The Werewolf's Vampire Mate - Chapter 609 - A True Family

Chapter 609 – A True Family
"You all are good, that is all that matters,'' I echo into the night. Having this phone call was a relief that I didn't even know I needed. It took a lot of convincing to get Darrien to go to the coven to pick Rex up. I knew they would need him and like I suggested before, they couldn't do it on their own.
"Yeah, we just have to stay here until this thing with the book and the ghosts are sorted out,'' Gyles breathes his explanation through the phone.
He sounds exhausted. I don't blame him. The plight he has been dealt is not for the faintest of hearts but I know that he will come out of this stronger.
"I have missed you?'' I manage because, in all honesty, Gyles is the one person in the pack that I get along with. He has become family in such a short amount of time and I don't want anything to happen to him. My hands hold Colm tighter as I feed him the bottle in my other hand.. He is asleep but somehow cranky tonight.
"Oh really, I thought you would be happy to be rid of me?'' he chuckles into the phone for the first time since he answered my call.
I laugh and this makes my baby shuffle, almost awake "Shit, you almost woke Colt up,'' I whisper in through my Airpods.
He laughs and I roll my eyes.
"How are the little ones?''
I look at my baby in my arms and I can't help but smile. They have become such a big part of my life that I can't even imagine the times I was living without them. All the uncertainties and worries that revolved around them once upon a time suddenly feel so distant. Like, when I even think about all the negative thoughts I had involving them. I hate myself even more. Now, I am just focused on them and all the good things they have brought to my life.
"They are great. A Pain in the butt at night but great otherwise,'' I joke playfully.
I don't even need sleep. So taking care of them is more of my responsibility than Beau as he is always busy with Alpha duties. It is not really even a debate because I love my children—more than life itself. This is something that I get joy from.
"Why are you not asleep?'' I ask him over the phone.
He sighs "I can't sleep in this place. I don't think I will ever be able to think about all the things that happened here.''
I understand and I can relate. There are monsters out there. People like Analise exist. Blue's mother deserved to die and I just hope that this is the last time we hear from her again. "You should try to get some shut eye. Don't want to be exhausted through the whole process."
I watch as colt finally falls back into a deep sleep. The door opens and a sleepy-eyed Beau walks into the room slowly. He reaches for the baby in my arms and I let him take him. I watch as he places him in his empty crib and then walks over to me.
"You should get some rest,'' he points out as he gets on his knees in front of me. I am seated on the rocking chair, so as he grabs my knees, the chair moves a little.
"I am not tired."
Vampires don't get tired. As long as we have blood, we can stay up for days. I have had a lot of blood and he knows that.
"The bed feels so empty without you, you know I hate sleeping alone,'' he pouts his lips and I can't help but smile at how adorable he gets with me. This is a side of Beau that no one else ever sees. Like he would act all tough and macho with the members but when it comes to me, he is a big baby.
I grab his hands in mine and he squeezes them softly "Come to bed,'' he whines, leaning closer to my face. I pull him up from the floor and his eyes stay fixed on mine. "You can't spend all your time with them and neglect me,'' he adds.
You see—big baby.
"Are you jealous of your own children?'' I ask him jokingly.
He nods his head immediately "Yes I am. I want you with me tonight. They are asleep. They don't need you right now." he closes his eyes and I use the opportunity to kiss him. He lets go of my hands and what was supposed to be a short kiss turns into more as he pulls me closer to him.
I don't even know what time it is but just a kiss from him is giving me so much energy "Come to bed,'' he whispers into my mouth. His voice is mesmerizing. I can't even resist him.
"Okay." I agree finally, checking the cribs one last time to make sure that they are asleep. Once we get to the room and on the bed, Beau pulls me into his arms tightly. There is a dreamy smile on his face. I love that he can get satisfaction from just holding me.
"We should bring their cribs into our room,'' Beau speaks up suddenly.
I slightly pull away from him with raised brows "Why?''
He shrugs "I don't know. Maybe if they are here, you wouldn't have any reason to leave me alone,'' he smiles.
I roll my eyes "I am here now.''
"Yeah but—"
I cut him off "You don't have to worry about anything. You don't have to be jealous. I am enough for the three of you.''
I am teasing him and he knows it from the smile on his face. He likes that I know how much he craves my presence and I crave his too but at the same time. Things are different now.
We have children now.
We are a true family.