vie for the Throne of Hell.
In other words, one would have to master a large part of Hell and eventually have the time to study the contents available in its domains in order to achieve the requirements of the ultimate goal of everyone in this dimension.
What Minos had learned under Qhava’s wings had been basic knowledge that one would understand even without having a mastery. Only by following the path he had started weeks ago could he complete the requirements of the infernal contest he was currently focused on.
This meant that the road ahead would be long if Minos was really going to compete for the position of Absolute owner of the Throne of Hell.
To get 50% +1 of Hell’s ranks, one would have to challenge and defeat several Devils!
But for the moment, he wasn’t worried about that kind of requirement. His focus was on the short term, on learning what he could and dealing with unwanted visitors.
The enemy approaching him at this moment was not the first to do so since Minos arrived at this post. He had faced three other opponents over the last month, two of them of the same power level as Astrirun and the last one of the same level as today’s opponent.
Minos made his way out of his castle while ordering his Guardians of Hell and undead to rise from their resting places and come to his command in front of the palace.
‘I think it’s time for me to travel through Hell again.’ He pondered in the middle of his way to yet another confrontation. ‘I’ve already killed three other territory holders. I can go out and claim the territories of the three and also the territory of this one who is coming to meet his death.’
He finally found himself outside his castle, still not seeing the enemy on the horizon, but clearly sensing the opponent’s position approaching this area.
As he already knew, just defeating the enemy wasn’t enough. He had to move into the territories that were now without owners and carry out the Soul Bleed. Only after going through something similar to what he had gone through in this area could he expand his domains.
‘I’ve spent these weeks focused on learning, but I can’t go on like this. I feel enemies are finding my position interesting and I may risk these ownerless territories. I’m going to deal with this individual today and move on to take possession of these domains.’ He made up his mind as he stopped in front of a group of more than 30 Hell creatures, creatures ranging from level 118 to 120.
Normally, the Hell creatures had levels similar to their master. This was also the case for their numbers. But Minos was a bit far from the norm because his spiritual foundation was so vast for someone of his level.
These beings waited in position near their master until the enemy appeared in a similar position to the one Minos had appeared in weeks ago.
At the sight of his opponent with even more black sigils on his body, a larger crown and a different shape than his own, Minos realized that this was the strongest of all those he had faced since the beginning of this journey.
The enemy also had more men on his side. The Hell beings glaring at Minos had cultivations at level 122 and totaled a battalion of over 60 individuals.
The black chariot in which the enemy was standing did not have a dark horse, but an extremely muscular and nefarious bull with horns as long as Minos’ forearm.
Minos didn’t wait for the enemy to announce anything. He raised his hand and indicated to his group to attack, while using his crown to control the area in order to strengthen his group and weaken the opponents.
The enemy did something similar by forcing his minions to move forward and attack Minos’ domain, standing still as he seemed to prepare a long-range move.
Minos moved, suddenly disappearing from his position, attacking against the creatures in his path, while making use of his basic combat strategy. Weaken his enemies and strengthen his minions!
But as he did so, black flames tried to consume his soul, bringing him face to face with a slightly more complicated position than he had faced so far.
‘Interesting. But I can master every form of energy!’ He continued, letting the enemy attack him through their own cultivation while he made his group stronger and stronger.
His minions rose on one to two levels, almost all of them reaching what was necessary to threaten the existences of the enemy’s level 122 creatures on their own.
As they were fighting within their own domain, even though they were still below the enemies’ level, these beings working for Minos demonstrated strengths equal to or superior to their opponents!
He did the same by outwitting the enemy’s clever move, reaching the vicinity of that carriage where the man was waiting for him alone.
“I hope you got a good domain of him for me. I’ll master it right after I kill you.”
“Kill me?” The creature brandished as he attacked Minos, forming tentacles that quickly cut their way through Minos’ body.
As these body parts were about to crush him, Minos smiled, speaking as these body parts showed cuts on various parts of himself. “Exactly. I’ll come and die and here you’ll be reincarnated.”
With Minos’ words, the Reincarnation Wheel materialized close to the man while he felt a tremor.
Souls like his weren’t usually threatened by these essences when they held their crowns.
However, by connecting his prophetic knowledge with this phenomenon, Minos changed the rules of the game a little by showing this man’s future to the Reincarnation Wheel.
“You’re already dead. You just don’t know it yet.”
Minos’ black sword appeared next to the man’s head, causing him to shudder a moment later when he realized the weapon was dangerously close to him.
“Now it’s over.” The sound of a falling body rang out, and the Reincarnation Wheel spun as it should, consuming that man’s soul.