The Rise of the Black Plain - Chapter 2790 Minos’ Wishes

Chapter 2790 Minos’ Wishes
Some time after Minos and his women found out about Abby’s situation, the rest of Qhava’s disciples arrived at her territory headquarters.
She explained the situation to everyone, giving even more details than she had given Minos earlier. Supposedly, Abby was on the hunt to increase her territories, hiding behind a huge horde of undead.
As much as finding a large group on the move seemed like a simple task, finding her would be difficult. Beside her horde there was always a dense darkness. Not by chance, even with several Devils looking for her, Abby was still alive.
This part of Abby’s current situation greatly interested Minos, Gloria, and Ruth, but not so much to Qhava. What interested this level 127 Devil was that other Devils, her competitors, were hunting Abby and, sooner or later, someone would find Minos’ wife. At that time, almost 2% of Hell’s territories would be free to be dominated. If one was quick, someone like her could quickly increase the size of her domains.
That’s what Qhava wanted right now. To move her troops into the vicinity of the domains now belonging to Abby and wait for her fall.
As Abby’s territory was large, almost as large as Qhava’s own, this level 127 Devil was going to send her disciples to conquer parts of Abby’s territory.
On the same day as the big meeting in the core of Qhava’s territory, the group gathered there was split up to conquer different areas of Hell. They hadn’t been together even two hours when Qhava ordered them to move on to fulfill the mission that could help her reach level 128.
Minos moved on with his group, not having to worry about having anyone unwanted by his side during this journey. He moved on to his designated area, taking only his women and subordinates with him.
A few weeks later, Minos was tagging along with his groups in the middle of a mountainous area of Hell, halfway to the start of Abby’s territory that they were tasked with taking for themselves.
According to Qhava, Abby had acquired a territory of over 2,000 Reincarnation Wheels. And the area they were going into had more than 30 Reincarnation Wheels, where their mission was to conquer at least half of them.
Minos was only pretending to do this. For now, he was going into such territory. When he first heard the size of Abby’s territory, he almost expressed the fact that he wasn’t totally controlled by his crown, as Qhava imagined he was. But he managed to keep his mask on.
Minos thought that Abby should have become a high level Supreme with so many Reincarnation Wheels in her domains. But that hadn’t happened, which puzzled him. Yet, even if that was a question he wanted to resolve, he was calm now. He was determined to find Abby before his enemies did and find out from her the actual situation she was in.
With the days that had passed since their departure from Qhava’s territory, he had come up with a plan.
Their idea was, instead of getting Abby’s territories, to get the territories of enemies near the area they were sent to. In particular, their aim was, in an alternative way, to get Qhava close to her advancement.
Minos felt that if he could get to level 121 by conquering new territories, that would be enough for Qhava to have her chance of promotion. By that time, they could have an opening to escape Hell for the time being!
They would find Abby and, through her crown, they intended to depart from this place back to Zocarro amid Qhava’s seclusion.
Minos didn’t know his wife’s exact situation, but he knew Abby’s mind very well, as well as remembering how she had been called before. He knew she was conscious and looking for them. Using their story with Abby, he intended to search for her as soon as they entered her territory.
Before, he hadn’t known where to look, so it had all seemed difficult for him to find her or any of the others. But now that he knew where her territory was, he was sure that she had left something behind that would enable him to reach her!
So, in the middle of another day of monotonous travel, Minos had a less anxious look on his face than he had at the start of the journey a few days ago. He was now feeling calmer and more confident in his plans while remaining vigilant.
‘Hang on a bit longer, Abby. I’ll find your trail and get our group back together. After that, we’ll go back to Zocarro to advance the guild’s mission.’
He thought as he stood in front of his carriage, controlling the Hellhounds running at high speed.
Hell held many opportunities for growth and was crucial to the functioning of the universes. There were things in Hell that Minos still wanted to learn and study. It was in his plans to return one day and officially close his story with Hell. But until that day came, he wanted to deal with his plans for Uzira. In particular, he didn’t want to live his entire existence in a place like Hell. His destination was still the Upper Realm!
Minos wanted to return to Uzira to take care of the guild’s affairs and go in search of another part of a True Celestial’s body. He wanted to deal with some enemies in Zocarro and hide from Qhava. And eventually, he wanted to complete his inheritance from Devdar and then have the power of decision and not the obligation to stay in one place.
Until then, he didn’t intend to accept Hell entirely just because of the various agreements he had about the ways of this place.
So he pressed on, eager to find Abby and do what he could to achieve his short-term aspirations.
Ruth and Gloria were a step behind him, both worried about their harem sister, but confident in their plans. The risks were great, but, by knowing Abby deeply, they had an advantage against their many Hell enemies!