The Werewolf's Vampire Mate - Chapter 613 - Perfection
Chapter 613 – Perfection
I look around me and the room I am in is unfamiliar. At first, I panic with a jolt up the bed. Rex's arm is around me, so he shifts in his sleep. It takes a minute for the night to register—for me to realize where I am.
I love you so much.
I will always love you both.
Blue's words echo in my mind. The way he looked at us. The way he looked at me. it is something I will never be able to forget for as long as I live. We had sex—all night and it was amazing.
Almost dying tends to make you appreciate the things you have. I have always been the kind of person to look around me and appreciate the little things. I have loved and I have been loved, I have also lost a lot but right now, I am content. More content than I have ever been in my life.
There is a lot in my life that I have had. I lost a family but in the end, I gained another. That doesn't often happen but it happened to me. I lost love and I gained two more. That says a lot.
Blue is on the other side of the bed. He is asleep. I haven't seen him sleep this deeply in a while. I don't blame him, I haven't been able to sleep for days, not as I need it but it feels good not to worry for a minute. I look around the room and the first thing I notice are the windows and the curtains flying because of the wind. The sound of the wind is soothing, calm, and without a care. The air is cool.
The room is dark but the night sky is bright. Slowly, I stand up from the bed and walk out to the balcony. I didn't even notice it was open when we came into the room. I didn't even notice anything but them.
The cold air hits me instantly and I walk out to the balcony. I only have my boxers on but I don't even have the mind to walk back to the room and get clothes. I want to feel the air, I want to feel everything that comes with being alive.
I am alive—we are alive and that is the best fucking thing right now.
"Hey," I hear Rex before I even notice him as he walks out to me. His glasses are on and he has my shirt on. There is a smile on his face—a dreamy expression that satisfies me completely. I stretch my hands out and he grabs them immediately. I pull him closer to me and his chest rests just a little bit on my stomach. He looks up and his eyes bore into mine.
I reach for the glasses and pull them over until they rest on his head "I want to look at you,'' I explain calmly.
"Do you like what you see,'' he blushes as the words leave his lops.
I nod immediately because he is a very beautiful man. The attraction is uncanny and unlike anything I have ever felt but at that moment, I am not even focused on his beauty. I am focused on the expression on his face. The smile that I see in his eyes. The pure contentment.
Instinctual, my hand reaches up to his face and I cup it gently. This makes him close his eyes slowly. Even with his eyes closed, he is still very beautiful. My heart quivers against my chest. How can one feel so much for someone? I am living my life for Blue and Rex. They are the only reasons why I am so happy to be alive. They are all that matters.
Blue's footsteps come through and I see him as he walks out to us. His eyes are sleepy but there is worry on his face. "I woke up and the bed was empty." He whines and this just widens the smile on my face.
We are all in this beautiful bubble together. The one where it is just us against the world.
"The view is beautiful," blue manages, slowly darting his eyes away from us. I look out to the night sky. I guess we all couldn't sleep. This is the first time in a while where we have the opportunity to sleep but we don't want to. I would rather just dwell in them for as long as I can.
"Everything is almost over,'' Rex speaks up. His voice travels into the night sky like a sweet melody that can't be contained. I feel everything he feels and more. I know what this means for us.
"Do we have to go back to that place?'' I ask with dread.
They both remain quiet and I know that this is something we both feel immensely. That place will always leave a sour taste in our mouths. There will always be that lingering memory that will come with it.
I wish we didn't have to go back but I know that we do. "I know. Me neither,'' Blue mutters and then he uses both hands to pull us together. his touch brings relief to me. makes me feel the bliss of just knowing that they are with me. "We have tomorrow since today is already over. let us focus on that and forget all the bad things.''
His words are deep.
There have been a lot of bad things but they are all in the past. Letting. Go of them will make us stronger—happier. I can't wait to be fully happy in my relationship.
"I love you both,''' I breathe those words of honesty and they feel the same way. even though they don't use words.
I will always love them.
I will always be grateful for the life I have been given.
The past, the present, will determine how beautiful my future is going to be, and fuck if I accept anything but perfection.