The Werewolf's Vampire Mate - Chapter 664 - The New (The End)

Chapter 664 – The New (The End)
It ends and they are together.
I should feel excluded from this but I am so emotional right now just from watching them that it is enough for me.
Beau is with them.
The pain is behind us and that is all that matters to me.
That is all I care about.
"You know, this is the first of their kind, they are special and you should be proud,'' Alby tells me as I watch them as they embrace each other.
"I am,'' I tell him because that is genuinely how I feel about this.
God, we have come a long way.
It feels like a thousand years ago when I didn't even know what was in store for me. I wanted all this so badly. I didn't even know that this was what I wanted but I just wanted to stop being so alone. I wanted that special link that was destined for me.
I wanted what the people in my family had.
I wanted a companion to spend eternity with. I didn't want to be alone but I didn't want different.
I have always preferred to be in the shadows.
There was nothing normal about me. I mean, I am a supernatural being but I didn't want to shine, I just wanted to settle with the person I was supposed to be with. I knew that destiny was going to bring us together, I knew that I would find that person but never in a million years did I imagine that person to be Beau. he is more than anything I ever thought I would deserve.
He came into my life like a light and completely obliterated all the darkness that surrounded me.
He is the one that saved me from damnation.
He is everything to me and now he has given me the life that I never even thought I would even dream of.
I watch them.
They are beautiful, creatures of nature.
They are life itself and I am so proud to be part of this family. I know Colm from colin. I know when Colm walks over to me, with all fur. He is beautiful and he radiates love out of him.
So small.
My baby.
Beau is still with Colin.
Colm always wants to be around me more. he wants me to be part of that moment and I want to be also.
"Hey,'' I crouch to my knees as he nuzzles into me. His fur is soft and he smells just like he would as a human. His scent fills up my nostrils as I take him in. My son.
I hold him as he licks my face playfully.
A couple of minutes ago, they were in so much pain that I thought they would die, now, it is the past. That pain is gone and I can only feel the happiness that is pouring out of him.
Nothing else but this moment matters to him.
They might just be kids but they are strong.
They are the future of this pack and they are my babies.
"Come here,'' Beau tells me as I walk into the room. I put the kids to bed a couple of minutes ago and so many emotions are running through me.
I walk into his arms because there is no other place I would rather be. He is my home, the light of my life.
I rest my head in the crook of his neck as he breathes softly into me "Today huh,'' he asks me as he leads me into the bed.
I follow him because I just want to hold him.
I don't want the way I am feeling to end anytime soon and it seems like he doesn't want it to.
"They are growing so fast,'' I agree because this is all so overwhelming.
"We are going to watch them be their own people. I don't know if I am ready for that."
Every parent wants to watch their kids grow but I don't want them to grow as fast as they are growing.
"Yeah. I almost lost my head today. I didn't know I would be able to handle them in pain."
I smile.
He held it together.
He was strong and that is why I could control myself.
"I love you, Beau.'' I look up at him.
He smiles.
His eyes are on mine.
Fixed and it feels like the first time all over again. I can't count how many times I have told him those three words. we are at the point in our lives where we don't even need to say those words again.
We just know it.
"Why are you saying it like it is the end of our story?'' he asks with a smile. His hand reaches out to me and he brushes a strand of hair from my face. I close my eyes but just for a second and they are back open again, looking at him intensely.
"Our story can never end. Even when we die."
I tell him because that is how I feel.
This is THE love story.
There will never be any like this again and it will live on for the rest of our lives and the lives of others to come. Our journey will never end.
It is eternal.
"Hopefully not anytime soon," he laughs as he leans forward, resting his head on mine. My hands tremble as he holds me even tighter.
"You don't love me back,'' I play with him in question.
"Nope,'' he retorts jokingly.
I pull away from him but he is quick to grab me back and I don't even fight him. I want to stay in his arms for as long as I can. I want to keep registering his scent. I want to live in his orbit until we fully become one.
"Kiss me,'' he tells me, his gaze suddenly becoming intense.
I oblige immediately and our lips melt into one as my tongue pressed into his mouth. His heart is loud and the thumping presses into my chest as I hold unto him.
I have kissed Beau so many times.
I have made love with him numerous times but there is magic in our union. Magic that makes it a million times better.
Magic that scared me at first.
This might feel like the end of the story but it is just the start of a new chapter for us.
This is just the beginning.