The Werewolf's Vampire Mate - Chapter 660 - The End Cont.

Chapter 660 – The End Cont.
It happens fast.
Father wakes Belis up first.
I watch as it happens because I have missed him. the moment my father's blood enters my brother's mouth. I watch as the veins around his eyes brighten and he shoots his eyes open. It is quick as it usually is. He sits up on the coffin and the heaviness that I have been feeling since we came here suddenly evaporates. I watch as they give him blood. Blood that he hasn't had in six years.
It is amazing that we are still alive even when we aren't.
Time stopped for him but it didn't for the rest of us.
We lived our lives, while he put a pause on his.
There is confusion in his eyes but father is vocal enough. He calms him down and explains what is happening. My eyes meet Belis and he stops at me for a second. I don't know what expression he is carrying right now but I feel at peace. I feel happy because our family is actually getting to that place where it feels complete again.
That is all I want.
That is all I look forward to.
Once Belis is calm and understands where he is, father does the same thing to Dru. Dru is my sister. She is the most supportive partner I have ever met. When all this was happening. When Belis needed the break, she took it with him, and now she is awake with him.
"Welcome back Bel, Dru,'' Father tells the two of them and even though I know there is a lot of time to have a conversation with Belis, I still want to say something.
"You have been missed,'' I manage in the quiet of the basement.
They both look at me and the sincerity pours out of my eyes. I have missed them; my kids have missed them.
"He wants to see you now,'' Eligio walks out of the room.
I am standing in the hallway. I guess I just want my turn to talk to him. I don't know how he feels about being awake but I will like to know if it was a rushed decision and he is not okay with it.
"Thank you,'' I walk into the room and he is seated on the bed. Drucilla is with Elu. She has always been close to her and I guess this is the time for them to catch up. they both haven't seen the kids even though I know Colm is eager to.
"Hello there,'' he smiles at me as I walk further into the room.
His room is exactly like it was the last time I was here with him. so much has changed but at the same time, it feels like nothing has changed. All those nights I would sneak out of the house when I was a newborn. All those nights that he would find me at some party. Those nights where I would have to beg him not to tell father.
We have spent years together.
We have lived as brothers and I have been an asshole for the majority of those times. I have changed completely and he really hasn't been there to see my growth.
"How does it feel to be a parent?'' he asks me with a smile on his face. I don't even sense an inkling of resentment.
He genuinely seems happy for me.
"How does it feel to be back?'' I go straight to the point.
I need to know how he feels.
I don't want him to go back.
"Six years, huh.''
I nod.
"It is such a short time in comparison to how long I have lived. Fuck I am so old.'
I laugh.
He laughs.
I still don't know how he feels.
"Are you hiding the little ones?''
I shake my head "I made sure to tell them about you. every single day for those six years.''
He looks at me "Why?"
"Because you are their uncle because they needed to know about you. they want to meet you.''
"Then let me meet them,'' he says seriously and that is a good sign.
He wants to meet them.
He wants to be here.
"Now?'' I ask.
He nods "Yes, I don't mind.''
I walk out of the room and go all the way to my room. Beau and Jabi are there with the kids. They all look up when I walk in. Beau watches me and I know he is trying to see if everything is okay.
I think everything is great but I don't say anything.
"Papa,'' Colin calls me as Colm runs over to me.
I take him in my arms and grab Colin as he walks over to me "Your uncle wants to see you. how excited are you to finally meet him?''
"Very,'' Colm shouts excitedly.
Beau nods as I walk out of the room and back to Belis's room. He smiles before I even enter with them. his eyes are fixed on their figures. "Okay, they are tall,'' he blurts out.
Colin hides his face in my legs.
He is always shy, so I am not even worried.
Belis stands up and walks over to us. Colm jumps out of my arms and I let him "Uncle Bel,'' he says quietly. He is shy but compared to his brother, it's very subtle.
"And you are…" he pauses.
"Colm,'' he answers.
I smile.
"Oh, what a beautiful name Colm. You know I imagined how you would look and you are a beautiful boy,'' he reaches for my boy and I watch him as he ruffles his hair playfully.
"Boys aren't beautiful,'' Colm argues.
Belis laughs "Oh anyone can be beautiful. You are as beautiful as your father. Both of you," he faces Colin and I watch as my other boy peeps at him shyly.
"Do you want to say hi to your uncle?" he asks.
Colin nods but still holds me tightly "Hi.''
"His name is Colin,'' Colm speaks up.
Belis smiles "Hi colin."
I watch as he stretches his hand out and I watch as my very shy baby reaches out for him and takes his hand.
I watch the loves of my life as they welcome Belis back and it feels right.
Everything is perfect.